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In My OpinionSerbs show talent, fun can exist together at Sony Ericsson OpenRead more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/03/30/2140587/serbs-show-talent-fun-can-exist.html#ixzz1I6FwdJUDBY LINDA ROBERTSONLROBERTSON@MIAMIHERALD.COMNovak Djokovic and Viktor Troicki watched the Serbian soccer team play Estonia on the Internet on Tuesday during a rain delay at the Sony Ericsson Open.Not such a remarkable thing, watching a soccer game with a pal, except that Djokovic and Troicki then went out and tried to bash each other off the court in a tennis match.Over on Stadium Court, Andrea Petkovic upset her friend and fellow chataholic Jelena Jankovic. Then she was ready to hustle to her doubles match with Ana Ivanovic, who had just squandered five match points to defending champion Kim Clijsters, but with both exhausted, they decided to forfeit.Nearby, Janko Tipsarevic was starting his night match against Gilles Simon while Nenad Zimonjic was playing doubles on Court One.The tournament known as the “Fifth Grand Slam” could have been renamed the Serbian Open on a frantic day for the players from the little country making big strides in tennis.The schedule included six Serbs and one of Serbian descent — six names ending in the letters “ic,” which is pronounced “ich.”“We were joking in the locker room this morning — everywhere it’s ic, ic, ic,” said Ivanovic, No. 19 in the world. “It’s nice to see so many Serbians.”SERB STYLEIt’s nice for Serbia, the Balkan nation of 7.4 million where tennis rivals soccer and basketball in popularity. And it’s really nice for tennis, which can revel in Serb style — a combination of dynamic tennis and magnetic character. The “ich” factor is refreshing.The uninhibited, humorous personalities of the Serbs are vital to a sport — any sport — that must constantly counter the drag effect of athletes who are dull, predictable and protective of polished images that reflect whatever benign traits the marketing machine demands.Not everyone can be a charmer off the field of play. It’s not quite fair to expect athletes, who are in the 99.9th percentile in physical skill, to be multi-dimensional, not when they’ve spent countless hours in the gym to hone that skill. Athletes are measured by their accuracy, not their oratory. Power wins, not pithiness. Elizabeth Taylor could command a room but she couldn’t dunk.Yet we wouldn’t mind another Billie Jean King, Martina Navratilova or John McEnroe on the set that is a tennis court.Djokovic is captivating. The guy is smart and hilarious. He’s also ascended to No.2 in the world. He beat Troicki, his buddy from Belgrade, 6-3, 6-2, in another display of the attacking form that has won him 21 consecutive matches and the Australian Open and Indian Wells titles this year.Djokovic used to do spot-on impressions of his fellow players, mimicking their mannerisms to howls of laughter until some of those peers got a little offended. He stopped. But he hasn’t totally repressed his satiric side. He — wearing a white wig and tennis-ball breasts — and Troicki filmed a homemade spoof of a suggestive Shakira with Rafael Nadal. Djokovic also goes all out in a Head commercial in which he rips off his shirt to show his skill with stripper’s tassels.UNIQUE TALENTSTipsarevic, also from Belgrade, is the thoughtful Serb. He enjoys reading Nietzsche. He has a tattoo of a Doestoevski quote: “Beauty will save the world.” During his stay here he has been waxing poetic on his love for Miami on Twitter with photos of beaches, sunsets and his rental convertible.Andrea Petkovic did the “Petko dance” — a little shimmy — after upending Jankovic, 2-6, 6-2, 6-4. She has made a breakthrough here and women’s tennis can use more like her. She was born in Bosnia to Serbian parents and grew up in Germany. She’s friends with the Serbs, who would like her to play for their country.“We are like chameleons,” she said. “When we hang around and Novak is making his jokes you start to try to be funny. And it’s just a very good energy between all of us.”She’s made “Petkorazzi” videos of her travels. She and doubles partner Ivanovic make bets during their matches: If one hits an ace, the other owes $5.“You have to pay in the changeovers, otherwise you can sneak out and then it’s gone, the money,” Petkovic said. 7, insists she is the shy Serb, confining her karaoke to the bathroom mirror. She said it’s no accident the Serbs have a distinctive energy. It comes with their moxie. They weren’t country club kids. They had to fight and scrape for their success in a place with a tumultuous history. That’s why Djokovic considers Serbia’s Davis Cup title from December the greatest achievement of his career, past or future – bigger than his two Grand Slams.The iches – they can make you laugh, marvel and think. Among athletes of today, that’s a winning combination.Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/03/30/2140587/serbs-show-talent-fun-can-exist.html#ixzz1I6FrnHwG
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Normalno da je meč Novaka i Viktora daleko kvalitetniji od oba WTA meča, ali meni se činilo zanimljivije da su dali ovaj meč uživo, na osnovu onoga što su igrale Andrea i JJ. To što Andrea bije pušerke njihovim oružjem je ok kao taktika za dobijanje, al mi je bilo smorno da gledam meč u kome, u većem delu se ne gradi poen smišljeno, nego se prebacuje (najčešće po sredini) dok neko ne lipše i, ili pogreši ili baci neki zicer za poentiranje.Mada mogla bi da proba isto i sa Mašom, zna ona lepo da se samoubije.

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Riba objasnio Ferreru :Hail: covek je nabolji americki igrac na ATP listi, svaka mu cast
Fish je totalno likeable karakter, bas je lepo konacno videti nekog na tom mestu umesto onog smaraca od Rodika. Sa sebicne strane ovo je dobra vest za Novaka. Ako veceras bude sve kako treba i isprasi Andersona sa Ribom bi mec trebalo da bude kraci i eksplozivniji nego sa Fererom, sto nije beznacajno pred finale. Nego, da ne pravimo razanj dok je zec u sumi. :D
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Kakav mec je odigrao Anderson i izgubio sa 6:4 6:2. :mellow: Neverovatno, ko nije gledao mec tesko da bi mogao da poveruje koliko je pritiskao i kako dobro je igrao. U nekim trenucima Novak je morao da vadi udarce iz onog dela arsenala koji je zakljucan za sve tenisere osim za njega, Rafu i Federera.Ali Viskovic koji zakljucuje kako je, eto, Novak morao da odigra jedan slabiji mec. :lol:

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Dobar tenis pogotovo od Andersona koji bi sa ovakvom igrom dobio skoro sve tenisere sveta. Malo mu je falilo rutine u nekim situacijama. Novak nije bio los ali takticki nije bio na nivou jer je kracim spinovanim loptama koje dosta dugo stoje u zraku razigrao juznoafrikanca. Na kraju sve zavrseno ipak rutinski onako u stilu Federera ili Nadala kada su u formi. Servis mu je bio vrhunski i izvukao ga je par puta. Ludacki udarci iz nemogucih situacija koji ubijaju moral protivnika - :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: Prikazali su kako se Novak priprema za ovaj mec tako sto mu Karlovic servira a on pokusava da vrati servise. Nista ne prepusta slucaju. Karlovic je inace jedan super lik.U petak se peca Riba. Verovatno po danu, na vrucini i na nesnosnoj vlazi jer ce Fedal biti nocni mec. Ocekujem laksi mec od ovoga.

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i djovak napisa da je bilo gusto:

WAU guys,it was a tough one. Maybe result doesn't show it,but i had difficulty tonight. Thanx,Gracias,Hvala for support!!! Idemooooo
prolazi li deda pacejah ovuda? :unsure:
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Dobar tenis pogotovo od Andersona koji bi sa ovakvom igrom dobio skoro sve tenisere sveta. Malo mu je falilo rutine u nekim situacijama. Novak nije bio los ali takticki nije bio na nivou jer je kracim spinovanim loptama koje dosta dugo stoje u zraku razigrao juznoafrikanca. Na kraju sve zavrseno ipak rutinski onako u stilu Federera ili Nadala kada su u formi. Servis mu je bio vrhunski i izvukao ga je par puta. Ludacki udarci iz nemogucih situacija koji ubijaju moral protivnika - :Hail: :Hail: :Hail: Prikazali su kako se Novak priprema za ovaj mec tako sto mu Karlovic servira a on pokusava da vrati servise. Nista ne prepusta slucaju. Karlovic je inace jedan super lik.U petak se peca Riba. Verovatno po danu, na vrucini i na nesnosnoj vlazi jer ce Fedal biti nocni mec. Ocekujem laksi mec od ovoga.
Tim spinovanim loptama je dobio mec jer je upravo posle njih Anderson napravio 80% svojih neiznudjenih gresaka. Skroz zajeban mec.
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azarenka osurila klajsters ocekivanonisam gledala novaka, ali izgleda da su radili malo zivci, sve u svemu, isti ishod :P
Propustila si dobar mec. Anderson je igrao k'o zmaj i Novak je uspeo da ga slomi tek na 6:4 5:2. Samo za ilustraciju, Novak je imao 68 ili 69% procenat ubacenih prvih servisa, vise vinera nego gresaka, 7/7 na mrezi, 3 realizovane od 4 brejk lopte (Anderson nijednu od 5) i opet se silno mucio da dobije mec.
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