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Izgleda da je pao dogovor oko NATOa, oni će se uključiti kada Amerikanci dovrše SEAD i povuku se u drugu klupu. Tako bar kažu Frenčiz, ali nisu dali nikakav datum.

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CNN is angrily denying claims by the rival Fox news network that CNN correspondent Nic Robertson and other journalists acted as human shields, AP reports. On Monday, Fox claimed that UK forces called off an attack on the Libyan leader's compound because journalists were there on a government trip to see earlier damage. CNN denies this, pointing out that Fox sent a security guard with a camera, rather than a correspondent or camera crew, on the same trip. Fox has now admitted it sent a representative, but stands by the human shield charge, AP says.
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Ova patkometrija izmedju CNN i Fox Noise traje vec nekoliko dana. CNN reporteri su vec jednom javno rekli da se Fox ekipa boji da izadje na teren™ i da umesto toga sede u hotelskoj sobi i izmisljaju price.

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Libya’s national TV station this morning reported that Sunday’s attack on Gaddafi’s headquarters in Tripoli was controlled by Denmark, reports the BBC.The announcer, who suddenly switched from Arabic to English, accused Denmark of having led a “campaign against Muslims for years” with its insulting Mohammed cartoons.“The fact that Denmark, which has led a campaign against Islam and Muslims for years with its blasphemous caricatures of Mohammed, is leading the bombings, shows that the aggression is a crusade against the Muslim people, including the Libyan people, with the goal being to terrorise Muslims and to wipe out Islam.”
Edited by Gandalf
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one koje zanima, niposto da ne propuste da zabeleze teske reci za ekipu fox-a od strane cnn-a tj. njihovog dopisnika iz tripolija nic-a robertsona.detaljnije ovdeal' me pretekose beowl i WTF :(

Edited by Bane5
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interesantno, kako se hrane pobunjenici i logistika...http://www.arabist.net/blog/2011/3/22/libya-dispatch-rebel-twinkies-fuel-the-struggle.htmlNapoleon famously said an army marches on its stomach, and in the case of Libya's rebel forces, that would be tuna sandwiches, fava beans and a lot of junk food. As Western air strikes are restarting once thoroughly defeated rebel advance, the once weirdly successful aspect of their rag tag forces should be gearing up again -- their food supply lines....According to the rebels, the food comes to the checkpoints in regular deliveries, partly organized by the provisional council running the eastern cities, but also in a large part due to efforts by individuals...."Now we are eating Snickers bars, before we could only just look at them in the store," said Ayman Ahmed, a 23-year-old volunteer for the rebel forces who together with a group of friends took over the abandoned house of a oil refinery worker in the Ras Lanouf residential area.

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Glupi Fox, nadvikuju se sa lešom...Inače, evo čuvene izjave NATOa. Samo blokada će biti pod NATO komandom - za sada. Spremni su za no-fly zonu. A tko će preuzeti close air support? Kao i do sada, Sarkozy i Cameron? :suez: fantom.gif

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Lindsey Hilsum has been in the hospital where some of the injured were taken. She has spoken to the father of a young boy who expects to have his leg amputated due to a bullet wound.Gauging the reaction of locals in the area, she said: "the local Libyans do not seem resentful, they still want the coalition forces to keep operating."
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U zalivskom ratu je iracki Mig 25 oborio F18 cini mi se. Veliko je pitanje u kakvom su stanju libijske 25tice. Stacionarne rakete su suvise daleko. Mehanicki kvar bi se mogao opravdati na brzinu organizovanom akcijom. Sa druge strane, zaista jedan od najpouzdanijih aviona uz jednu od najboljih logistika na svijetu. Krajnje cudno.
Taj F18 je prvo pripisan iračkoj PVO a kasnije Migu. Koliko znam, F15 se ne reklamira da nikad nije oboren u borbi, jer su još u prvom iračkom ratu izgubljena dva ali su oborena od PVO, a ne od strane drugog aviona. A mehanički kvar je uvek moguć, pre par godina su svi F15 bili prizemljeni kada se jedan raspao u letu iz čista mira. PVO, kvar ili zaseda nekog zastarelog MIGa, saznaće se uskoro. Ne mogu takve stvari dugo prikrivati čak i da hoće.
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"Now we are eating Snickers bars, before we could only just look at them in the store," said Ayman Ahmed, a 23-year-old volunteer for the rebel forces who together with a group of friends took over the abandoned house of a oil refinery worker in the Ras Lanouf residential area."We are really experiencing freedom now," he said, in a living room filled with discarded juice boxes and wrappers from packaged sweet cakes.[/i]
Ovo neki spin, reklama, sprdačina, šta je ovo? Jadni Libijci kojima dodijao Mars i zgadila im se Pepsi?Nigde drveta a puno šuma u Libiji!
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Ovo neki spin, reklama, sprdačina, šta je ovo? Jadni Libijci kojima dodijao Mars i zgadila im se Pepsi?Nigde drveta a puno šuma u Libiji!
covek nikad ranije nije jeo snikers, to je dovoljan razlog za revoluciju. a i koji ce ti q revolucija bez cokolade!? :D Edited by Gandalf
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"Now we are eating Snickers bars, before we could only just look at them in the store," said Ayman Ahmed, a 23-year-old volunteer for the rebel forces who together with a group of friends took over the abandoned house of a oil refinery worker in the Ras Lanouf residential area."We are really experiencing freedom now," he said, in a living room filled with discarded juice boxes and wrappers from packaged sweet cakes.
prokleti Gadafi ni Snickers nije dao deci............kakva je ovo Snickers Revolucija....... :isuse:
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