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nije mi van pameti reći da je makar i slabo efektivni embargo na oružje gori nego ništa.
Embargo na oruzje bi znacio da ce se obogatiti oni ljudi u Egiptu, Tunisu [uglavnom iz oruzanih snaga] koji su spremni da rizikuju i krse embargo. Da ne pricamo o Cadu.
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Ima li neko saznanja oko borbi u Tripoliju?ovi na AJ prikazuju misljenja raznoraznih organizacija a nista sa terena.a sudeci prema onome sto se moze videti na tviteru, deluje da je zeznuta situacija u tripoliju i da su svi krenuli tamo (i demonstranti i placenici) na neku vrstu konacnog obracuna.ili je to samo hajp ljudi koji tvituju?

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Russia warns Libya against killing civiliansRussia urges Libya’s government to be patient, not to worsen the situation in the country and stop the murder of civilians otherwise this will be considered a crime with the respective consequences, Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev says in a statement on Friday. He also expressed concerned over the unrest in Libya an the vast number of victims, reported by the media. Russia condemns government-initiated violence against civilians, the document says.
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pregled po molitvi

In Tripoli, security forces opened fire indiscriminately on worshippers leaving prayers, desperate to prevent any new protests on the weekly Muslim day of rest, residents contacted by telephone said. Two people were killed in the Fashlum neighbourhood, several more in Sug al-Jomaa, witnesses said. Both are eastern suburbs where security forces had opened fire on previous days, but sustained gunfire was also reported in the western district of Ghut Ashaal. With police and troops deployed in force outside their mosques, prayer leaders followed texts for their sermons that had been imposed by the authorities calling for an end to "sedition," worshippers said. In Libya's third city Misrata, 150 kilometres (100 miles) east of the capital, residents were expected to turn out in force for the funerals of 30 people killed as they helped evict regime loyalists, a resident said. With some 500 loyal troops of the Hamza Brigade still holed up at a nearby air base, volunteers were helping to fortify the city with containers and sandbags, the resident said by telephone. The second city Benghazi, where the unprecedented protests against Kadhafi's four-decade rule first erupted, remained firmly in the hands of rebels. But the initial euphoria of the eastern city's liberation was giving way to fear that its weak defences could be vulnerable to a counter-attack. At the barracks of the Al-Saiqa (Thunderbolt) special forces unit, an officer who gave his name as Colonel Said said: "For now, we are readying ourselves here. We are expecting an attack on Benghazi at any moment." In the city's courthouse square where the demonstrations started, the faithful gathered for their first Friday prayers free of Kadhafi's rule. Delivering his sermon alongside the coffins of three men killed in the violent uprising, prayer leader imam Salem Jaber vowed: "We will not abandon Tripoli," to chants of "Allahu akhbar (God is greatest) from the congregation. Already depleted, Kadhafi's regime faced fresh defections, including that of his cousin and close aide Kadhaf al-Dam, who quit "all his official functions," Egyptian state media reported. The Libyan envoy to the UN in Geneva told the Human Rights Council Friday that he and others at the embassy "represent only the Libyan people" and not the regime. Libya's ambassadors to France and to the UN cultural organisation UNESCO also resigned, the latest in a string of foreign envoys to announce they were "joining the revolution." The Paris embassy had already been seized by protesters calling themselves the "children of the revolution." State television said Libyan families would be eligible to receive $400 (290 euros) each and that some public sector workers could get pay rises of as much as 150 percent as Kadhafi's regime sought to deploy its oil wealth to shore up dwindling support. But the website of the official JANA news agency (Jananews.ly) was inaccessible in Tripoli from Thursday evening, apparently brought down by cyber-activists.
Edited by luba
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USA nema borbeni kapacitet za vise od 2 ratista istovremeno, prema sopstevnom strateskom konceptu, ako se dobro secam. Ima predloga da povuce vojsku iz Iraka i prebaci u Libiju. No, uvek joj je na raspolaganju `koalicija voljnih` (i to bez mandata UN).
Priča se da je baš USS Enterprise na putu ka Libiji. No, intervenciju bi navodno predvodili Englezi i Francuzi. Bilo kakvo (kopneno) mešanje US armije bi bilo kontraproduktivno po ceo region. A i ne znam kako bi na eventualnu USA intervenciju gledali Katar i SA. Meni je win-win scenario onaj u kome je USA vojska posmatrač, dok EU konačno preuzima konkretnu inicijativu.Naravno, to sve u slučaju da pukovnik nastavi sa svojim dejstvima iz nekog bunkera u Tripoliju. Edited by dux
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da budemo objektivni, evo seifa sa turskog cnn-a

The son of Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi has said his family will stay in Libya at all costs despite a bloody uprising shaking his father's regime, in a television interview aired here Friday. "Our plan is to live and die in Libya," Seif al-Islam Kadhafi told Turkey's CNN Turk news channel when asked whether his family had a "plan B" in the face of the simmering turmoil in the north African country. Speaking with a voiceover translation to Turkish, Kadhafi's son admitted the regime had lost grip of eastern Libya, but said the authorities would soon regain control of the region. "There are over two million people in this area, the number of terrorists is 200 or 300 at most. People call us and beg for help. ... We cannot allow a handful of terrorists to control that part of Libya and its people," he said. "Not the army but the whole nation will resolve this problem," he said when asked whether the military could attack the flashpoint city of Benghazi. Seif al-Islam also targeted the media and especially Arab news channel Al Jazeera for what he called "lies" on civillan deaths and the activities of African mercenaries helping the regime. "All fabricated news come from one channel, Al Jazeera. We know the reason," he said, accusing the channel of "supporting" terrorist groups. He blamed "small terrorist groups" for provoking the turmoil, insisting that the Kadhafi family had no problem with street demonstrations. "Street protests, peaceful demonstrations, political demands ... these are acceptable. ... Our problem is armed groups. ... This is the greatest problem. Our problem is not political demands," he said. He said insurgent groups in the cities of Zawiya and Misurata stole army tanks and possessed guns and ammunition. "As government, we do not fight against our people, we fight against those groups," he said. Asked whether his father planned to bomb oil refineries if the situation got worse, he said: "We will never destroy oil. It belongs to the people."
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jako je tesko pratiti desavanja danas u tripoliju jer je milion nepotvrdjenih informacija.sigurno je samo da je bilo i da jos uvek ima demonstracija i to u vise delova grada i gotovo svim predgradjima osim onih koja su rezidencijalna.potvrdjena i je pretpostavka da su na ulicama bile elitne gadafijeve jedinice na koje jos moze da racuna sto je perfektan znak njegovog ocaja.mutiqa airport otkazao poslusnost pukovniku :)

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Ovo je možda i najbitniji izveštaj od početka ustanka. Ako je tačan, onda su se stvari značajno promenile i oformljen je međunarodni front protiv pukovnika koji više nema nikakve šanse. Jedina preostala briga je nekonvencionalno oružje koje možda planira da upotrebi.
DEBKAfile? To moze da bude sve tacno, a moze da bude totalna dezinformacija.
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ps. izgleda da ima dosta mrtvih i ranjenih i da za sada gadafi nema snage da kontrolise tripoli dalje od centralnog trga, rezidencijalnog dela i dela grada (bab al aziza) gde je, po pretpostavci, njegovo skroviste.

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