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@ beowlZnam, znam - ispratio sam ja sta je Rodjer postovao, al men se sve nekako cini da je tebe nesto bas sad ovih dana posebno trigerovalo da postas takve stvari koje se inace desavaju vec mesec dana Neko bi reko - pa cekaj brale, sto bas sad ? :)

Edited by DarkAttraktor
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Asma:"My family is in Benghazi, and it is hard for me to see my country being bombarded, but Gaddafi made it the only way to help stop the killing of civilians by his forces. I was relieved to know that now he cannot use his airforce to bomb my family, friends and all other civilians. He is manipulative and will use bodies of people killed by his own forces to say they were killed by coalition forces. Why believe him this time?"
Ovo mi je isto poslao poznanik iz Libije na FB:
... those were dead bodies of protesters he collected from before... I have friends in the hospitals who tell me everything... I have family in near M3tiga and friends in all the major hospitals... M3tiga was hit with no casualties.. this is a lie
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Neko bi reko - pa cekaj brale, sto bas sad ? :)
Kako ne razumiješ iz svih retardiranih uanlajnera i svisuistizama na topicima? :mad: Pa isto je kad poremećeni diktator puca u civile i kad vojska tog poremećenog diktatora, naoružana do zuba, bude bombardovana prije nego što izvrši novi pokolj civila.
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Asma:"... He is manipulative and will use bodies of people killed by his own forces to say they were killed by coalition forces. Why believe him this time?"
dajte, ljudi... ja verujem da je znatan broj ljudi poginuo. jer su u tenkovima koji su gadjani sigurno bili vojnici, sumnjam da su bili prazni. a to sto drzavna libijska TV tvrdi da su izginuli civili, ne sumnjam da bi Gadafi jedva docekao da pogine sto vise "njegovih" civila. i da ce uciniti sve sto je u njegovoj moci da se to i desi. <_< Edited by Gandalf
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ako Saudi ne intervenisu vojno, Saleh je gotov. mada, obzirom kako su efikasni Saudijci bili kada su prethodni put intervenisali u Jemenu... saudijska intervencija bi mozda i ubrzala pad.

Edited by Gandalf
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Come on now, game-set-match:Yemeni president's own tribe demands he step down

SANAA, Yemen -Tens of thousands of people joined a funeral procession Sunday for protesters killed by government gunmen and the Yemeni president's own tribe called on him to step down, robbing the embattled U.S.-backed leader of vital support.Yemen's ambassador to the United Nations and its human rights minister resigned to protest the crackdown, further undermining President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Experts said the president's dwindling influence was likely to either accelerate his departure or force him to resort to greater violence to retain power.Saleh appeared to shy away from more force for the moment, disbanding police and special forces around Sanaa University, which has been the center of the deadly crackdown, and replacing them with a largely unarmed force."From now on, we will be controlling the entrances and exits of the square by orders from the supreme military command," said Lt. Col. Mohammed Hussein.Friday was the bloodiest day of the monthlong uprising against Saleh, and government snipers killed more than 40 protesters. The violence drew condemnation from the U.N. and the United States, which backs his government with hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to battle a potent al-Qaida offshoot based in Yemen's mountainous hinterlands.Some of the country's most important religious leaders joined in the call for Saleh's resignation."This is definitely in my view now entering into some form of an end game," said Salman Shaikh, director of the Brookings Doha Center.Yemen's most powerful tribe, its opposition parties and masses of young protesters have now united in calls for Saleh's departure, Shaikh said, calling that a dire sign for the president's ability to retain power."The disparate elements of what can be called the oppsiton have now coalesced around the demand for him to step down," Shaikh said. "This is now a very powerful, irrestible coalition."Mohammad al-Sabri, an opposition spokesman, told The Associated Press that the opposition will under no circumstances agree to a dialogue with Saleh after the crimes his regime has committed."The president must understand that the only way to avoid more bloodshed and strife in this country is for him to leave. Nobody will have any regrets about him," he said.People living in apartment buildings around the square tossed down flowers at Sunday's funeral procession. Electricity was cut off for about three hours in Yemen's major cities, and activists accused the government of trying to block people from seeing television coverage of the march. Cell service was also interrupted.Massive crowds flooded into the Sanaa University square and solidarity demonstrations were held across the country in regions including Aden, Hadramawt, Ibb, Al-Hudaydah, Dhamar and Taiz."We hail with all respect and observance, the position of the people at the (Sanaa University) square," Sheik Sadiq al-Ahmar, head of Saleh's Hashed tribe, said in a joint statement with the religious leaders issued after a meeting at his home late Saturday.Opposition parties taking part in the procession said they had have changed their position from demands for political reforms to calls for Saleh's removal."Our only choice now is the removal of the regime soon. We stand by the people's demand," opposition leader Yassin Said Numan told The Associated Press.Human Rights Minister Huda al-Ban said she was stepping down to protest the government's "horrible, coward and perfidious crime." And a Foreign Ministry official told The Associated Press that UN Ambassador Abdullah Alsaidi had sent in his letter of resignation.Health Minister Abdul-Karim Rafi told reporters the killing of protesters was "a crime unacceptable by logic or could be justified."He said 44 protesters were killed and 192 wounded, 21 critically.Prosecutor-General Abdullah al-Ulty said that 693 protesters were hurt and some bodies have not yet been identified.Mohammed Naji Allaw, a lawyer and activist, said the government offering money to victims' families to not cooperate with the investigation, and was pressuring them not to participate in the funeral procession.—Michael Weissenstein in Cairo contributed to this report.
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Ovo mi je isto poslao poznanik iz Libije na FB:
Vidim da je slepo verovanje u sve što stigne sa jedne strane i dalje aktuelno. Da, baš je lako zamisliti kako Kamis dolazi na sjajnu zamisao da prilikom povlačenja iz Bengazija ka Misurati sa sobom ponese i nešto leševa civila koje je ubio, da može da ih podmetne pored olupina svojih tenkova ukoliko ga neko zvekne usput. Totalno realan scenario, nema ko mu ne bi poverovao.Rogere, brate mili, zašto bi se odjavljivao? Na bojnom polju smo, ispali i ti šta imaš.
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Kako ne razumiješ iz svih retardiranih uanlajnera i svisuistizama na topicima? :mad: Pa isto je kad poremećeni diktator puca u civile i kad vojska tog poremećenog diktatora, naoružana do zuba, bude bombardovana prije nego što izvrši novi pokolj civila.
Ne, nikako nije isto. Ali postoji nešto što spaja sve te leševe u Libiji, a što ti ne bi bio u stanju da prepoznaš taman da ti iskoči iz ekrana i klepi te po čelu.
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Gadafijeva vlada upravo sada najavljuje masovni marš civila (by all means of transport) na Bengazi, kako bi se tamo ujedinili i zajedno pomolili za opšte dobro. Ladno će da proba da ih organizuje kao živi štit.

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Kako ne razumiješ iz svih retardiranih uanlajnera i svisuistizama™ na topicima? :mad: Pa isto je kad poremećeni diktator puca u civile i kad vojska tog poremećenog diktatora, naoružana do zuba, bude bombardovana prije nego što izvrši novi pokolj civila.
"Dva lica iste medalje"
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Ovaj video je opisan kao uništavanje skladišta municije kod Bengazija od strane Gadafijevih snaga ali realno može da bude bilo šta:http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v1705300606d

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Libyan Government spokesman said all Libyan armed forces units have been told to follow a ceasefire, beginning at 2100 local time.Zar neće u rat protiv krstaša? A i ne treba mu verovati dok se ne povuku jedinici iz Misrate.

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