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jos jednom, za novopridosle na topical jazeera livelubo, sumnjam da se u Dahabu ista dogadja, cenim da tamo ne znaju da je kralj Farouk abdiciraomene vise brine Siwa. Nadrkani Berberi su verovatno pokidali ono malo bezbednosnih snaga tamo, a iseceni su od sveta u svakom pogleduikhwanweb ima dosta lozacki ton, ali ovo je zanimljivo:Unconfirmed: Army Chief of Staff, General Sami Anan, leading revolt within army ranks to remove the dictator

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
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Naravno, procitah "revolucija umri". Polazem 10eu kod Miralema da od cele stvari nema nista... kakve bre revolucije, sta vam je.
Pa tesko da ce stvoriti pravedni svet, ali ce skinuti jednog korumpiranog starca sa vlasti i pokusati da izgrade manje klijentisticki sistem. Malo li je na ovu skupocu
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Ja ne znam je li ovo opticka varka..ali izgleda mi kao da reke ljudi sa svih strana naviru u centar Kaira..tesko ce cika Hosni da pregura dan kao president.Javljeno da je jos jedna policijska stanica juzno od kaira spaljena.

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Young Egyptians on Saturday formed a humanchain to protect the Cairo museum which houses priceless antiquities,as efforts got under way around the riot-hit capital to organiseneighbourhood watch committees. Dozens of people surrounded the city centre museum -- home to the worldfamous Tutankhamun mask -- where army tanks had been stationed, asnationwide anti-government riots swept the country for a fifth dayrunning. Egypt's opposition Muslim Brotherhood, which has thrown its weightbehind the protests, told AFP it had recruited members to formneighbourhood watch committees around the capital to protect public andprivate establishments. "We have selected members to form neighbourhood watch committees, andthey will be stationed around the capital trying to protect property,"Salah Abdelraouf told AFP. Anti-regime protests gave way to looting in parts of the country, asthe army stepped in to maintain the peace. Residents of the poor Al-Sabtia neighbourhood, brandishing knives andhome-made weapons, poured onto the streets to chase away looters whohad ransacked a large mall and threatened to storm a commercial luxurytower. The residents took stolen goods back from the looters and stored themin a local mosque, preparing to hand them over to the authorities onceorder is restored, witnesses said. "They protected us all night," employees of a luxury five-star hoteltold AFP, of the residents. President Hosni Mubarak, 82, addressed the nation overnight, sackingthe government and vowing economic and political reforms in the world'smost populous Arab nation but showing no sign of easing his 30-yeargrip on power. Protesters who have been demanding that Mubarak step down, as well asan end to endemic state corruption and police brutality that havebecome systematic under his rule, dismissed his speech as too little,too late.
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lubo, sumnjam da se u Dahabu ista dogadja, cenim da tamo ne znaju da je kralj Farouk abdiciraomene vise brine Siwa. Nadrkani Berberi su verovatno pokidali ono malo bezbednosnih snaga tamo, a iseceni su od sveta u svakom pogledu
ne mogu da nadjem nikog iz dahaba, zato se brinem.za siwu je nocac bilo da je organizovan neighbourhood watch i da ne daju nikom da udje i izadje iz kraja. od jutros nema vesti.
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Jan25 VoicesLPC: second report that army is acting to limit Ministry of Interior guards interaction with protesters and streetJan25 VoicesLPC: a second killing at Ministry of Interior. Eyewitness. #Jan25 #Jan28 #EgyptJan25voices LPC: Now. Eyewitness. Army preventing Ministry of Interior guards from live firing into protest in some casesJan25 VoicesLPC: Now. Eyewitness man shot with live ammunition at Ministry of Interior. Body being carried by protesters. #Jan25 #Jan28

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Sanjam li ili Zastavina vozila po ko zna koji put ispisuju stranice istorije cool.gif
italijanski fiati, mahom 128, pun ih je Kairo. cesto su jako jako stari.pre jedno mesec dana vlada je donela odluku da se auta starija od 25 godina ne mogu registrovati, kako bi se smanjilo zagadjenje u Kairu, gradu u kome saobracajni policajci imaju najvisu stopu oboljenja pluca od svih svojih kolega na svetu.
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