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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Belgijanci odbijaju da ucestuju u bombardovanju: "stati na stranu pobunjenika i oslobadjati gradove nije deo naseg mandata", kaze glasnogovornik belgijske vojske za ovu operaciju i dodaje da "druge zemlje koalicije mozda imaju drugacije tumacenje".

Edited by Radagast
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Entuzijasti iz Bengazija usli u Adzdabiju ponovo. Naravno da im to nikad ne bi uspelo da nisu tri dana imali jaku podrsku sa neba.Gadafijeve jedinice koje su prosle nedelje jurnule na istok su pretprele teske gubitke narocito u opremi i tehnici.Deo se verovatno povukao nazad na zapad, a deo ka jugu ka malom gradicu Jalo (Jalu).Za to vreme Misrata docekala dan bez granatiranja, ali sa snajperskom vatrom.Libijskog PVO-a kao da ni nema.Spekulacija nikad vise.

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sirija, nikako da se smiri - novih 5 ubijenih.... a ni da se proširi na sever.
da se demantujem - 12toro poginulih u Dari. ja bih nekako stavio i ove uporne napore ovih dana iz Gaze da se izazove sranje- u ovaj folder 5.okt ME.deluje mi kao proxy naručen pokušaj da se destabilizuje trenutni odnos snaga, te da se sirijskoj javnosti skrene pažnja od situacije u zemlji. Haled Mašal direktno iz Damaska naredio . recimo.
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to se svakako moze uklopiti, npr. postoje razne nezvanicne informacije da izrael vrlo saucestvuje u pomoci gadafiju da preziv sto mozda pokazuje potrebu izraela da se mesa u nekom segmentu arapskog 5. oktobra.

Edited by Bane5
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ja se sećam da sam negde pročitao da mu je Sirija poslala tovar oružja, ali nebitno.evo ga, upravo - 2. proxy Sirije:

18:39Security sources: Seven Europeans kidnapped in Lebanon (Reuters)
oni se baš sad raspucali po jugu Izraela, a ovi (ne piše još koji) baš sad krenuli da kidnapuju.
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sirijska opozicija je dobrim delom i MB, sa kojima Hamas ima dobre odnose. tako da im nije u interesu da se mesaju na bilo koji nacin. svaka vlast u Siriji (sa ili bez Asada) bi imala dobre odnose sa Hamasom i Hezbalom, obzirom da bi svaka vlast zelela Golan natrag. realpolitik.sto se tice kidnapovanih... Hezbala bi lakse isprovocirao sa par raketnih napada, ovo mi ne deluje kao provokacija koja bi dovela do iole znacajnije izraelske reakcije. (estonski turisti su Izraelu koja rupa na svirali?)cui bono? rekao bih da je jedina strana koja trenutno ima jasan i izrazen interes u znacajnijoj eskalaciji u stvari Gadafi.

da se demantujem - 12toro poginulih u Dari. ja bih nekako stavio i ove uporne napore ovih dana iz Gaze da se izazove sranje- u ovaj folder 5.okt ME.
The current tensions began exactly a week ago when Israel launched an air attack on a Hamas base in the ruins of the settlement of Netzarim, killing two Hamas men. That attack came in response to a Qassam fired from Gaza that landed in an open area. Hamas then responded with a barrage of 50 mortars on communities south of the Gaza Strip. Israel delayed its response so as not to disrupt the Purim festivities in the Sderot area. But on Monday evening Israel launched a series of air attacks in which a number of Hamas militants were wounded. Things worsened yesterday afternoon. After a round of mortar fire on kibbutzim east of Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces fired its own mortars right back at the source of the firing - at the Sajaiyeh neighborhood east of Gaza City, killing four members of a family, including two children....Military officials said yesterday that Israel has no interest in an escalation, which echoed precisely Hamas' statements from the day before. Until the Sajaiyeh incident, it seemed that Hamas was again trying to enforce calm. Edited by Gandalf
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http://warincontext.org/2011/03/23/syrians-have-broken-the-fear-barrier/Some observers of the Libyan uprising, particularly those who now most vehemently oppose intervention, insist that Libya is a special case, really a civil war rather than a revolution — the implication being that if Gaddafi were to crush his opponents, then the wider Arab revolution would not suffer a major setback.Activists involved in the uprising that has now started in Syria indicate that, on the contrary, the fate of Libya has very much been in their minds. Fearing that a Gaddafi victory in Libya would make it more difficult to plead their case for revolution to the Syrian people, activists launched demonstrations this month, instead of allowing several more weeks for organization, as they had earlier intended. Edited by Gandalf
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Navodno, nounar je u Benghaziju:

Nearly 12 hours of allied air strikes have virtually wiped out Muammar Gaddafi's forces that were attacking the rebel-held town of Misrata and ended five days of bloody assault that cost nearly 100 lives. Mohammed Ali, an IT engineer at the town's main hospital, said that waves of air strikes which began shortly after midnight destroyed tanks and artillery that Gaddafi's army had been using to shell the heart of Misrata."The air strikes went on until 11.30 this morning. After that there was no shelling. We are very relieved. We are very grateful. We want to thank he world. The Gaddafi forces are scattered around. All that is left is the snipers and our fighters can take care of them," hesaid.Ali said that among the targets of the air strikes was a former hospital used by Gaddafi's army as a station for its tanks during its assault on Misrata. He said that the hospital was almost destroyed along with all the tanks during the coalition bombing attack. Ali said that the past five days of fighting left 94 people dead and more than 1,300 injured. About 60 civilians were among the dead, including whole families killed in their cars or homes.
Blame Canada:
1838: Canada has carried out its first bombing raids over Libya, AP reports. In the attack near the besieged city of Misrata, four CF-18 jets, supported by two refuelling aircraft, carried out two separate bombing runs, said deputy chief of air force staff Maj Gen Tom Lawson. The Canadian planes dropped four laser-guided bombs near the besieged city of Misrata on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.
Simpson je sad u Tripoliju. ohmy.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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1924: Pro-Gaddafi forces have resumed shelling the besieged city of Misrata, which is almost totally cut off. "Government tanks are closing in on Misrata hospital and shelling the area," a witness told Reuters by phone before the line was cut off.
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Izgleda da je veceras opet gadjan Gadafijev HQ i skloniste u Bab Aziziji.Takodje, Gadafijeve snage ne odustaju od Adzdabije pa se tamo prica nastavlja i dalje.Misrata se ponovo bombarduje.Upornost je, kazu, pola uspeha.Tragicno je sto se ta upornost dnevno placa velikim zrtvama.Kvalifikacija by USA official:

An attendee at a White House briefing explaining why the US backed military action as pro-Gaddafi forces moved in on Benghazi, quotes a senior Middle East adviser as saying: "We were looking at Srebrenica on steroids - the real or imminent possibility that up to 100,000 people could be massacred, and everyone would blame us for it."
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Svaka čast ljudima koji se bore protiv sumanutog diktatora neviđenom hrabrošću (Zintan juče, snimatelj je poginuo neposredno nakon ovog videa)

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izvestac koga je, zajedno sa dvojicom fotografa, zarobila pukovnikova vojska u subotu na putu od tobruka ka ajdabiji malopre kaze da se nikada u zivotu nije vise uplasio nego kad su ih zamaskirani momci izvukli iz kola. a covek od 1995 izvestava samo iz ratom zahvacenih podrucja.to je jedino sto je smeo da kaze jer je jedan od uslova oslobadjanja da se ne iznose detalji pritvora.jos uvek se ne zna sta ce biti sa aldzazirinom cetvorkom, koja je u pritvoru u tripoliju.

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jel kod njih problematično to što su Arapi, ili to što je AlĐaz katarska, ili sve navedeno?Ovo je super članak o sljedećem majstorskom potezu Pukovnika.kicker:

"We will talk to them, not use guns, to discuss their demands," said the Bani Walid doctor."Some are youths who want things but have been exploited. Do they want to divide the country? No, we will not agree to that. Do they want a constitution? The majority must agree. No one wants to replace Muammar Gaddafi. But the problem is a conspiracy against Libya."
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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rekla bih sve navedeno, jer je jedan britanac, drugi norvezanin, a dvojica arapa.nekako mi glupo da pominjem zlostavljanja novinara u ovoj situaciji, ali priznajem da molim svemoguceg da dobijem otkaz zbog krize.sad stiglo sa lica mesta

Residents fleeing Ajdabiya, a strategic eastern town south of rebel capital Benghazi, described shelling, gunfire and burning houses, while a reporter said a pall of smoke hung over the town and intermittent explosions were heard. A man driving a car with his panicked family on the coast road north of the city said they were too scared to stay. "We left because of the fighting. We were very scared; we cannot stay." Hamed al-Qabaili, also fleeing Ajdabiya, said Kadhafi forces "are firing Grad missiles at the houses," while fellow passenger Muftah al-Sheikh said that "very few people" stayed behind. "There is no electricity and no gas." Late on Wednesday Kadhafi forces using tanks pounded the only hospital in Misrata, which has been besieged by regime loyalists for weeks, a witness and a rebel spokesman said. "The situation here is very bad and very serious. The tanks are shelling the hospital and houses," said the spokesman. On Tuesday 17 people were killed by snipers and shelling in Misrata, a doctor said.
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