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16 hours ago, Mel said:

Mi smo imali pristojnu ventilaciju na poslu, pa je bilo zabranjeno da udjesh u sobu ako vidish kolegu da je pao na pod gde je bio azot. Znachi nema ono na dah cu samo da ga izvuchem. Toliko to 'nije problem'.


Realno je azot (pod normalnim atmosferskim pritiskom) problem samo u kontekstu manjka kiseonika; što ga više ima, to manje udišeš O2, i polako ti se sve više spava dok se ne onesvestiš. Trebalo si da budeš OK ako samo otvoriš prozore.


Kod ronilaca je adekvatan balans teže održati zbog promena u pritisku. Relativno brzo se ode putem manjak koncentracije -> halucinacije -> gubitak svesti -> smrt.


7 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Realno je azot (pod normalnim atmosferskim pritiskom) problem samo u kontekstu manjka kiseonika; što ga više ima, to manje udišeš O2, i polako ti se sve više spava dok se ne onesvestiš. Trebalo si da budeš OK ako samo otvoriš prozore.


Kod ronilaca je adekvatan balans teže održati zbog promena u pritisku. Relativno brzo se ode putem manjak koncentracije -> halucinacije -> gubitak svesti -> smrt.



Mi smo radili u zgradi na vishim spratovima gde nismo otvarali prozore. Bila je korektna i ispravna ventilacija ali to ni izbliza ne bi bilo dovoljno. Naravno senzori za azot, senzori za kolege ako padnu, ali to nishta nije 100% zashtita. Mislim da je najbitnija bila utreniranost ljudi koji rade i koji treba da reaguju.

Takodje imash sva ta fensi pravila, a onda dodju radnici koji isporuchuju azot, ne javi im se jednom taj neko ko ga obichno prima, i oni ostave dva tanka nasred hodnika protiv svih pravila i propisa jer moraju da idu dalje.

  • +1 1

a zašto ovo gledamo?


i zašto nam prenosiš najgore ljude sa twiterra?

  • +1 1
13 minutes ago, Pokojni Ruxin said:

a zašto ovo gledamo?

i zašto nam prenosiš najgore ljude sa twiterra?


Čim si se vratio, nastavio si da smaraš sa tim nedotupavim "zašto je izvor lik koji mi se ne sviđa" primedbama :isuse:


Ako te žulja debilni malezijski bloger, možeš ovde da nađeš bezbroj drugih koji prenose isti snimak


A što se tiče "zašto gledamo" primedbe koja je možda čak za nijansu gluplja, zašto ne bismo gledali?

U pitanju je osuđenik koji se zaleće i skače da bije sudiju, klasičan amerikana sadržaj :jerry:

Čudo kako nisi pitao gore zašto Mel i ja pričamo o toksicitetu azota, to ti nije smetalo. Nego ti ovo smeta iz nekog razloga.


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kul kul kul, ako mu nisi zvanično advokat i dalje bih voleo da čujem zašto on misli da treba ovo da vidimo

Posted (edited)

Ne spominje se Tramp kao gost u članku, samo neuspešan odlazak avionom u njegov kazino. Ovo je jedino spominjanje Trampa.



Donald Trump, whose association with Epstein has been widely reported, was also mentioned in the documents; the former US president is not accused of wrongdoing. In Sjoberg’s deposition, she said that they went to one of Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City when a storm prevented Epstein’s plane from landing in New York City.

“Jeffrey said, Great, we’ll call up Trump and we’ll go to – I don’t recall the name of the casino, but – we’ll go to the casino.” Asked at one point whether she ever gave Trump a massage, Sjoberg said “no”.


Edited by vememah
  • +1 1
Posted (edited)

Nisi dobro pročitao, odlazak u kazino je bio uspešan :



Donald Trump Responds to Being Named in Jeffrey Epstein List


"Jeffrey said, 'Great, we'll call up Trump and we'll go to'—I don't recall the name of the casino, but—'we'll go to the casino,'" Sjoberg said, according to her testimony.
While in Atlantic City, they visited one of Trump's casinos, according to Sjoberg, who said Giuffre was not allowed in because she was underage.

Later, when asked if she ever massaged Trump, Sjoberg twice responded that she never had.

Individuals named in the documents are not necessarily accused of wrongdoing and Trump has not been linked to any offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell.


Trump najverovatnije nije umešan u spopadanje maloletnica, ali bio je period kad su bili baš dobri drugari :



Everything Donald Trump Has Said About Jeffrey Epstein Relationship


Former President Donald Trump once described late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein as a "terrific guy" who liked women "on the younger side."


Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution from a person under 18 as part of a 2008 plea deal. He was arrested in a far larger federal sex trafficking case in July 2019, dying behind bars in what prison officials ruled a suicide one month later.


This week, the identities of more than 170 previously anonymous associates and victims of Epstein are set to be revealed after U.S. Federal Judge Loretta Preska ordered the unsealing of a trove of court documents.


The development has sparked speculation about the names that could be on the list, alongside renewed scrutiny of Epstein's relationship with powerful men like Trump and former President Bill Clinton.


While it is unclear whether Trump will be named in the unsealed records, the former president's relationship with Epstein, by his own admission, dated back to at least 1987.


"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


After Epstein was arrested in July 2019, Trump said he only knew Epstein because "everybody in Palm Beach" did. Trump said that he had not spoken to Epstein "in 15 years" due to "a falling out."


"I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you," Trump said, while also claiming that Epstein was never a member of his Mar-a-Lago club.


During an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson earlier this year, Trump said that the convicted sex offender and suspected sex trafficker had been "a fixture" in Palm Beach, Florida, and had a "beautiful" life before the discovery of his crimes.


"He was a fixture in Palm Beach," Trump said. "I think he probably committed suicide. He had a life with, you know, beautiful homes and beautiful everything. And all of a sudden, he's incarcerated and not doing very well."


A 2020 book, The Grifter's Club, claimed that Epstein had been a member of the club. By October 2007, Epstein was reportedly banned over fears that he "could irreparably harm the Trump brand" after being caught hitting on a member's teenage daughter.


A January 2021 Vanity Fair article purporting to detail the "epic bromance" between Trump and Epstein claimed that the men fell out in 2005 over a real estate dispute.


Flight logs made public later in 2021 indicated that Trump flew on Epstein's private jet, which has been called the "Lolita Express," at least seven times, although there has been no evidence of Trump engaging in any related wrongdoing.


Longtime Trump associate Roger Stone dismissed connections between the former president and Epstein as a "smear" during an appearance on Lindell TV earlier this year, while adding that Trump once visited Epstein's Palm Beach, Florida, residence.


"Trump told the traveling security guard, 'Wow, what a nice guy Jeffrey Epstein is, letting all the kids in the neighborhood swim in his pool,'" Stone said. "Reportedly, Trump left the Epstein residence after only 15 minutes because he was uncomfortable with the mix of younger women and the limited number of men."


In addition to Trump's relationship with Epstein, the former president said he met with Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell "numerous times over the years" and wished her "well" after her arrest in 2020. Maxwell was later convicted of multiple child sex trafficking crimes and is serving a 20-year prison sentence.



Edited by braca
  • +1 1
  • Hvala 1

da sam trumpov potencijalni glasac, konzervativan jel' kakav jesam, meni bi sve ovo bilo dovoljno da vise nikad ne glasam za njega.

ali avaj

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, braca said:

Nisi dobro pročitao, odlazak u kazino je bio uspešan


Hvala na dopuni.


Pročitao sam i citirao sve ono što piše o Trampu u Gardijanovom članku, ti si linkovao drugi članak drugog medija - Njuzvika.

Edited by vememah
23 minutes ago, Djuro said:

da sam trumpov potencijalni glasac, konzervativan jel' kakav jesam, meni bi sve ovo bilo dovoljno da vise nikad ne glasam za njega.

ali avaj


Ako ih nije obeshrabrilo ranije, dok je bio predsednik, neće ni sad jer nikakve nove informacije o njemu nisu izašle.


Te izjave tipa "super je Džefri, baš mlade ribe voli" su citirane još davno dok je Epstein bio zaštićen bogataškom omertom. One samo pokazuju koliki je Trump debil jer ne ume suptilno da čuva javnu tajnu kad priča o liku koga svi iz tih krugova prećutno štite.


Bio je valjda Newyorker feljton pre par godina u kom se navode izjave brojnih ljudi o Epsteinu, skoro sve su vrlo uvijene, wink wink nod nod, sve kao "ima veoma ekscentričan ukus", samo je Trump dovoljno prost da tresne "VOLI MLADO MESO HI HI HI". 


Koliko vidim, nova imena nisu bila objavljena? Znalo se i za Klintona, i za Trampa, i za Princa "Nemam Znojne Žlezde" Endrua, pokojni Majkl Džekson je sopstvenu ergelu držao... 


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