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kao sto vec napisah, mozda je pozitivno to sto je US administracija sastavljena od nesposobnih diletanata... pozitivno za Arape, ne za Amerikance. :wicked:http://bigthink.com/ideas/31527In testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee on March 2 she said: "We know that the Iranians are very much involved in the opposition movements in Yemen."... in Yemen, Clinton's remarks about Iran sound as crazy as Salih's remarks about a secret room in Tel Aviv controlled by the US sounded to Americans....I have been quite critical of US diplomats and diplomacy in Yemen over the past few years, complaining that the US is sending its least experienced diplomats to a place that demands that the US bring the full power of all its institutional knowledge to bear on the problem.

Edited by Gandalf
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Izvini ali koja uporišta? Pa ljudi u Tripoliju bi ga pojeli živa samo nemaju oružje. Njegovo jedino uporište je Sirt koji je pred padom, ako padne i pobunjenici dođu do Misurate on je gotov. Ljudi su ga danas pobedili sa sve sekirama i lovačkim oružjem u Al Zaviji...pogledaj našta liče ti njegovi vojnici i videćeš da je većina u čudu šta ih je snašlo i pojma nema za koga se bore (verovatno se i plaše da prebegnu strahujući za vlastitu sigurnost ali i sigurnost najbližih)...Al Zavija je večeras mirna...evo vam i mape da vidite ta njegova čuvena uporišta7155.jpgywz3.jpg

At the beating heart of the uprising, in Benghazi, Libya's rebels are trying to kickstart a revolution that has stalled less than halfway to the capital. Throughout the sacked city that spawned the revolt, the euphoria of victory is steadily becoming a distant memory. Routine has set into a place that two weeks ago was flush with hope and opportunity. After ousting a dictator of 42 years in less than a weekend, anything seemed possible here. For a while.Shops are now open, streets are teeming and people are again talking about the grind of daily life. Heady predictions of a glorious march to Tripoli have been silenced."We didn't ask to be in this position," said Salwa Bugaigis, a leading member of Benghazi's organising committee, now trying to run the town's civil affairs. "I've said that since the beginning. I was one of the first protesters outside the courthouse. Then they attacked us. And then the revolution came. We are running something that we were not prepared for."
Along the highway to Sirte, charred ruins from the two battles fought last week for the strategically vital oil towns of Brega and Ras Lanuf could clearly be seen. Burned 4x4s littered parts of the highway, and several large craters were testament to the fighting. Gaddafi's forces left both towns after occupying them for several days and engaging rebels who moved south to take them back. But few of Gaddafi's enemies doubt theirs has been a total victory.At the gates of an industrial area in Benghazi, one fighter warned that the pro-government forces would soon be back. "This is them testing us," he said. "We have to be wise. This will get much worse, very soon. They didn't run away because they were defeated. They had learned enough about us and they left."
Meanwhile, the fortunes of the opposing forces fluctuated as battles raged elsewhere in Libya. After a day of fierce fighting, the oil port of Ras Lanuf was taken by the rebels yesterday. But veterans who know Gaddafi and his tactics are cautious."He is trying to trick us," said Colonel Ahmed Belkhair, the commander of rebel forces in Benghazi. "We cannot charge along blindly, especially with his air force controlling the skies. If we do that and we get beaten back, we lose everything."
Go slow, don't get ya hopes up to soon.
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pogledaj našta liče ti njegovi vojnici i videćeš da je većina u čudu šta ih je snašlo i pojma nema za koga se bore (verovatno se i plaše da prebegnu strahujući za vlastitu sigurnost ali i sigurnost najbližih)...
Gde imaju da se vide fotke Gadafijeve vojske + plaćenici?
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Ovo im je kao elitna brigada...ne znam, možda sam samo subjektivan ali mi ovi vojnici (pogotovu ovi od 20-e sekunde videa) ne ulivaju nikakvo poverenje...
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to je cuvena khamisova brigada. ona je elitna jedinica libijske vojske. pored nje, tu su jos dve brigade koje sa khamisovom vrse blokadu, delom i napade na az zawiyu.sto se tice placenika, kacio sam pre neki dan snimak iz al zantana gde se vidi njih 30-ak i svi su iz malija.oni su jeftina ratna radna snaga.

Edited by Bane5
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ma... vojska je raspad. jos jedna posledica Gadafijevog nacina vladavina, i interesantne verzije islamo-socijalizma (aka ludilo vulgaris).

Edited by Gandalf
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Ono sto je potrebno ljudima poput ovih u Zaviji su humanitarne organizacije koje im ne bi poslale samo hranu/vodu/sklonista nego i nesto oruzja da bi se odbranili. Obamina doktrina da se ne mesa je ispravna kao i u vecini takvih slucajeva ako ne i uvek. Umesto toga treba direktno podrzati ljude koje masakriraju i ubijaju. Politicare to ako nije u nekoj funkciji ostvarivanja njihovih interesa ili odrzavanja imidza u javnosti ne dotice previse a nije ih blam ni da podrzavaju sljam gde stignu.

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Ono sto je potrebno ljudima poput ovih u Zaviji su humanitarne organizacije koje im ne bi poslale samo hranu/vodu/sklonista nego i nesto oruzja da bi se odbranili.
A kako misliš da se to izvede? Slanje helikoptera natovarenih džebanom ili bacanje sanduka sa padobranom iz transportnih aviona nad zemljom čiji PVO i dalje radi? Na zapadu bi sto puta gore odjeknulo obaranje makar i jedne letelice strelom sa ramena nego par hiljada mrtvih pobunjenika. Istok je već druga stvar, ali i tamo sve kompleksnije od kalašnjikova, strele i zolje iziskuje mnogo više vremena za obuku, vremena koje oni nemaju. btw. humanitarne organizacije koje distribuiraju naoružanje. :isuse: Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. Edited by bigvlada
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humanitarne organizacije koje im ne bi poslale samo hranu/vodu/sklonista nego i nesto oruzja da bi se odbranili
Navijam i ja za pobunjenike i ko zna, slanje dzebane bi mozda bila dobra ideja...Ali si ga lupio za medalju. Humanitarci koji salju oruzje. Oksimoron.
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Humanitarci koji salju oruzje. Oksimoron.
"Humanitarci" su u Bosni to vec radili. Secam se da se Silajdzic hvalio u nekom stranom dokumentarcu sa tim.
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Provladine snage love Holanđane, dok su se pobunjenici opredelili za Britance.Libyan rebels seize British SAS troops - reportLONDON | Sun Mar 6, 2011 1:24am GMT (Reuters) - Libyan rebels have captured a special forces unit in the east of the country after a secret diplomatic mission to make contact with opposition leaders backfired, the Sunday Times reported.The team, understood to number up to eight SAS soldiers, were intercepted as they escorted a junior diplomat through rebel-held territory, the newspaper said.The Foreign Office said in a brief statement it could neither "confirm or deny" the report.Earlier on Saturday the Geneva-based Human Rights Solidarity group, which employs a number of Libyan exiles, told Reuters by telephone that a team of "eight special forces personnel" had been seized by rebels. Both the Ministry of Defence and Foreign Office repeatedly declined to comment on the group's report.The SAS intervention apparently angered Libyan opposition figures, who ordered the soldiers locked up on a military base, according to the Sunday Times.Opponents of long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi fear he could use any evidence of Western military intervention to rally patriotic support away from a two-week-old uprising against his 41-year autocratic rule.Citing Libyan sources, the Sunday Times said the special forces troops were taken by rebels to Benghazi, Libya's second largest city and epicentre of the insurrection, and hauled before one of its most senior politicians for questioning.The paper said the junior diplomat they were escorting was preparing the way for a visit by a more senior colleague ahead of establishing diplomatic relations with the rebels.The Sunday Times said Libyan opposition officials were said to be trying to hush up the incident for fear of a backlash from ordinary Libyans.(Reporting by Stefano Ambrogi; editing by Mark Heinrich)http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/03/06/uk-britain-libya-sas-idUKTRE72507C20110306

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Navijam i ja za pobunjenike i ko zna, slanje dzebane bi mozda bila dobra ideja...Ali si ga lupio za medalju. Humanitarci koji salju oruzje. Oksimoron.
Mnogo manji oksimoron od pojma humanitarna intervencija ili bombardovanje.Za razliku od raznih vlada, humanitarne organizacije se vode i nekim moralnim nacelimaa donacije im mnogo vise zavise od direktnog rezultata dok su im politicki interesi uglavnomu drugom planu.Ovaj grad se nalazi pri obali a nekoliko stotina slabo obucenih vojnika tesko da moze izvrsititotalnu blokadu, pogotovo nocu. Oruzje za odbranu neke populacije je mnogo lakse prokrijumcariti nego velike kolicine hrane da bi se ona nahranila. Edited by Anduril
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"These are celebrations because government forces have taken control of all areas to Benghazi and are in the process of taking control of Benghazi," Ibrahim said, referring to Libya's rebel-controlled second largest city situated in the far east.State television reported that government forces had retaken the important coastal cities of Zawiyah and Misrata, to the immediate west and east of Tripoli, and were also heading for Benghazi, where the opposition National Libyan Council has set up a crisis committee, in a quest for foreign recognition.
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Vodi se bitka za Wadi-al-Ahmar gde se nalaze gadafijevci (poslednje uporušte pre Sirta) na nekih 100 kilometara istočno. U toku je i napad gadafijevaca na Zaviju i Misuritu (pobunjenici iz Misurite izjavljuju da su spremni i dobro naoružani)

ambassador to Mali has resigned. This may be significant. He was accused of recruiting local mercenaries & sending them to Sabha.
Edited by Tutankamon
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