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1 hour ago, Zaboravan said:

Na nekom klipu iz podkasta, starom 6 meseci, lik priča o razgovoru sa vatrogascem koji doslovnom opisuje ovu savršenu oluju, suša, smer i jačina vetrova CA zakone o šumama koje ne dozvoljavaju seču i uklanjanje palog drveća, očajnu infrastrukturu i sl. 

Govorio je gotovo 100 godina staroj elektro mreži, drvenim banderama... 

Neću da tražim klip da ne bih bio optužen za desničarenje. :rolleyes:


Ja sam vec okacio klip i nisam optuzen za desnicarenje..

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1 minute ago, Jimmy Kowalski said:


Ja sam vec okacio klip i nisam optuzen za desnicarenje..

Prošao si ispod radara. 

1 hour ago, Lancia said:

Preslikana prica sa poplave u Valensiji. Dosli smo u situaciju kad se i strucnjacima iz teme pripisuje donji atribut ako progovore u zasititu necega, sto je decenijama uspesno stitilo protiv katastrofalnih posledica u slucaju prirodnih nepogoda.

Ko sada meri carbon fingerprint? 

Days into the devastating wildfires that have already killed five people and destroyed over a thousand buildings in Los Angeles, the right-wing misinformation machine is running at full speed. Thanks to Meta’s conveniently timed announcement that they’re ditching fact-checking, these lies are spreading unchecked across Facebook and Instagram. And naturally, Elon Musk’s X is a hotbed of falsehoods.
Let’s start with Trump, who couldn’t even wait for the flames to die down before launching into his greatest hits about California water management. He’s claiming Governor Gavin Newsom “refused to sign the water restoration declaration” that would have prevented this disaster. One small problem: This declaration doesn’t exist. It’s completely made up. State officials from both parties confirmed to local NBC affiliate WXII that there was never any such document.
But reality hasn’t stopped Trump’s allies from running with this narrative. Musk, James Woods, and the usual suspects are busy building an alternate universe where California’s water reservoirs are empty (they’re actually “brimming,” according to state officials), and the only reason anyone’s house burned down is because of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives at the fire department.
Yes, you read that right. The same people who spent years telling us climate change isn’t real are now trying to blame the fires on the fact that the L.A. Fire Department’s chief is a woman. Never mind that Kristin Crowley worked her way up through the ranks for 22 years. Never mind that the department’s leadership is still predominantly male. The right has found a way to combine their favorite bogeymen: diversity initiatives, California governance, and climate science.
Here’s what’s actually happening: Hurricane-force Santa Ana winds combined with unusually dry conditions (hello, climate change) to spread small fires at unprecedented speed. Yes, some fire hydrants failed—not because of some conspiracy about water managementbut because the system was overwhelmed by simultaneous massive demands for water. The department’s firefighting aircraft couldn’t fly for several hours because of those same dangerous winds, not because they’d been sent to Ukraine (another false claim making the rounds).
This is the playbook we’re going to see for every climate disaster going forward. Rather than acknowledge the role of climate change, rather than have honest discussions about infrastructure and emergency preparedness, the right will search for ways to blame their cultural grievances. Everything becomes evidence of their preferred narrative: Hydrant failures become proof of Democratic mismanagement, female leadership becomes proof of “woke” politics gone wrong, and the actual causes get buried under an avalanche of manufactured outrage.
Mozda je vlada, mozda su Srbi, mozda DEI... netko ih sabotira...
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Lancia, ne mogu kod lekara zbog migranata sa plaže i Zaboravan, sestra prodala stan u Berlinu zbog migranata noću u metrou - našli zajednički jezik? 


Šokiran sam :fantom:

  • +1 2
1 minute ago, Amos said:

Lancia, ne mogu kod lekara zbog migranata sa plaže i Zaboravan, sestra prodala stan u Berlinu zbog migranata noću u metrou - našli zajednički jezik? 


Šokiran sam :fantom:

Ma jedemo govna, naravno da je sve ok, mi smo glupi desničari koji bi podržali pogrom Jevreja u ww2. :fantom:

  • +1 1
2 minutes ago, Amos said:

Lancia, ne mogu kod lekara zbog migranata sa plaže i Zaboravan, sestra prodala stan u Berlinu zbog migranata noću u metrou - našli zajednički jezik? 


Šokiran sam :fantom:


Nemogućnost pristupa lekaru i bezbednost u javnom prevozu su stvarni problemi sa kojima pokušavaju da se nose realni ljudi.


"Bujica laži" i "desničarska misinformation machine" su apstraktini problemi sa kojima se suočavaju nerealni ljudi, status quo apologete koje u životu najviše žulja što javnost ne razzme da je čestiti Gavin Newsome u stvari povećao budžet vatrogascima za 7.6% pre dva meseca, pa valja zameniti primitivnu kritiku vlasti jednom sofisticiranom ritualnom inkantacijom - još 20 puta izgovoriš "climate change", baciš farbu na još 10 slika, i požari su rešeni. 


Za koju stranu treba imati više razumevanja, sigurno ne moram da crtam.


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10 minutes ago, Amos said:

Lancia, ne mogu kod lekara zbog migranata sa plaže i Zaboravan, sestra prodala stan u Berlinu zbog migranata noću u metrou - našli zajednički jezik? 


Šokiran sam :fantom:

Xaxa, koji si ti maloumnik i bednik. 

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3 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Nemogućnost pristupa lekaru i bezbednost u javnom prevozu su stvarni problemi sa kojima pokušavaju da se nose realni ljudi.


Ma vodi svoj rat sa Symetom slobodno, svakako niste materijalno ugroženi obojica pa široko vam internet polje. Samo mojne da mi prodaju ove nebuloze koje gledam svaki dan rodjenim očima. Kakav sam heroj sa 60 kila, ne mogu mi ništa noćne horde migranata. :lolol:

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, Lancia said:

Xaxa, koji si ti maloumnik i bednik. 


Još koji izbori pa će ti dati mitraljez da očistiš plažu, izdrži. 

  • Haha 2
1 minute ago, Amos said:


Još koji izbori pa će ti dati mitraljez da očistiš plažu, izdrži. 

Dace ga i tebi sutra, samo jadan ne bi imao sta da povredis, pucajuci sebi u glavu.

  • Haha 1
2 minutes ago, Lancia said:

Dace ga i tebi sutra, samo jadan ne bi imao sta da povredis, pucajuci sebi u glavu.


Nema govora o mitraljezu, ali hladnokrvnost u metrou ga preporučuje za deminera. 


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