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Amerika, zemlja velika

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4 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Ma šta Guardian seruckao, ne treba zaboraviti da su bukvalno isti ljudi diktirali odgovor države na pandemiju pod Trampom i pod Bajdenom. 


Stavovi javnosti oko kovida i vakcinacije su bili formirani striktno po navijačkim osnovama:







 Ništa drugo osim tog praznoglavog navijanja ne radi @3opge kad trubi kako je Trump pobio dva miliona ljudi. 


Bar @mustang kad priča o gej seksu u prostorijama senata priča o stvarima koje su se zaista desile a ne pravi fantazmagorične kontrukcije.





jesi li ziveo ovde u vreme covida, jesi kurac, onda ne gomilaj ta sranja sa tvitera

Edited by 3opge
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1 hour ago, 3opge said:


jesi li ziveo ovde u vreme covida, jesi kurac, onda ne gomilaj ta sranja sa tvitera


Sve je istina sto je rekao. I jos ti ostavio linkove koje nije teško proveriti. Ako nisi u stanju to da proveris, nije cudo sto si takav. Ti si idealna marioneta, rob nas nasusni, nesposoban da samostalno razmisljas. 

Steta. Steta. Steta. 


I mogao bi malo (vise) da smanjis taj agresivan ton, nije zdravo...po tebe. Chill dude.

Edited by mustang
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1 hour ago, 3opge said:

jesi li ziveo ovde u vreme covida, jesi kurac, onda ne gomilaj ta sranja sa tvitera


Aha, a ti si sigurno na ulicama video dva miliona mrtvih Amerikanaca?


Ili Faucija sreo na pijaci, pa ti je rekao da je pod Trampom zajebao pandemic response a pod Bajdenarom radio sve kako treba?


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55 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Aha, a ti si sigurno na ulicama video dva miliona mrtvih Amerikanaca?


Ili Faucija sreo na pijaci, pa ti je rekao da je pod Trampom zajebao pandemic response a pod Bajdenarom radio sve kako treba?



eno ti sve gore objasnjeno na Guardianu koji serucka™.


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8 minutes ago, 3opge said:

eno ti sve gore objasnjeno na Guardianu koji serucka™.


Aha, baš su objasnili: "A line is drawn from neoliberal policies pushed in the past 40 years, such as those that intensified the drug war and resulted in mass incarceration, to health inequities Trump exacerbated while in office."


"Many of the connections date back even further, to the colonization of the Americas :lolol: and the persistence of white supremacy in society."


Tramp 40 godina na vlasti, a i Ameriku je kolonizovao.

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Sta su minimalno rekli o trampu .... Da se podsetimo 

Brandon je former dems, gej, za trampa 100% i osnivac #walkaway. Isto je J6 zatvorenik bivsi. 






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Realno, finansiranje istraživanja i proizvodnje vakcina (10 + milijardi dolara, ako se dobro sećam) i posle toga kupovina više stotina miliona doza, jedna od retkih stvari gde se nema šta zameriti Trampovoj administraciji (ne Trampu, on bi to lečio varikinom).


Drugo je pitanje da li će to malo odraslih ljudi koje je prošli put bilo u sistemu, ostati u njemu i u sledećem mandatu dotičnog, za godinicu i nešto dana.

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2 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Aha, baš su objasnili: "A line is drawn from neoliberal policies pushed in the past 40 years, such as those that intensified the drug war and resulted in mass incarceration, to health inequities Trump exacerbated while in office."


"Many of the connections date back even further, to the colonization of the Americas :lolol: and the persistence of white supremacy in society."


Tramp 40 godina na vlasti, a i Ameriku je kolonizovao.


nema sa tobom vise nista da se razgovara.

get a room with mustang pa se pucajte ivermektinom u venu i brojite ukradene glasove 

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Pije se. Sa vodom zamisli :lolol: 


Bar ce rodja biti zdraviji :heart:


Necu vise da te zajebavam...nije mi zabavno kad te vidim u takvom stanju





Edited by mustang
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5 minutes ago, 3opge said:

nema sa tobom vise nista da se razgovara.

get a room with mustang pa se pucajte ivermektinom u venu i brojite ukradene glasove 


Jubilarni šesnaesti put se odjavljuješ, a prethodnih petnaest si se vratio da me cimaš za rukav dok pričam sa drugim ljudima. 


Ako ne znaš kako se koristi ignore list, imaš dole ovu temu pa pitaj tamo neku dobru dušu. Ajde sad, putuj, ma'a salama.


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@NevenMan  Lani si bio slavodibitno trcao pocasni krug, a ove godine te  nema te da se pohvalis sa $68B deficitiom?


@Gojko & Stojko prije par godina smo imali ovu raspravu, a evo svjezih podataka koji potvrdjuju ono sto se odavno zna™.


Iz LA Times:


Even though California has experienced lopsided out-migration for decades, the financial blow has been cushioned by the kinds of people moving into the state: The newcomers were generally better educated and earned more money than those who left.

Not now: That long-standing trend has reversed. New state-to-state migration data show that for the last several years, thousands more high-earning, well-educated workers have left California than have moved in.


The reversal, largely in response to the state's high taxes and soaring cost of living, has begun to damage California's overall economy. And, by cutting into tax revenues, has delivered punishing blows to state and local governments.

State budget analysts recently projected a record $68-billion deficit in the next fiscal year thanks to a 25% drop in personal income tax collection in 2023. Some city, county and other local taxing authorities, particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, have also recorded revenue declines.

With investors and high-income taxpayers receiving substantial compensation in the form of stocks, last year's sluggish stock market accounted for a major share of the decline in state income tax revenues. So did layoffs and financial weakness in the tech sector.

But rising unemployment in the state and the growing flight of professionals, business operators and others making good salaries were also notable contributors. And those factors will be harder to reverse, at least in the foreseeable future.



In 2021 and 2022, about 750,000 more people left the state than moved in, according to recently released Census Bureau data. That was about as many as the total net loss of residents for all five years before the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.

But it’s not just the sheer numbers of people who have left. What’s different is that in each of the prior two years, more than 250,000 Californians with at least a bachelor’s degree moved out, while an average of 175,000 college graduates from other states settled in California, according to an analysis of census data by William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution.

In prior periods over the last two decades, that balance was about even or slightly in California’s favor, even though the state consistently lost many more residents overall to other states than it gained from them. The recent out-migration has been particularly pronounced among Californians with graduate and professional degrees.


California is heavily dependent on high earners to meet government fiscal needs. Tax filers in the top 1% of income, earning around $1 million and above, have typically accounted for 40% to 45% of the state’s total personal income tax revenue, said Brian Uhler, deputy legislative analyst at California’s Legislative Analyst's Office, which estimated the $68-billion budget deficit.

But it’s not just the super rich such as Elon Musk, who moved from California to Texas in 2020 and brought his company Tesla with him a year later, or movie star Mark Wahlberg, who left Los Angeles for Vegas last year. There’s been a broader exodus of ordinary Californians in the upper-income spectrum as well.

In the tax filing years 2020 and 2021, the average gross income of taxpayers who had moved from California to another state was about $137,000. That was up from $75,000 in 2015 and 2016, according to migration and personal income data from the Internal Revenue Service.


The wealthiest Californians are fleeing the state. Why that's very bad news for the economy (msn.com)




Jedan od faktora koji se doticu prvog bolda je kraj ere niskih kamata. CIm vise nema jeftinog novca, odmah presushuje i porez. Moze li Newsom da urgira kod Bidena da se pritisne FED da ubrza smanjivanje kamatnih stopa?

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Šta biva ako odluka opstane?

Ne sme na primaries u Koloradu? Ali ako dobije na kraju primaries ukupno na nivou celih SAD, može da bude u ponudi na predsedničkim izborima i u Koloradu?

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