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Dok se vi zabavljate Libijom u Saudijiskoj Arabiji se puca:

Saudi police open fire at protestCAIRO – Saudi police have opened fire at a rally in the kingdom's east in an apparent escalation of efforts to stop planned protests.Government officials have warned they will take strong action if activists take to the streets after increasing calls for large protests around the oil-rich kingdom to press for democratic reforms.A witness in the eastern city of Qatif says gunfire and stun grenades were fired at several hundred protesters marching in the city streets Thursday. The witness, speaking on condition of anonymity because he feared government reprisal, said police in the area opened fire. The witness saw at least one protester injured.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5dZWg1bxgsoZa sutra je najavljen Day of Rage. Ovo moze biti mnogo gore od Libije u svakom smislu.
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Sa tacke stanja na terenu, ja sam pomalo iznenadjen. Izgledalo je da se rezim urusiti, a to se do sada nije desilo.Da li je u pitanju re-organizacija armije i potpuno oslanjanje na tehniku i placenike, ili su isvestaji o raspadu armije bili naduvani.Sta se desava sa diplomatskom sluzbom? Jer su svi promenili stranu ili se talas zaustavio?
vojska mi nije fah, to ce strucniji, ali bih rekla da je ovo prvo u kombinaciji sa nedostatkom oruzja i losom organizacijom pobunjenika.za diplomatiju, vecina ambasadora i viseg diplomatskog osoblja u zapadnim zemljama je promenila stranu. ambasador u rusiji je zvanicno na bolovanju, a drugi i treci sekretar su se izmetnuli. ne znam sta se u bgd desava, dva tipa su se kao pridruzili onim demonstrantima onomad, a ambasador se vec deset dana nigde ne pojavljuje i ne oglasava.
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Eво како реагује један форумаш од тамо(рж), иначе залупати дешњак, јужњак и помало либертаријанац (или републиканац, никад нисам начисто, знам само да ако се он пита, Демовци никад нису ништа добро урадили):

If they (the Libyans) will kill each other, I'm all for it. They hate us no matter who winds up in power. They'll blame us no matter what happens, especially if we take a side. I'm hoping it will draw out in a nice bloody civil (interesting concept) war.Same as Egypt, Pakistan, etc. We had all the idiots in this country rooting for Mubarek to get tossed, like the 'rebels' will be an improvement. Which particular 'rebels'? The Muslim Brotherhood? Al Qaeda? Some other dirtbag bunch of mullahs? The military dictatorship now in power? They'll hate us, blame us, and still kill their own people and ours no matter how many rosy thoughts liberals in this country think.Our only interest should be ensuring no WMD capability for any of the Islamic (terrorist) countries.
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nije Gadafi jedini koji voli strance...http://www.faujioes.org.pk/25Feb2011/bng.htmlURGENT REQUIREMENT MANPOWER FOR BAHRAIN NATIONAL GUARD (BNG)BNG delegation is visiting Pakistan / Fauji Foundation, Overseas Employment Services, OES from 07 Mar to 14 Mar 11 to select following categories of manpower at Lahore urgently:

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nije Gadafi jedini koji voli strance...http://www.faujioes.org.pk/25Feb2011/bng.htmlURGENT REQUIREMENT MANPOWER FOR BAHRAIN NATIONAL GUARD (BNG)BNG delegation is visiting Pakistan / Fauji Foundation, Overseas Employment Services, OES from 07 Mar to 14 Mar 11 to select following categories of manpower at Lahore urgently:
mogla bi da se prijavim za kuharicu, ali plata nekako mala, malko vise od trista evrica.zanimljivo bilo u senatu danas, dia, cia i ostale skracenice upozoravaju da se kolo srece okrece
The momentum in the Libyan conflict is shifting in favor of Moamer Kadhafi whose forces are "robustly equipped" with Russian weapons and likely to defeat the rebels, US officials said Thursday. "Initially the momentum was with the other side," Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told US senators. "That has started to shift. Whether or not it has fully moved to Kadhafi's side at this time is not clear. We have now reached a state of equilibrium. The initiative may be actually be on the regime side." Pro-regime loyalists have been striking back against rebels, who had seized the initiative when the fighting erupted in February. But now three weeks on Kadhafi's son Thursday crowed that victory was in sight against rebels after loyalist forces retook two key towns. They re-captured Zawiyah and were also at the doors of the eastern strategic oil refinery town of Ras Lanouf. "Over time I think the regime will prevail," acknowledged James Clapper, the director of US national intelligence, at the Senate hearing. "With respect to the rebels in Libya, and whether or not they will succeed or not, I think frankly they're in for a tough row." Clapper added that he did not believe Kadhafi, who has earned a reputation as a maverick, had any intention of stepping down after more than four decades in power. "I don't think he has any intention of leaving," Clapper said. "From all evidence that we have, which I'd be prepared to discuss in closed session, he appears to be hunkering down for the duration." Libyan air defenses, including radar and surface-to-air missiles, are "quite substantial," Clapper explained. "A very important consideration here for the regime is, by design, Kadhafi intentionally designed the military so that those select units willed to him are the most luxuriously equipped and the best trained." The Libyan arsenal, Clapper said, "is the second largest in the Middle East after Egypt." "They have a lot of Russian equipment. There is a certain quality and numbers," Clapper told the Senate's Armed Services Committee. He said there were two special brigades, the 32nd and the 9th, that are very loyal to Kadhafi, and were the most "robustly equipped with Russian equipment to include air defense, artillery, tanks, mechanized equipment." However, "some of that equipment has fallen into opposition's hands," Clapper said, adding that there was also concern that some of the more portable weaponry runs the risk of "falling into the wrong hands." As the West debates whether to impose a no-fly zone over Libya to help the opposition who are taking a pounding from air strikes, Clapper said Libya had some 31 anti-aircraft sites and radar dedicated to protecting the northern Libyan coast where 80 to 85 percent of the population is concentrated. He said the Libyan forces had a large number of missile launchers, but stressed that only a small part of the Libyan air force was operational with only about 75 to 80 aircraft, a third of which were transport planes and a third helicopters. Clapper offered hope, though, that despite the sustained air attacks which have caused damage "they have not caused very many casualties."
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pa ne leti samo jat za tripoli, nije uvedena zabrana letenja. i uvek kad leti za tripoli, leti preko malte.grci poslali avion da oslobodi holandeze, a amerika pocinje da salje humanitarnu pomoc na istok

The United States said Thursday it would soon send civilian humanitarian aid teams into opposition-held eastern Libya but stressed the step should not be seen as any kind of military intervention.
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naravno, ali ako i arapska liga u subotu podrzi ovih sest drugara iz zaliva, sto je verovatno, bilo kakva zapadnjacka odluka dobija i regionalni legitimitet.
Zaista ne znam na čemu baziraš ovakav zaključak, u trenutku kada se u više od pola arapskih zemalja krčka ili kuva ? Ja nikako ne mogu zamisliti da Alžir, Sudan, Jemen ili Sirija, pa ni Mauritanija, Irak i Liban podrže odluku da se pobunjenicima protiv zvaničnog šefa države, posle 23 dana od početka pobune, da legitimitet zvanične vlasti, i time inspirišu raznorazne likove na sopstvenoj teritoriji da pokušaju šta slično. Osim toga, ne verujem da će se Egipat i Tunis u ovom trenutku svrstavati na bilo čiju stranu - em im je Libija sused, em je i u njihovim zemljama situacija daleko od stabilne. Arapska liga će po ovom pitanju verovatno ostati podeljena, s tim što će oni koji Gadafija ne mirišu od ranije možda i priznati vladu u Bengaziju.
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gde ti vidis da pominjem davanje legitimiteta pobunjenickoj vlasti?zalivske zemlje su rekle da treba inicirati kontakte sa pobunjenicima, niko ne pominje priznavanje.zajednicka odluka arapske lige ima politicku tezinu, sto smo mogli da vidimo i u egiptu.

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pa ne leti samo jat za tripoli, nije uvedena zabrana letenja. i uvek kad leti za tripoli, leti preko malte.
U pravu si, to su verovatno neki turisti iz Kon Tikija :blink:
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:lol: ShadiHamidStrange when Arabs are more supportive of US intervention in an Arab country than the US... #Libyaabout 1 hour ago via Tweetie for MacArab League (conditionally) backs no-fly zone too #Libyaabout 1 hour ago via Tweetie for MacOrganization of the Islamic Conference backs no-fly zone in #Libya: http://yhoo.it/hLz0FHabout 1 hour ago via bitlyGCC backs no-fly zone in #Libya: http://bit.ly/gB6rSeabout 1 hour ago via bitly Edited by Gandalf
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nakon svega, veceras i zajednicko saopstenje, za slucaj da pojedinacna, valjda, neko nije cuo:French-British statement: "It is clear to us the (Libyan) regime has lost any legitimacy that it could have. To end the suffering of the Libyan people, Muammar Gaddafi and his clique must leave.

Edited by Bane5
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