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E, meni je proradila ova opcija dodavanja prijatelja na haxball ESL-u. Ako vam nisam prihvatio friend request, to je zato sto nisam znao kako! Posaljite ih opet. :DNego, mogu da vam ugovorim 3v3 ESL mec sa ovim momcima ako ste zainteresovani. Meni je guzva na classic terenu, ali verovatno vas ima kojima to ne smeta.

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Ma nemam pojma sto mi se ne pojavljuje tvoj request na listi, malopre je sve bilo u redu. angry.gifJesi sredio prikljucak, kad cemo moci ponovo da igramo?

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Danas sam gledao mec serbianhaxballerz-a protiv vukajlije, 5 na 5. Dobili ovi prvi 3:2 u pobedama iako su izgubili prve dve, bilo zanimljivo, i gresaka i finih poteza. Ipak mi se cini da je 4 na 4 prava mera za big teren ali ajde.I registrujte se na serbianhaxballerz sajt, ostavio sam link valjda na prosloj strani. Mislim da ce biti nesto od svega toga, plus sto ima dosta dobrih igraca tamo i malo cu da nam organizujem meceve. Cak se planira i liga od 4 ekipe - mi, vukajlija, SH forum i burek.

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Sto si shaban, brate (lazni) MVP? Znate da vas volim najvise od sve dece ali volim i druge pomalo... ima mene dovoljno za sve.Hocu, bre, da igramo sa sto vise razlicitih likova.

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Changes:Increased the display frame rate of the game to 60 FPS (was 30 before).Made the game logic speed independent of frame rate (slow computers unable to run at 60 FPS will be able to play just fine). This also fixes the lag caused by the host changing tabs in his browser (although the ping will go up a bit the game should remain playable).Changed a Flash setting (wmode=direct) which drastically improves the rendering performance (needed for smooth 60 FPS). Unfortunately on Windows this setting also reduces the quality of the text rendering, but the performance increase makes it worth it.Fine tuned the network code a bit, the game now uses less bandwidth and the latency should be slightly improved.Players with admin rights are now marked by a yellow nickname in the player list.Note that the physics are completely unchanged (previous versions of haxball were running two steps of simulation per displayed frame).Enjoy!
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