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Amerika, zemlja velika

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Think-tankovi zreli za registraciju kao strani agenti. Američki zakon (FARA) koji su Rusi prepisali, doradili i primenili, može imati rivajval i u domovini:



We didn't start the fire,

It was always burning

Since the world's been turning.

We didn't start the fire,

No we didn't light it

But we tried to fight it




The situation, he believes, is irredeemable. "We're on our way out," he says of America. "Anybody that doesn't realise that is looking like it's Christmas or something. We're on our way out, as a culture. America doesn't make anything anymore! The Chinese make it! Detroit's a great example. All of those cities that used to be something. If you go to a truck stop in Sallisaw, Oklahoma, you'll probably see the face of America. How desperate we are. Really desperate. Just raw."



Dobar clanak ali je zakljucak smesan. Uzeti Detroit pa tvrditi da je sve propalo je isto kao uzeti San Francisko pa tvrditi da je sve super.


Dobar clanak ali je zakljucak smesan. Uzeti Detroit pa tvrditi da je sve propalo je isto kao uzeti San Francisko pa tvrditi da je sve super.


Nije samo Detroit, nego i Sallisaw, Oklahoma. :) Propadanje manjih mesta i bivših industrijskih centara - u principu opšta priča, čak ne samo američka.


Globalizacija, jebes ga.  Amerika polako ide ka tom raslojavanju gde ceme na kraju imati male enclave gde je sve super, a oko njih pustos i ocaj.




On the bottom floor of the United States Capitol’s new underground visitors’ center, there is a secure room where the House Intelligence Committee maintains highly classified files. One of those files is titled “Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters.” It is twenty-eight pages long. In 2002, the Administration of George W. Bush excised those pages from the report of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into the 9/11 attacks. President Bush said then that publication of that section of the report would damage American intelligence operations, revealing “sources and methods that would make it harder for us to win the war on terror.”

Ah, da, opet hapsenja zbog protesta u Ferusonu, Misuri.

"It's fear-mongering. It's what happened after 9/11. 'Oh my god, they've got these planes crashing. Now they're going to take over America.' That's nonsense," said Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), the only lawmaker who unequivocally dismissed the idea that Islamic State militants pose a direct threat to the United States. An indirect threat, yes, he said, but not more.
"We overreacted to 9/11. Most of the people that did 9/11 were Saudis. Why the hell didn't we invade Saudi Arabia? There wasn't one Iraqi involved in 9/11," Harkin said. "We just keep jumping from one mistake to another. I have a feeling we're going to do the same thing with [the Islamic State]."
But the majority of his colleagues don't share his concern. And since the debate is happening in the midst of election season, few lawmakers are willing to risk sounding weak on terrorism.
"I'm glad people have this 9/11 mentality again," Ros-Lehtinen said. "We can't have a 9/10 mentality."





I taj izgleda mnogo veruje onome sto procita u novinama, ne?


Nego, da ne padne u zaborav... 




Welcome to 'the disco'

For US interrogators seeking to disorientate and break Iraqi prisoners it's 'torture lite' - rock music played at excruciating volumes. But while the song choices may sometimes verge on the unintentionally funny, this appropriation of music by the military is anything but a joke.
Clive Stafford Smith 
The Guardian, Thursday 19 June 2008




Ultimately, though, the most overused torture song is I Love You by Barney the Purple Dinosaur.

Danas je godisnjaca 9.IX. Rat protiv (islamskog) terorizma jos uvek nije gotov. U odnosu na 2001. godinu, teroristi imaju mnogo vecu bazu i mnogo vecu podrsku. Gasenje vatre benzinom ne daje zeljene rezultate. Mozda je vreme da se promeni strategija?





Danas je godisnjaca 9.IX. Rat protiv (islamskog) terorizma jos uvek nije gotov. U odnosu na 2001. godinu, teroristi imaju mnogo vecu bazu i mnogo vecu podrsku. Gasenje vatre benzinom ne daje zeljene rezultate. Mozda je vreme da se promeni strategija?




Ja rek'o negde onomad na temu "war on terror" - isto je tako (bilo) i sto se tice "war on drugs" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_Drugs

Tek kad je USofA objavila "war on drugs" biznis (proizvodnja, shverc i sve sto uz to ide) s drogom - je postao ozbiljan - nesto kao - tek kad se ukljuce veliki/ozbiljni igraci onda biznis postaje "ozbiljan"... 

Slicno i ovo. ok, mozda ne slicno ali jos gore. A kome treba wikileaks da mu kaze sta se dogadja i zasto; i kome treba snowden - you're in for more surprises... 

Sto se strategije tice - glavno i osnovno pitanje je - sta se htelo (a sta se reklo da se hoce) - jer - sto kazu ovi teoreticari zavere - najveci % svih 9/11 aktivista je bio vezano sa Saudi Arabiju - nesto mizerno za Avganistan/Irak... A gazda prvo nagazio jedno pa drugo... A Saudi Arabija - eno gde je i bila. E - tako nekako i "war on terror"... :)

I da, trebalo je Sadama skenjati i bez obzira na nedokazive WMD spekulacije - ko je jos video da se na svoj narod bacaju bojni otrovi, ne? 

To samo CCCP, USofA i Australija mogu. Ok, ok. Nije Australija bojne otrove - nego je probala nukes, onako iz zezanja... 

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