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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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pouzdan tvitercovek se zvao muhamed ibrahim.stranim novinarima od popodneva "sugerisano" da ih prati policajac u civilu koji, da pomogne, nosi satelitski telefon.el baradei se vratio u kairo, ali sem kratke izjavena aerodromu, niko pouzdano ne zna da kaze gde je.
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jebemliga, imam utisak da moze. narocito ako se nastavi egipat sutra, a vidim sad kazu da su protesti izbili i u ismailiji, gde ima puno radnika. u jemenu je bilo, prema razlicitim izvorima, i do 15,000 ljudi u sani, sto je zapanjujuce mnogo.egipat je veliki problem jer mubarak dobro placa vojsku i policiju (dobro za tamosnje uslove), samo srecnici rade u turizmu, a i njihove zarade su skoro pa mizerne, a onaj mali procenat koji radi u bankama, osiguranjima i moze da priusti kola na lizing i slicno, ionako je vec dugo svestan da frendli diktatura mora nekako da pukne. ako se ispostavi tacno da je jedna od zrtava beduin, to takodje moze da bude zajebano.po svemu sudeci ce sutra biti dan d.bbc kolonijalno romanticarski

People are disgruntled about everything - about politics, economics, their lives, the state of the country. One could talk about the unemployment, and the poverty, and the corruption. People feel they are being treated with contempt by the government.But the discontent is also wider than that. Egyptians will tell you that this country needs a dream, a vision. They had a dream under President Nasser, they had a dream under President Sadat, they had a dream under the pharaohs.In the 30-year rule of President Mubarak, there has been no dream - it's been mundane, it's been about numbers, and even on those numbers, many will say they haven't delivered on simple things like education, sanitation, and so forth. So people are really seeing a government and a country in decline.
Edited by luba
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ne znam kolike su sanse da stane sutra, ubise coveka. mada, informaciona izolacija moze da pomogne. jezivo je kad pomislis da ti je komunikacija data milosnim ukazom, i da moze da nestane svakog momenta.

they had a dream under the pharaohs.
sto nisu ukinuli redakciju na engleskom...
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to je jedan danas, ima zrtava i prethodnih dana, a bice ih vise kad se provere podaci koji stizu sa raznih strana, to je sigurno.ovo jeste cia tabela na dnu strane, ali je indikator". u egiptu jednak broj miliona ispod linije siromastva i korisnika interneta, cetvrtina stanovnistva. u tunisu slicno. jedina zemlja u kojoj se brojke tako blize je maroko, a to je tek tesko provaljivo. ima jos faktora za poredjenje.

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ocekivano.Bajden otvoreno i iskreno:Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down...Hilari zavlaci, ali se svodi na isto:I do think it’s possible for there to be reforms, and that is what we are urging and calling for. And it is something that I think everyone knows must be on the agenda of the government as they not just respond to the protest, but as they look beyond as to what needs to be done economically, socially, politically. And there are a lot of very well informed, active civil society leaders in Egypt who have put forward specific ideas for reform, and we are encouraging and urging the Egyptian Government to be responsive to that.

Edited by Gandalf
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wikileaksWe will soon release numerous cables on Egypt.
tweet od pre 4 sataOnaj snimak je jeziv a sve mi mirise da ce se to oteti kontroli (glede mogucih zrtava)
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