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covek nikad ranije nije jeo snikers, to je dovoljan razlog za revoluciju. a i koji ce ti q revolucija bez cokolade!? :D
Jebiga kada se zakacis ko Gadafi sa Svajcarcima pa zbog toga nema Lindta, dobar je i Snickers...
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hmm... vrlo interesantna vest. (neucesce UAE u Libiji nije neka vest, neslaganje oko Bahreina moze da bude vrlo interesantno.) http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/uae-will-not-deploy-to-libya-because-of-west-bahrain-policy

The UAE is not deploying military forces to Libya because of disagreements with the west over Bahrain, the former commander of the Air Force said yesterday.Maj Gen Khaled al Bu-Ainnain said the disagreement stems from a conviction in the Gulf that Iran is interfering in Bahrain’s affairs, and instigating protesters. He added that Bahrain’s security is a priority for the Gulf and the UAE. The Gulf countries are certain that Iran is involved in the protests in Bahrain, he said. “The GCC is supporting Bahrain, and they were not happy at all with the European and American attitude,” he said. “They think it’s a matter of a civil movement, a matter of democracy. It is much beyond it.”He continued: “What’s going on in Bahrain is much beyond our western allies to understand it. It is a complete conspiracy of the Iranians in the region.”
Edited by Gandalf
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some of the rebels have very new looking AK-47s today. Shiny and they are covering the muzzles to keep dust out #libya29 minutes ago via web
SALLUM, Egypt, March 22 (UNHCR) – Fighting in eastern Libya between pro-government and opposition forces has left thousands of Libyans internally displaced in recent days.Libyans arriving at Egypt's Sallum border crossing at the weekend said civilians had been seeking shelter with host families as well as in schools and university buildings. While more than 320,000 people have fled to neighbouring countries to escape the violence in Libya since mid-February, the number of internally displaced is not known. Most of those who have left have been from third countries; only one in eight have been Libyans.Fighting continues in some areas despite the imposition since Saturday of a United Nations-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya, which has seen daily air and missile strikes against military targets in the country. UNHCR talked to people who had seen civilians flee the towns of Ajdabiya, Benghazi, Derna and Tobruk.Providing humanitarian assistance to the displaced is very challenging, but UNHCR plans to send truckloads of aid tomorrow on a World Food Programme convoy to the opposition-held Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city. This will include 5,000 blankets and 5,000 sleeping mats. There are also reported shortages of medical supplies and basic commodities in the east, with prices having risen dramatically.Libyans arriving at Sallum told UNHCR that they feared reprisal attacks by pro-government supporters in eastern parts of the country. They said people were afraid to go out after four in the afternoon. Some have seen their homes completely destroyed.One man returned to Ajdabiya over the weekend to find four rockets had flattened his home, forcing him to once again seek refuge in Egypt. Mobile phone networks in eastern Libya have not been working since Thursday, fuelling fears and generating greater uncertainty.Libyans interviewed in Egypt after fleeing Benghazi estimated that up to 100,000 people had fled the city at the weekend. An engineeer, who drove to Egypt with his three children and a grandchild, said the journey east from Benghazi to Tobruk took 12 hours instead of the normal six because of the press of people offering shelter, food, gasoline and more to those on the road."What I saw was really something amazing," he said.Those fleeing their homes are mainly Libyans with families. Men insist they want to stay and fight against the forces of Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi. Hundreds of those crossing into Egypt have been put up in the Mediterranean seaport of Marsa Matrouh, some 220 kilometres east of Sallum. Others have travelled to Alexandria and Cairo.A group of Egyptian volunteers in Marsa Matrouh have been running convoys of aid, including food, clothes and medicine, to towns in eastern Libya in recent weeks. Cafés and bars in Marsa Matrouh have hung out banners welcoming their Libyan "brothers."Despite the population movements inside the country, there has been no major flood of people into Egypt, though UNHCR has been making contingency plans for an influx and building up a stockpile of aid inside Egypt.As of Monday, UNHCR staff were describing the border as being relatively quiet, with an estimated 400 cars arriving during the course of the day. Egyptian authorities told UNHCR that approximately 3,000 people crossed the border on Sunday including 1,560 Libyans and 1,344 Egyptians.Significant progress has been made with repatriation of third country nationals from the Egyptian border and by the end of yesterday only around 1,700 remained there. Of this number, around 270 are refugees and asylum-seekers, while more than 1,300 are Chadians awaiting onward transportation.The Egyptian army has set up communal tents to house Libyans who have arrived without proper documentation. UNHCR has offered to set up several portable warehouses in the border area to provide shelter for those waiting for onwards transport or other solutions.On Monday afternoon, a UNHCR-chartered cargo plane landed in Alexandria in Egypt carrying six portable warehouses, one vehicle and relief items, including plastic sheets, jerry cans, kitchen sets and sleeping mats from UNHCR's emergency stockpile in Dubai.Meanwhile on the Tunisian border UNHCR staff continue to hear distant gunfire inside Libya. Libyan pro-government supporters on Monday staged a show of support at the border. A number of new arrivals say they have faced intimidation and harassment at checkpoints between Tripoli and the Ras Adjir border crossing. Others have told UNHCR that they were able to leave Libya with little or no interference.The effort to repatriate people from the Choucha transit camp near the border continues, with the camp population now estimated at 4,700 people. Under an emergency evacuation programme, UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have run more than 260 flights to repatriate some 58,200 people from Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria since the start of March. Others have been repatriated by their governments.
Rat je skupa igra. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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pojavio se, blago je reci, jeziv snimak dela obuke (neka vrsta inicijacije) koju prolaze strani placenici koji dolaze u cuvenu khamisovu jedinicu.necu cak ni opisati sta ih teraju da rade.nakon toga me ne cudi ni trunka brutalnosti koju ispoljavaju u ovim borbama. definitivno se dejstvovalo oko misrate. da li ce to pomoci gradu, ne znam.

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neprovjerena informacija: Švabe napuštaju NATO pakt.


Germany is withdrawing ships and air crews in the Mediterranean Sea from various long-running Nato operations following the military alliance's decision to enforce a UN arms embargo on Libya, according to the Associated Press news agency.Berlin isn't participating in the operation to impose a no-fly zone in Libya and abstained on the U.N. resolution authorising it.Because of the risk of getting drawn in, the German defence ministry said today that Germany was putting two ships and two smaller boats with a total of some 550 sailors in the Mediterranean back under national command.It also is pulling out between 60 and 70 German airmen from Nato Awacs surveillance aircraft involved in Operation Active Endeavor, in which the alliance monitors and escorts shipping across the Mediterranean to deter terrorist activity.The German decision won't exactly please the governments of the UK, France and the US which have been trying to hammer out a deal to move the command of the Libyan operations on to a clearer command footing with Nato involvement.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Stipe je sve zabrinutiji ili to ipak nema veze sa prijateljstvom?

"To više nema veze sa zonom zabrane letenja, tu je očito reč o nečem drugom. Ovo ima sve manje smisla, ne zna se tačno ni tko komanduje, ni ko vodi akciju, ni šta su krajnji ciljevi. Ponavljam, ne bi bilo dobro da se rezolucija SB UN koristi kao pokriće za fizičku likvidaciju (Muamera) Gadafija", rekao je Mesic.
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pojavio se, blago je reci, jeziv snimak dela obuke (neka vrsta inicijacije) koju prolaze strani placenici koji dolaze u cuvenu khamisovu jedinicu.necu cak ni opisati sta ih teraju da rade.nakon toga me ne cudi ni trunka brutalnosti koju ispoljavaju u ovim borbama. definitivno se dejstvovalo oko misrate. da li ce to pomoci gradu, ne znam.
Prvo puste ove Gadafijeve da ih dobro izmrcvare, a onda se pojavljuju kao prijatelji spasioci.Koja su to...
prokleti Gadafi ni Snickers nije dao deci......
Ješće Snickers kad dobije stipendiju. Edited by angern
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Vrlo interesantan tekst u Spiegelu, definitivno.

On Liberation Square at the old courthouse, a declaration was issued on Monday that the "Ligan Thauria," the old revolutionary committees and supporters of Gadhafi, had 24 hours to hand over their weapons. If they didn't, they would be treated as what they were: murderers and enemies of the revolution. The term "enemies of the revolution" is familiar. It was used in the French Revolution to put old opponents under the guillotine. Gadhafi used those words himself after his own revolution. Monday's announcement was the first official declaration on this issue. Recent days have already shown how the rebels are dealing with the enemies of the current revolution. Homes were raided, neighbors dragged off, suspects executed. They were accused of being reactivated by Gadhafi, like al-Qaida activates sleeper cells.Many young academics who were about to complete their studies and to get a good job are starting to get frustrated. One, who only talks on the condition that he remains anonymous, studied economics at the Gharyounis University. He was offered a job as a manager at Bilfinger Berger and would have earned good money. Now he's unemployed. He says of the rebels: "They are under 30 and don't have wives. They are proud of the weapons they looted from barracks. They don't know how to control themselves. They quickly become aggressive. They've got these weapons and lose themselves."But the revolution is good, despite all that, he insists.
Dakle, muka mu je od Gadafija ali rastu šanse da mu u nekom trenutku postane muka i od nezaposlenosti i izazova prehrane porodice.
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RTS je videla tekst u Spiegelu i svojim gledaocima od svega što je napisano, dostavila jednu probranu rečenicu (naravno bez linka):

2.11 - Побуњеници се окрутно обрачунавају са противницима, упадају у куће, ликвидирају. Револуција прети да се уруши изнутра - тврди Шпигл.
A ovo je jednostavno prejako. Ne znam odakle potiče ali moram da je okačim:post-109-13008727994869.jpg
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To sto pise Sipegel je mozda tacno, ako je verovati nizu svedocenja iz samog Bengazija. Ljudi su ubijani u gradu, cak se smatra da ih je vise poginulo od clanova starog Revolucionarnog komiteta nego u napadu Gadafijevih snaga na Bengazi u subotu ujutro.

Edited by Bane5
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Ovaj, nema potrebe da se isti tekst postavlja milion puta, i jos masnim i velikim slovima.Poruka je shvacena prvi put.

Edited by Budja
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