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navodno će pukovniku javno dezertirat misija u UNu, any minute now
1657: The entire Libyan delegation to the United Nations has called for international action over events in Libya. The deputy ambassador called for protection for citizens from what he called the genocide being carried out by the Libyan government. He also called for a no-fly zone over the Libyan capital, Tripoli.
6:52pm: The Libyan ambassador to the United Kingdom has resigned, alongside other embassy staff. They have joined demonstrators, Al Jazeera's correspondent reported.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Ne ljutite se, ali ko je (bi mogao biti) nova ekipa u Libiji?
to je najzajebanije u celoj prici. posto kralj afrike ne postuje bas savremene oblike vladavine, prave opozicije skoro da i nema, a plemenske vodje vode racuna o sopstvenim finansijama, uz jasno odredjen reket koji se placa velikom vodji. medju njima ima svakakvih, ali im je svima zajednicka ljubav prema lovi.prava opozicija je napolju, the national conference for the libyan opposition, koalicija sedam grupacija koju predvodi naslednik stare pre-gadafijevske opozicije, national front for the salvation of libya. njihov problem, ko i uvek, sto su u inostranstvu, te niko sa sigurnoscu ne moze da kaze kolika im je podrska u libiji.jedna od mogucih vaznih figura je hadi shalluf, advokat koji je pobegao iz zemlje kada mu je gadafijev najstariji sin na oci ubio oca. on vec godinama pokusava da skrene paznju na libiju, ali mu to do sada nije poslo za rukom. u zemlji je relativno popularan medju mladjim svetom, ali se ne zna sta plemenske vodje misle o njemu, mada neki kazu da bi mozda mogli da ga podrze jer mu je libijska strana porodice stara i ugledna, deo al-zuwayya plemena za koje se veruje da "kontrolise" istocnu libiju. navodno ga drugo veliko pleme (nomadsko) warfalla ne voli preterano, sto moze da bude prepreka jer oni imaju jak uticaj u vojsci.ono sto je najopasnije i sto moze da ugrozi gadafijevo pucanje su njegova podrska africkim monstrumima, al-bashiru u sudanu i pobunjenicima u darfuru. udomio je i ibrahima iz cada, sve je zlikovce pokrio.
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Kako silno želim da vidim stotine hiljada libijskih emigranata na obalama Italije, ja to ne mogu opisati rečima.
Ako možeš, gledaj dnevnik bilo koje italijanske stanice, želji ti se već udovoljava. Stižu dnevno po par hiljada. :)
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Kako silno želim da vidim stotine hiljada libijskih emigranata na obalama Italije, ja to ne mogu opisati rečima.
sad sam gledala, ovo je samo deo poslovnih veza. jel bese ova unicredit banka isto i kod nas?:
Libya is Unicredit's top shareholder with a 7.5-percent stake and Libyan central bank governor Farhat Omar Bengdara is also Unicredit's vice-president. Shares in UniCredit plunged 5.75 percent by close of trading in Milan. Shares in energy major ENI, which has been in Libya since 1959 and produced 244,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2009, also dropped 5.12 percent. Libya accounts for around 14 percent of ENI's global output and the company is the biggest energy producer in the turmoil-hit North African state. "For the moment, no problem has been registered at the installations or on operational structures," the Milan-based giant said in a statement. "Production is continuing normally with no impact on operations," it said. Finmeccanica, which is two-percent owned by Libya's sovereign wealth fund, also said it was pulling its few expatriate employees out of the country. The company's shares fell 2.69 percent in Milan. Industry giant Impregilo, which has several major contracts in Libya, saw its shares plummet 6.09 percent -- the worst performer on the stock market, where the benchmark FTSE Mib index was down 3.59 percent. Italy-Libya ties have deepened since a treaty signed in 2008 in which the two countries promised billions of euros (dollars) in mutual investments, as well as a Libyan clampdown on illegal immigration towards Italian shores. Italy is now the biggest exporter to Libya and the biggest importer of Libyan goods. According to the latest data available for 2009, Italy is the fifth largest foreign investor in Libya, excluding the oil and gas sector.
nego, luba, vaso, jedan egipatski twiteraš je senzacionaliziran time što mu je pasport pregledala ženska 'cajka. Any comments?
mozda su poceli sa koptkinjama, dok se ne pripreme egipcanke. ali da je lepa, jeste, i ja bih bila odusevljena. dok sam letos sanjala o preseljenju na rajsku obalu, agent za nekretnine je bila jos bolja cica, a i neka teta u policiji za strance takodje, samo sto je ona bila koptkinja.izgleda da je saif de facto preuzeo odlucivanje:
Seif al-Islam, the son of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, has set up a commission to probe the deadly unrest that has swept Libya over the past seven days, state television reported on Monday.
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Ovo inače piše prijatelj režima, već sam ga kačio. Ovo je ullica u centru gdje su institucije, jel to kraJ?
sumnjam. a i televizija je tu blizu, a jos emituje zanimljivosti.jos jedna mogucnost za udomljavanje pukovnika, mada je izvor spektakularan.
Israel’s Channel 2 News last year interviewed two Israeli women of Libyan origin who claimed to be distant relatives of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.The older of the two interviewees, Guita Brown, said she is Gaddafi’s second cousin (Brown’s grandmother was the sister of Gaddafi’s grandmother). The younger of the two women, Rachel Saada, granddaughter of Brown, explained in more detail:“The story goes that Gaddafi’s grandmother, herself a Jewess, was married to a Jewish man at first. But he treated her badly, so she ran away and married a Muslim sheikh. Their child was the mother of Gaddafi.”While Gaddafi’s grandmother converted to Islam when she married the sheikh, according to Jewish religious law (and common sense), she was ethnically still Jewish.At this point the news anchor stated, “So, the point is that Gaddafi doesn’t just have Jewish relatives, he is Jewish!”Rumors of Gaddafi’s Jewish background are nothing new. But with the current uprising in Libya that threatens to ultimately overthrow the dictator, as has happened in the neighboring countries of Tunisia and Egypt, Gaddafi may be looking for an exit strategy.If the story told by Brown and Saada is true, Gaddafi is entitled to immigrate to Israel as a Jew under Israel’s Law of Return. Even if every other country on earth refused him entry, Israel would be obligated by its own laws to take Gaddafi in.At the time of the interview, the anchor quipped, “I am sure there is some local authority in Israel that would be pleased to have a former president on its staff.”
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Lazanski briljira: reko je da će se situacija smiriti ili će biti još prolivanja krvi, trećeg nema.
To je ta sigurna reč vrhunskog stručnjaka...Odmah se vidi da poznaje situaciju...
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