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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Helicopter_fromroof1_triploi.jpgHelikopteri iznad Tripolija.
To su ona dva (od 8, edit) Chinooka koje mu je Italija prodala...
zasto avijacija nije upotrebljiva. kapiram da se oni ne koriste jednostavnom ocnom percepcijom. ili da? pitam kao laik.
Ako gađa ljude, a ne zgrade, mislim da učinkovitost toga dramatično pada kad padne mrak, on nema baš state of the art avijaciju. Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Pa ostatak medija uglavnom prezentuje one informacije koje sakupe Beta, Tanjug i Fonet, to se valjda naziva agencijskim vestima. Koliko su ljudi kod nas obavešteni to zavisi od tih agencija. Tanjug se usudio da stane na stranu iranskih ludaka, dao sam link pre desetak stranica.
Ma to se zove bezobrazluk i neznanje, a ne agencijske vesti. Nigde se te vesti ne koriste tako da se prepise od reci do reci ono sto je dala agencija, samo u Srbiji.
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The deputy ambassador, Ibrahim Omar Al Dabashi, told BBC World that Col Gaddafi's government was carrying out a genocide. "It is a real genocide whether it is in the eastern cities of Libya or whether what is going now in Tripoli," he said. "The information that we are receiving from the people in Tripoli is the regime is killing whoever goes out to the streets... He has his mercenaries everywhere in the streets and whenever any demonstrator appears they just kill them. At least they shoot them, whether they kill them or not, but they are shooting them."
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Na Twitteru i ponekim blogovima koji prenose vesti, provejavaju informacije da je libijska državna televizija javila da je Gadafi napustio državu.

Edited by Marvin (Paranoid Android)
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Informacija sa jednog od tvitera:

Libya's largest tribe (wagafahhah ) has switched side against Gaddafi; if his tribe fights it will be rerun of 1936 tribal war in Libya
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