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Ima i neka glumica Melisa Berera, iz Vrisak franšize. Iskreno blage veze nemam ko je to (gledala sam samo Scream 1 i 2), ona je lik iz petog i šestog dela i sad su je išutirali iz Scream 7, zbog antisemitizma. Ali ne znam tačno šta je izjavila.


edit: navodno je imala Slava Palestini stori ili post na instagramu, mada deluje mi nemoguće da je samo to.

Edited by Patty Lee
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14 minutes ago, Patty Lee said:

Ima i neka glumica Melisa Berera, iz Vrisak franšize. Iskreno blage veze nemam ko je to (gledala sam samo Scream 1 i 2), ona je lik iz petog i šestog dela i sad su je išutirali iz Scream 7, zbog antisemitizma. Ali ne znam tačno šta je izjavila.


edit: navodno je imala Slava Palestini stori ili post na instagramu, mada deluje mi nemoguće da je samo to.


Spomenula je rec koja pocinje na "g".

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Zglajznula je i agentica (agentkinja?) Tom Kruza:


Tom Cruise Intervened To Prevent Agent's Firing Amid Social Media Controversy

The news comes at a time when Hollywood icon Tom Cruise personally intervened to show support for Maha Dakhil, who was relieved of the leadership role at talent agency named Creative Artists Agency (CAA) after sharing pro-Palestine posts on Instagram. According to Variety, Mr Cruise met with Ms Dakhil at her office last week. The outlet quoted sources as saying that Tom "took the rare step of going in person to show support for his embattled agent".

Ms Dakhil was slammed for her posts last month in which she spoke in favour of Palestine. "What's more heartbreaking than witnessing genocide? Witnessing the denial that genocide is happening," she had said in one of the posts. Facing backlash from users, Ms Dakhil resigned from the agency's board.

She later deleted the photo from her Instagram handle and issued a public apology. "I made a mistake with a repost in my Instagram Story, which used hurtful language. Like so many of us, I have been reeling with heartbreak. I pride myself on being on the side of humanity and peace," Ms Dakhil said in a statement to Variety.

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Ljudi moji, bolje da se ujedinimo,  human trafficking and sexual abuse je nas najveci problem. 


Evo ga sad neki pao sto radi za Pentagon. Pizzagate, Epstein list, holivud pedofilja...bas scary shit

Edited by mustang
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4 hours ago, Amos said:

@theanswer aj vrati se, bar za ovu temu samo. Pogodio si Bajdena prošli put i Trampa pretprošli. Šta nam se smeši sada? 

+1, ali kao i uvijek, sto rece Bubba Clinton's Carville: it's the economy, stupid.


Na tu temu, Bidenomics(TM):


The latest Federal Reserve study revealed a concerning trend among American households, particularly those outside the wealthiest 20%, according to a Bloomberg report. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have depleted their extra savings and have less liquid assets than they had before the pandemic began. If this is you, consider speaking to a financial advisor.

As of June, the bottom 80% of households by income, when adjusted for inflation, had lower bank deposits and other liquid assets compared to their status in March 2020. The decline marks a significant shift from the initial phases of the pandemic, where various factors, including government financial support and restricted spending opportunities during lockdowns, led to an accumulation of excess savings.


S obzirom da vecina ljudi u tom segmentu mjeri bogatsvo u kesu, jasno je zasto su Bidenovi procenti toliko niski


i jos:

Consumers Pull Cash From Retirement Accounts Amid Budget Stress (fa-mag.com)

Millions of Americans have received a pay cut since Biden took office (foxbusiness.com)

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