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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Desilo se ono sto se mozda moglo ocekivati u nekom trenutku, teskom artiljerijom (mada je bilo i naleta avijacije) Gadafijeve snage su izbombardovale naftna postrojenja u Sidru, mestu na oko 20-25 km zapadno od Ras Lanufa. Ogroman crni dim kulja i vidi se iz Ras Lanufa.

Edited by Bane5
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Izgleda su revolucionari zauzeli Bin Jawad i krenuli zapadno...
Nista tu ne treba verovati sve dok novinari ne udju u to mesto. Na stranu sto je Bin Jawad lepo malo mestasce od tek par destina kuca i apartmana (uglavnom ni ne postoji na kartama), ali je strateski potpuno besmislena tacka oko koje se glozu jedni i drugi. Zasto? Zato sto su sada ko dva ovna na brvnu - i jedni i drugi guraju napred jer im je to imperativ. Jedni imaju svu mogucu vatrenu moc, drugi imaju volju i nesto nadmoci u ljudstvu. Veci problem je ovo, rekao bih, olako bombardovanje/raketiranje naftnih rezervoara. u medjuvremenu:
Morocco's King Mohammed VI is expected to address the nation later, which would be his first statement since protests there calling for political reform.
Edited by Bane5
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A sniper killed in Zawiyah was using the cyrillic alphabet on his phone. Probably from Belarus, Ukraine, Russia or Serbia
A tek kad krenu da ceprkaju po tom telefonu pa mu nadju Cecu i druge zvezde turbo-folka na wallpaperima i ring-tonovima angry.gif
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Poslednjih 5-6 postova počev od Steinsa prebačeno na PZD. Ako se nastavi provociranje ličnog prepucavanja "vi kozmopoliti™ vs whoever else", Steins će biti ograničen na PZD 14 dana.

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1904: A rebel fighter in Zawiya has just told the Reuters news agency that they have retaken the western city's main square. Pro-Gaddafi forces were now 1km outside the city, he said
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izgleda da, uprkos vatrenoj premoci, Gadafijevi ljudi ne mogu da drze osvojeno.One of Robert Lee’s lieutenants, before the attack on Union positions at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania... “Oh I can get there, all right. It’s staying there that’s the problem.”

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Ovako se to radi:

King Mohammad of Morocco, however, has promised there will be comprehensive reforms in the country and announced that a committee has been set up to review the constitution. In his first speech since nationwide anti-government protests were held last month, the king said individual and collective liberties were to be expanded. He also called on people to take part in what he called constructive and fruitful dialogue. Protesters took to the streets after similar protests in Tunisia and Egypt, demanding the king hand over some of his powers to a new government and make the judiciary more independent.
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2203: The BBC's Wyre Davies says: "Like many reporters seeking to get around Libyan government restrictions, the team from the BBC Arabic service was trying to get into the town of Zawiya, controlled earlier this week by anti-government rebels but under attack by Col Gaddafi's forces. After being detained at an army roadblock, the three men were taken to a military barracks in Tripoli where they were blindfolded, handcuffed and beaten. Reporter Feras Killani was singled out for repeated beatings and was repeatedly attacked because of his coverage of the Libyan uprising. After being released, all three team members told us that they had feared for their lives. There were at least two mock executions, with live bullets being fired past the head of one of them men. Although a senior Libyan government later apologised for their treatment at the hands of the army, the men have now left the country."
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http://ht.ly/4b9yKDoctors from the scene of violent anti-government protests in Yemen’s capital Tuesday night said that what was originally thought to be tear gas fired by government forces on demonstrators might instead have been a form of nerve gas, which is forbidden under international law....“We are seeing symptoms in the patient’s nerves, not in their respiratory systems. I’m 90 percent sure its nerve gas and not tear gas that was used,” said Sami Zaid, a doctor at the Science and Technology Hospital in Sanaa.
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