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http://www.joshualandis.com/blog/?p=8576The headlines are: “Al-Jazeera: Two fighter jets shot down in Libya by revolutionists today had Syrian pilots!”...Because of stupid things such as detaining young bloggers or rumors such as the Syrian pilots bombing revolutionists in Libya, Syria is currently getting a large dose of hate sentiments from young angry Arabs.
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u trenucima kada je centar zawiye napokon pao u ruke gadafija, bbc kao retko kada crvenom bojom podvlaci ovu brejking njuz:

France recognises the Libyan Transitional National Council as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people, says the office of President Nicolas Sarkozy according to Reuters.
Edited by Bane5
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Mali off, moj ortak je strateški marketinški genije:

I can't help thinking that the Libyan rebels would get more people behind them if they officially banded together and called themselves the Rebel Alliance
:lol: Edited by Marvin (Paranoid Android)
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Gdje je narod=pukovnik?Kontraudar!:
1140: A Libyan news agency says it is in possession of a "grave" secret that could topple French President Nicolas Sarkozy, BBC Monitoring reports. "Al-Jamahiriyah news agency learnt today there is a grave secret that would definitely lead to the toppling of Sarkozy and perhaps his trial. The secret is related to the funding of his electoral campaign," said an urgent caption on Libyan TV.
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da, to je to. shvatanje, i voljenje, samoupravljanja kao koalicije ekscentricnih diktatora koji jedni drugima sredjuju poslice.bez problema bih poslao gladne rotvajlere na ove sto ce da se okupe. Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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tajna koju ce nam tv dzamahirija ili agencija jana otkriti = 'sarkozi je clan al kaide, narkoman koji je osmislio nacin da otruje mnogo nevine libijske dece'.

Edited by Bane5
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1140: A Libyan news agency says it is in possession of a "grave" secret that could topple French President Nicolas Sarkozy, BBC Monitoring reports. "Al-Jamahiriyah news agency learnt today there is a grave secret that would definitely lead to the toppling of Sarkozy and perhaps his trial. The secret is related to the funding of his electoral campaign," said an urgent caption on Libyan TV.
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tajna koju ce nam tv dzamahirija ili agencija jana otkriti = 'sarkozi je clan al kaide, narkoman koji je osmislio nacin da otruje mnogo nevine libijske dece'.
Mne. Ziher mu je striček Gaddafi iskeširao 2 mil. € za kampanju. happy.gif I poklonio par šuza povisilica pride.
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sarko nije nimalo gadljiv na pare, tako da je sve moguce
Требало би у ствари Шарко, јер Sarközi (Шаркези) отприлике значи "међублатни", или "из блатишта".
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