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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Kako znas? Da, to obicno pocinje u ovim godinama, ali jos ne uzimam naocare! :D
ne dam se ni ja, mada priznajem da sam par puta u kriticnim situacijama varao : slikam stvar telefonom, pa zumiram... Edited by braca
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ne dam se ni ja, mada priznajem da sam par puta u kriticnim situacijama varao : slikam stvar telefonom, pa zumiram...
:D I ja sam varao, ali staromodno, kupio lupu, pa kad je kriticno, eto je u fioci
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Овај обитер једноставно није тачан
The old story that the Internet was built as a military network to withstand nuclear attacks is pretty much an urban legend
Наравно да је настао из војних пројеката. Зато Обама и тули о новој 'Спатник' инекцији.
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nema za sada izvestaja o incidentima/hapsenjima preko noci. april 6 kaze da su glavne demonstracije u 2 gmt u svim gradovima iako u vecini ima ljudi po ulicama.pola mobilnih radi, pola ne. internet jos uvek na kasicicu.master plan da se policija povuce iz centra kaira i pohara grad da bi se pokazalo da su demonstranti patikari pao u vodu, sem u slucaju par mekdonaldsa, sto i nije neka steta. debelo cuvan mup, tv bastilja, ambasade onako.nema potvrde da li se djeneral povratio u kairo.muk kod elberedeja.mb isto nista.i posto ne mogu da gledam fauxnews, onda makar ovako:

#glennbeckEgypt may be a tipping point. Yemen and Jordan also have smaller uprisings. Iran is smiling, the Saudis and Israelis are not. Pray4peace.
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uf, odma da se demantujem.suzavac i gumeni meci na hiljade luckih radnika u ismailji.ovo moze da bude zajebano, delta se budi.u sudanu zakazane demonstracije protiv korupcije, nezaposlenosti itd za nedelju, isto preko fejsbuka.

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jeste. ali su radnici vecinom ozdo.nepotvrdjeno, oko 60 posto policijskih stanica po zemlji spaljeno, 17 u kairu. najmanje 350 ljudi uhapseno juce, mb kaze 50 njihovih pre i posle protesta.

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france 24 dobio elbaradeja:"mubarak must go""president mubarak did not understand the message of the egyptian people. his speech was totally disappointing. the protests will continue with even more intensity until the mubarak regime falls"

Edited by luba
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Pa tak, mislio sam, ''demonstrant(ica)'' blush.gif Nije baš najbolji engleski, ali.. biggrin.gif
Ne, ne, sasvim je dobar za ljubitelje životinja:dilf-58911.jpgAli kažu da je D za "dad", tako da, možda si ciljao na nekog iz kordona? :wub:
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The Egyptian army has warned people not to gather in groups and to observe the curfew that was imposed last night in a bid to end the protests against Mubarak's rule, Reuters reports."The armed forces are appealing to citizens not to stand in groups and to abide by the curfew," state TV reported. Anyone breaching the curfew would be subjected to "legal procedures", it added.
gardijan poceo jutarnju smjenu Edited by morgana
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13 :04 13 protestors killed today in Ma'adi Gardens, Cairo New 12 :54 Ikhwanweb still down in Egypt, staff are in direct contact with London's office for Breaking News update New 12 :52 Widspread looting by police thugs and undercover agents in Cairo New 12 :49 After canceling exams, thousands of students join protestors in Alexandria and Ismalia New 12 :46 More than 10000 in Tahrir Sqaure demanding the dictator to step down New 12 :41 al Horra TV: Rift between the dictator and army leaders on managing the crisis 12 :36 Textile workers in Suez announced indefinite strike till the dictator steps down
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