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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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Dobio malopre mejl od tetke, kaže baš je doputovala pre tri dana u Bahrein, ali ima problema sa netom pa neće moći da nam se javlja. :isuse: Otkud ona sada u Bahreinu, nikome nije rekla da ide tamo, a ni kog đavola traži . Samo da se čovek nervira zbog nečega.

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jesu li potpuna izgubljenost i amaterizam US administracije dobri ili losi u ovom kontekstu? da su sposobniji, mozda bi uspeli da pomognu drugarima u Tunisu, Egiptu, Bahreinu... cool.gifBanda Nesposobnih TupadzijaRunning through one’s mind the backgrounds of Obama, Biden, Donilon, Clinton, Gates, Panetta, Clapper and their deputies, it is stunning to realize that there is not one who has more than a cursory understanding of the region’s culture, history and personalities. At this moment of epochal change, the United States is flying through a fog bank while wearing distorting lenses with the drone of ‘stay the course’ in their ear phones. This is world change you can believe it. It is the capacity to cope with it that evokes disbelief.

Edited by Gandalf
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U Bahrainu se vojska povukla sa Pearl Skvera, a demonstranti ga zaposjeli. Princ Kalifa usto kenja na savršenom engleskom o obnovi društva i konsenzusa i selami alejkumi.... Pa ko oće, nek i dalje sere po Baracku Husseinu i njegovim tlačiteljskim flotama, m'key?

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