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Roger, nakon isporucenih kolicina jaja stigao i da gleda glasanje u SB-u :)Sta sad?Mislim da sam u petak prosle nedelje rekao da ce, ako je bude, rezolucija biti izglasana za 5-7 dana i bio sam dobar prognozer. Nazalost, ne mogu da prognoziram sta ce biti na terenu. Sve opcije su u igri, od toga da se Gadafijeve snage raspadnu relativno brzo do slabe vajde za revolucionare (u sta ipak manje verujem).

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Da. Juppe je izbajao svoje u ime predlagača (i US je postala sponzor), pohvalio baju Muhammada iz Maroka, francuskog frendića, i niko više nije imao ništa za izjaviti. Sad idu komentari na izglasano.jerry.gif:suez:158439091.jpg

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Rezolucija je izglasana - 10 za, 0 protiv, 5 suzdržanih.
Koliko BBC i Channel 4 vele, ovim je overena prodaja Bahreina, gde se USA neće mešati (kao da bi i inače) u zamenu za saglasnost arapskih država oko Libije.
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Koliko BBC i Channel 4 vele, ovim je overena prodaja Bahreina, gde se USA neće mešati (kao da bi i inače) u zamenu za saglasnost arapskih država oko Libije.
eh, the Ole' Middle East two-step...Volim Guardianov smisao za humor:
Muammar Gaddafi has already made his feelings known, telling the Portuguese TV channel RTP that the UN resolution was an act of "flagrant colonization" for which it had no legal mandate:This is craziness, madness, arrogance. If the world gets crazy with us we will get crazy too. We will respond. We will make their lives hell because they are making our lives hell. They will never have peace.There we are: Muammar Gaddafi threatens to "get crazy".
biggrin.gifpbp: Evo sad Obamina Suzana krešti..
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Lazanski se lagano uputio ka aerodromu.
ide na aerodrom da prati poletanje viteskih Gadafijevih vojnika ka Bengaziju i pobedu libijske PVO nad NATO bojovnicima?procitao. kako bedan coveculjak Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,Determining that the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya continues to constitute athreat to international peace and security,Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,1. Demands an immediate end to attacks on the civilian population andreiterates its call for steps to fulfil the legitimate demands of the Libyan people;2. Demands that the Qadhafi regime comply with their obligations underinternational law, including international humanitarian law, human rights and refugeelaw and take all measures to protect civilians and meet their basic needs, and toensure the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance;No-Fly Zone3. Decides to establish a ban on all flights in the airspace of the Libyan ArabJamahiriya in order to help protect civilians;4. Decides further that the ban imposed by paragraph 3 shall not apply toflights whose sole purpose is humanitarian, such as delivering or facilitating thedelivery of assistance, including medical supplies, food, humanitarian workers andrelated assistance, or evacuating foreign nationals from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,nor shall it apply to flights authorised by paragraph 5 below, nor other flights operated by States acting under this authorisation which are deemed necessary forthe benefit of the Libyan people;5. Authorises Member States to take all necessary measures to enforcecompliance with the ban on flights established in paragraph 3 above and to preventany use of aircraft for aerial attacks against the civilian population, and requests theStates concerned in cooperation with the League of Arab States to coordinateclosely with the Secretary General on the measures they are taking to implement this ban, including by establishing an appropriate mechanism for implementing theprovisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 above,6. Calls upon all Member States and regional organisations to provideassistance, including any necessary over-flight approvals, for the purposes ofimplementing paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 above;7. Requests the Member States concerned to coordinate closely with eachother and the Secretary-General on the measures they are taking to implementparagraphs 3 and 4 above, including practical measures for the monitoring andapproval of authorised humanitarian or evacuation flights;8. Requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States immediately of measures taken in exercise of the authority conferred by paragraph 5 above;9. Requests the Secretary-General to inform the Council immediately of anyactions taken by the Member States concerned in exercise of the authority conferredby paragraph 5 above and to report to the Council within 7 days and every monththereafter on the implementation of this resolution, including information anyviolations of the flight ban;Civilian Protection and Humanitarian Assistance Authorization10. Authorizes members of the League of Arab States and other States whichhave notified the Secretary-General, who are acting nationally or through regional organisations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the SecretaryGeneral, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian objects in theLibyan Arab Jamahiriya, and to make available humanitarian and related assistance,requests that all States provide appropriate support for these measures, and furtherrequests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediatelyof the measures they take pursuant to the authority conferred by this paragraphwhich shall be immediately reported to the Security Council;.......Ban on flights by commercial aircraft16. Decides that all States shall deny permission to any Libyan commercial aircraft, including Libyan Air, to take off from, land in or land in their territory unless the particular flight has been approved in advance by the Committee;17. Decides that all States shall deny permission to any aircraft to take offfrom, land in or overfly their territory, if they have information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the aircraft contains items the supply, sale,transfer, or export of which is prohibited by paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011),including the provision of armed mercenary personnel;
Najžešći je ustvari paragraf 10, koji, manje više, odobrava - sve.Čudo da je rezolucija prošla - još jedan put sam zapanjen time da Gaddafi zbilja nema baš nikakve relevantne prijatelje na ovom svijetu. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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