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Da, Arwa Damon sad javlja da su preko noći i ujutro road to Adjabiya pretvorili u manju imitaciju road to Basre. Frenčizi ovaj put, doduše.

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idiot amr musa "kritikovao vazdušne napade u libiji" :blink: sad bih nešto rekao što bi moglo da zvuči kao rasistički stereotip...
Da, baš čuo. Prelazim na drugu stranu. Povući avione odmah i smjesta, ovu mudru ideju Arapske lige može provoditi i 20tak aviona Qatara i Ujedinjenih Emirata.Idemo, dosta je.
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Arab League chief criticises coalition bombing, says policy differs from the no-fly zone backed by the organisation
Ljigavštine sustižu jedna drugu.
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Amr Moussa je potencijalni kandidat za precjednika u Egiptu.Ali svejedno, čovjek je bio u Parizu kad se ovo dogovaralo, zapadni imperijalisti su ga sigurno prevarili, majku im križarsku. Out, out, I say.

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on the ground - rusenje bengazija je propalo, sada se po svaku cenu pokusava osvojiti misrata i konsolidovati situacija na zapadu libije.
neka ju sruše i osvoje, samo da to ne rade iz zraka, to ne bi bilo okej.in other news, bivša Šiljka.wVrBOc.jpgKoju se nije smjelo dirati. Jadna Šiljka. sad.gif Edited by Roger Sanchez
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To bi bilo opasno da padne Misrata. Onda bi rešenje uz pritisak iz čisto lično-političkih interesa poput Muse, došlo do nekakve defakto podele. To bi bilo opasno, jer sama pobuna nije išla po liniji istok/zapad.

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Erdogan se izjasnio:

Turkey joins the chorus of international voices urging Col Gaddafi to relinquish power. PM Tayyip Erdogan tells Reuters: "Gaddafi is contradicting himself. His first words were very important when he said he does not have an official position. If he does not have an official position, then he should hand Libya over to whoever does have legitimacy."
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Hehe, počelo je opće skupljanje bodova na međunarodnim PPPovima.

3.05pm: As Italy says it's ready to join operations in Libya, Russia has said the international military force has killed civilians and called on it to stop what it says has been "indiscriminate" force.Russian's foreign ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement that the coalition of forces, including the UK, the US and France, had exceeded the UN mandate to enforce a no-fly zone over the country.He said the airstrikes had hit non-military targets in Tripoli and three other cities and he repeated the figures that have appeared on Libyan state television reporting 48 civilians dead and 150 wounded."In this connection, we are calling on the respective states to halt the indiscriminate use of force," Lukashevich said. Russia has also announced that it is evacuating some diplomatic staff and Russian citizens through Tunisia.
"What happened differs from the no-fly zone objectives," Moussa said. "What we want is civilians' protection, not shelling more civilians."
idemo, sudac, sviraj kraj. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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neka ju sruše i osvoje, samo da to ne rade iz zraka, to ne bi bilo okej.in other news, bivša Šiljka.wVrBOc.jpgKoju se nije smjelo dirati. Jadna Šiljka. sad.gif
:cry: Nije Šiljka. 9K33 Osa...
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