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Amerika, zemlja velika

Кристофер Лумумбо

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Veto ne vazi za rezolucije generalne skupstine, samo za savet bezbednosti. No takodje rezolucije generalne skupstine su samo deklarativne, jedino rezolucije saveta bezbednosti su obavezujuce.


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  • If Democrat Other than Biden Runs Against Trump, the Dem Leads in All 6 States: WI by 12 Points; PA by 10; AZ by 8; GA & MI by 7; NV by 3
  • Across 6 Battleground States: 59% Disapprove of the Job Biden is Doing as President; 71% Say He's Too Old & 62% Say He Lacks Mental Sharpness to be Effective President; Only 38% Say Trump Too Old to be Effective President & 54% Say He Has Mental Sharpness
  • Voters Have Unfavorable View of Both Biden (41-57%) & Trump (42-56%) Trumps Policies Have Helped Voters, 51-34%; Biden's Policies Hurt Voters Personally, 53-35%


Edited by vememah
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1 hour ago, Roger Sanchez said:

Te suze, slatke ko božanski nektar, ne prestaju teći


Bokte mazo kakvi bolidi.
ili ovo manipulativno smece sto ih trigeruje i spinuje.
Jebo zivota kad se rodis siromasan i zensko medju ovakvima. Pa i da nisi siromasan.

Edited by Moonwalker
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