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17:00 BREAKING: Ras Lanuf is now in the hands of the revolutionaries!
15:03 BREAKING – AbdulRahman Shalgam, Libya’s Representative to the UN told Al Jazeera the following which has been translated:Gaddafi, you are over. Go away. There is no more room for you here. Libyans are not in a revolution. They are in a liberation war. Libyans in the Gaddafi battalions are constantly joining the protesters every time they meet with them. I confirm that 80% of those with Gaddafi now are mercenaries. There won’t be a Rwanda massacre. I call on all Libyans to announce their alliegance to Mustafa AbdulJalil. I ask the people who are fighting for Gaddafi: who are you fighting for? Gaddafi’s family? Gaddafi who calls you rats and sandals? Why are you still with Gaddafi?Saif was right in saying that we are not like Egypt and Tunisia. We are not protesting and demonstrating and sitting-in. We are engaged in a total war of liberation. You cannot give up now. If you do, you will most certainly be treated as rats and shoes for the rest of your lives.Is it true that you are being bought with 500 Libyan Dinars? I urge the world to watch the Libyan State TV channel. What they are broadcasting is embarrassing. They claim that they are showing the reality of the situation, but it only embarrassing.I am now with the Interim Council of Libya. I have been contacted by ambassadors and international ministers. We want legitimacy for the interim council, for them to be able to deal and handle all aspects of Libya. We want our embassies to only be dealing with the interim council.We have passed the stage of negotiations, and I say that he needs to step down. And I call out to anyone who is still raising arms against Libyans, I tell you to drop them down, and if you do you will be guaranteed a trial in Libya.We are now preparing armies in Benghazi, Az Zawiya and Nalut. When I say that only mercenaries are with Gaddafi now I know what I mean. And I know the countries that are part of this, and I tell them that we will chase them and hold them to account in the international courts.I repeat, I tell Mu’ammar: I do not want to believe that you are contacting nations that are enemies to us, and hearing that you are seeking their support in how to oppress and destroy the protests. This is not you, so please don’t do this.
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Members of the Tuareg community in Mali say a large number of men from the Tuareg ethnic group have left Mali in the last week to join pro-Gaddafi forces in Libya." About 2-300 have left in the last seven days," said a senior elected official, who did not want to be named, from the Kidal region in the north of the country, where many Tuareg live.Another Tuareg man from Kidal said: "It's true many young men are leaving. It all started about a week back."He said he had spoken to a convoy of 40 vehicles who are in southern Algeria waiting to cross the border into Libya.The elected official said: "They are being paid about $10,000 (£6,000) to join up and then I've heard they are being told that they will get $1,000 a day to fight." The official claimed that some of the money was coming through the Libyan embassy in the Malian capital, Bamako.These people are travelling through the desert. Nobody controls the borders in the Sahara”
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Reuters: Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister says pro-Gaddafi forces are in control of Ras LanufThere was just an airstrike on an arms depot near Benghazi, according to Al Jazeera.A reporter in the rebel stronghold says there are sounds of gunfire around the city. This is the rebel stronghold, now full of aid workers and reporters, and there will be a crisis if it is attacked.13:13 ET: A Libyan official says West Libya is totally in government hands but the east is "problematic"... (via Al Arabiya).Brega is still in rebel hands and there's fighting at Ras Lanuf.libyaRebels prepare to defend Al Geila12:18 ET: The rebels seem to be losing ground in Brega. A photographer from the front tells Al Jazeera: "The mood is very somber. The fighting continues, it doesn't stop, the rebels might be turning around."11:14 ET: Libyan rebel leader Colonel Hassan Warbouk was killed in the battle of Zawiyah, according to Al Jazeera.At least 30 people have been killed in Zawiyah.
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mislim da je ovo za bregu nesporazum ili da je neko (mozda i namerno) preneo vest od juce kada su poceli sukobi u bregi.koliko vidim, niko ziv ne pominje sukobe tamo danas vec naprotiv da se bolnica u bregi koristi kao prva pomoc za ranjene u ras lanufu.ovo za bengazi je mozda bombardovanje, mozda i necija sabotaza ili greska jer je puno diletanata u posedu oruzja i u njegovom cuvanju.az zawiyah je danas ispisao najkrvaviju stranicu svoje istorije. niko ne zna tacan broj zrtava, a ni prisustvo reportera sky newsa u centru tog mesta nije sprecilo gadafijeve snage da prikazu svu svoju brutalnost. koliko se zna, sam centar tog mesta je jos uvek pod kontrolom revolucionara, ali je pitanje da li ce izdrzati jos jedan iole veci napad. ne smem ni da pomislim sta ce u konacnom obracunu khamisove jedinice sve uraditi onima koje zateknu zive.ps. verovati izvoru koji se nazove 'libyan official' podrazumeva da verujete da se voljeni vodja gadafi bori protiv manjih grupa drogiranih i izmanipulisanih ljudi od strane al quaede.

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CNN's Ben Wedeman tweets: "Anti-Qaddafi forces have taken refinery town of Ras Lanuf after intense battle. Planning to push forward to Sirt. #Libya"

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U UNu se nastavlja diplomatska igra..

The UN says Moammar Gaddafi's government is asking that senior Libyan diplomat Ali Abdussalam Treki be granted credentials as Libya's new UN representative.Martin Nesirky, a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, said that the UN chief's office also received a second letter requesting that diplomatic credentials be withdrawn for Ambassador Mohamed Shalgham and Deputy Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi.
Simon Tisdall se sjetio jedne mogućnosti koja je i meni pala na pamet. +
2127: Update from Alexandria, Egypt: protesters are reported to have broken into the state security HQ, with multiple reports of documents being burned.
Tons of documents shredded by #SSofficers in #Alex http://yfrog.com/gyjd1kgj via @rawyasadek #Egypt #Jan25about 1 hour ago via DabrRetweeted by 39 people
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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As for Israel, the fall of Mubarak - and the unsealing of Egypt's border with Gaza - poses a security disaster equal to the destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Israel's two anti-Islamist shields to the east and to the west are now history.All of this amounts to an enormous strategic step forward for al-Qaeda. That these victories have come with virtually no investment of manpower or money by the terrorist network, and with self-defeating applause from the Facebook-obsessed, Twitter-addled West, only makes them all the sweeter for bin Laden....Bin Laden and his peers are counting on the fact that the uprisings' secular, pro-democracy Facebookers and tweeters - so beloved of reality-averse Western journalists and politicians - are a thin veneer across a deeply pious Arab world. They are confident that these revolts are not about democratic change but about who, in societies where peaceful transfers of power are rare, will fill the vacuum left by the dictators and consolidate power. These men also know that the answer to that question will ultimately come out of the barrel of a Kalashnikov, of which they have many, along with the old tyrants' weapons stockpiles, on which they are now feasting.Michael Scheuer, chief of the CIA's Osama bin Laden unit from 1996 to 1999, is an adjunct professor of security studies at Georgetown University. He is the author of the new biography "Osama bin Laden" and will be online on Monday, March 7 at 11 a.m. EST to chat. Submit your questions and comments.
Tko će sve na čet? happy.gif
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"Gaddafi's survival could end the Arab revolt""The overthrow of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak raised great hopes for all. Gaddafi's survival could break their hearts."
siguran sam da vlade jemena, bahreina, omana, saudijske arabije, alzira i ostalih koji sede u arapskoj ligi ni po sto ne zele da slome srce pobunjenicima na svom tlu. Edited by G.G.
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