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iako je paznja na libiji, jos zanimljivih stvari danas, najzanimljivija sigurno ova da se u alziru ukida vanredno stanje posle skoro 20 godina sto je bio jedan od glavnih zahteva demonstranata.a ni ostali ne miruju

With the Middle East turmoil pushing oil prices ever higher, rulers of the Gulf state of Bahrain were confronted by fresh mass protests and governments made plans to evacuate their citizens from the region. And there was fresh violence in Yemen where supporters of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, armed with daggers and batons, clashed with students in Sanaa. The turmoil in Libya, Africa's fourth largest oil producer, sent oil prices soaring with Brent North Sea crude costing $108.57 per barrel at one stage, the highest level since September 2008. While there has been no uprising in the Middle East's number one producer, Saudi Arabia, neighbouring Bahrain has been facing a clamour for reforms. Tens of thousands of supporters of Bahrain's Shiite-led opposition poured into a Manama square Tuesday calling for the government's downfall in the largest rally in more than a week of protests. Those leading the protest carried a large banner reading, "The march of loyalty to martyrs" which bore the pictures of seven protesters killed by security forces. A crowd of around 4,000 Yemenis had massed at a square near Sanaa University when the mob of government supporters attacked with daggers and batons. At least five people were wounded.
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iako je paznja na libiji, jos zanimljivih stvari danas, najzanimljivija sigurno ova da se u alziru ukida vanredno stanje posle skoro 20 godina sto je bio jedan od glavnih zahteva demonstranata.a ni ostali ne miruju
kolko je ovo sve jedna velika lekcija o prevladjivanju naucene bespomocnosti, izmedju ostalogfenomenalno
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morgana, evo ti sta kazu italijani za moguce izbeglice iz libije

Italy fears an influx of up to 300,000 migrants from Libya amid turmoil in the north African state, the ANSA news agency reported Tuesday. An influx ranging between 200,000 and 300,000 was among scenarios discussed at a cabinet meeting led by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, ANSA said. The meeting came after Italy put its air bases on high alert and sent extra military helicopters to the south of the country. Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa earlier said the meeting would discuss the possible use of Italian armed forces to manage the expected migration flows. La Russa said Italy would also be deploying a navy destroyer ship. Libya shut down illegal immigration flows across the Mediterranean to Italy after signing a friendship treaty with its former colonial overlord in 2008 that facilitated massive investments between the two countries.
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The Unstoppable Revolutionary Power of al JazeeraIn Egypt once cell phones and internet were shut off Jazeera announced where the next demonstrations would be. When established opposition parties and Muslim Brothers went to Umar Suleiman to cut a deal, Jazeera played a key role in scuttling this betrayal of the revolution by going back to the demonstrators and airing their demans and challenging the opposition leaders....Jazeera also helped save lives. If the message was not brought and pictures were not shown massacres would take place in the dark. It also forced international media and actors to act....Al Jazeera crews were attacked in Lebanon by Sunni mobs in January. In February al Jazeera crews were attacked by pro government thugs in Yemen, the cameraman was beaten, his camera broken, and thugs were looking for the al Jazeera reporter by name so they could lynch him. On the other hand I saw anti government demonstrators in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa thanking al Jazeera. The Saudis, former Egyptian regime, Qadhafi and many Arab dictators despise Jazeera as do those seen as collaborating with American hegemony or with Israel. Jazeera is the new Gamal Abdel Nasr, the nationalist force uniting the region.
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The Unstoppable Revolutionary Power of al JazeeraIn Egypt once cell phones and internet were shut off Jazeera announced where the next demonstrations would be. When established opposition parties and Muslim Brothers went to Umar Suleiman to cut a deal, Jazeera played a key role in scuttling this betrayal of the revolution by going back to the demonstrators and airing their demans and challenging the opposition leaders....Jazeera also helped save lives. If the message was not brought and pictures were not shown massacres would take place in the dark. It also forced international media and actors to act....Al Jazeera crews were attacked in Lebanon by Sunni mobs in January. In February al Jazeera crews were attacked by pro government thugs in Yemen, the cameraman was beaten, his camera broken, and thugs were looking for the al Jazeera reporter by name so they could lynch him. On the other hand I saw anti government demonstrators in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa thanking al Jazeera. The Saudis, former Egyptian regime, Qadhafi and many Arab dictators despise Jazeera as do those seen as collaborating with American hegemony or with Israel. Jazeera is the new Gamal Abdel Nasr, the nationalist force uniting the region.

Gledam malo ovih dana ko im sve dopisničari, reportira i vodi - oni su poharali staru gardu BBCa i CNNa. biggrin.gif
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kakav ce biti stav evrope i evropske javnosti ako stvarno krene rijeka izbjeglica ka italiji?
Biće, bar političara vodećih zemalja, da treba po svaku cenu sprečiti slom pobunjenika na istoku zemlje. Bolje i malo intervenisati (ili pomoći) vojno, a ionako ne treba mnogo da vaga pretegne na pobunjeničku stranu, nego gledati šta raditi sa, recimo, pola miliona arapskih izbeglica odjednom.
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