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U medjuvremenu nastavlja se haos u Tunisu:

Five more people in the Tunisian capital Tunis are known dead after two days of renewed anti-government protests, their country’s strongest since mid-January when a popular revolt ousted President Ben Ali. On Sunday, an estimated 100 thousand turned out.Interim Prime Minister Muhammed Ghannouchi has yielded to their demands that he step down. He stood accused of continuing the policies of the Ben Ali regime.
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Upravo sam pogledao snimak kako su jednom dečku prosuli mozak...a takvih video ima puno
Ma ko zna ko je to bio, to su mozda pobunjenici sami sebe ubijali e da bi optuzili Gadafija, mozda su se igrali ruskog ruleta u casovima dokolice izmedju dva tweeta, ko zna...Inace, moze biti spokojan Gadafi, sigurno nece sici s vlasti kao Milosevic...
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Čekaj , ja se sad probudio - jel bio Lilić reporter ? Kako to kažete Gadafi telefonom ko sednice naše vlade? PA jebem ti Pink, pustio sobara da mu deklemuje.
"Ne postoji heroj za sobara."
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postovi na twitteru o srbima i gadafiju.ok nema ih bas mnogo ali se stvara mnjenje da su srbi veliki prijatelji gadafija i da mu pomazu i sl.iako su neki povezani komunikacijom medju korisnicima, ovako su rasporedjeni nasumicno:

iyad_elbaghdadi @AmyRohde Latest buzz is that mercenaries have just arrived from Sudan and Serbia. He has recruiters, guns, and lots of cash. alchemist585: What do the Serbs & #Gaddafi have in common? Let me know when you give up. Almost forgot; Gaddafi & at least many Serbs loved a bloody thirsty dictator Melosevich. My favorite Serb is Popovich. @iyad_elbaghdadi @AmyRohde The Europeans need to stop Serbia if this is true. AmyRohde: In your opinion, why? One would think Serbs would be wholly against this! They have first hand experience! Friendship between arab soc. dictators and serbia continues. Soon only one left will be Assad. Saddam, MUbarak & soon #Gaddafi r gone. Wonder why #Gaddafi interview on Serbian TV? Tiny town AlBiraq has HUGE airport &"Serbian camp" North of Sabha. Center of action?
Edited by Bane5
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Samo to je trebalo nasima dole u tom kampu, pobice ih ko zeceve.
Ne verujem. Lepo će im objasniti da je to sve stvar slobodnog tržišta, da bi mnoge svetske mreže ubile za taj intervju, a i da plaćenika ima svuda po svetu i iz Amerike, Engleske, Holandije. Siguran sam da će Libijci pokazati puno razumevanja.O zašto, zašto smo toliki idioti :isuse:
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mi smo u tom pogledu i dalje zonska liga u odnosu na neke438px-Soldier_of_fortune_cover_sept95.gifThe Journal of Professional AdventurersImaju jako interesantnu sekciju velikih i malih oglasa. Opkoljeni? Uplašeni? Nezaštićeni? Pozovite naše stručnjake. :isuse:

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Kakav blam, Gadafi se javio Žeksu i Pinku. :isuse:Nisam gledala, sad ne nalazim snimak.A Lilke je išao u Libiju za šta tačno? Da zaštiti svoj biznis, bušotine, šta već ima tamo? Pod maskom humanosti, navodno spašava i neke ljude? Ima li on neke veze sa državom, sa Dačićem? Ne isprati čovek vesti 1 dan i onda ne može da se načudi kakve se stvari dešavaju (i ne samo glede ove teme). Moram da se uštinem više puta kako pročitam koju vest. +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fAccZfa7Rs&feature=player_embeddedhttp://www.libyafeb17.com/

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