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obojica da dobiju otkaz u istom danu ne moze da bude slucajnost. moja neka ideja je da cim su ovi iz cnn-a saznali za karlsona odlucili su da iskoriste priliku da izbace njihovog morona znajuci da to nece biti ni vest jer svi ce da se bave karlsonom



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Ne mogu se porediti Karlson i Lemon. Lemon je degradiran na morning show prvo, onda je imao onaj komentar za Hejlijevu, od tad se u suštini zna da je gotov. Karlson odlazi kao najgledaniji na čitavom kablu. Pritom potpuno iznenada. 

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pa do nedavno lemon bio njihov top dog i da nije karlsona otkaz lemonu danas bi bila udarna vest (osim u cnn-u naravno). nego i za karlsona nije bas iznenada, posle debakla od 750m ocekivalo se valjda da ce se nesto promeniti. nego ovaj potez vise ce skoditi foxu nego karlsonu, karlson je super popularan i gde god da ide pratice ga milioni, npr ako predje u newsmax to ce biti katastrofa za foxnews, a za lemona nema spasa, on nece dobiti ponude ni za reklame zvakace gume

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Ne odlazi kao najgledanij, Fox Newsova emisija The Five koja ide u 5 popodne u 2022. bila je gledanija (13% više gledalaca) od njegove, koja ide u 8 uveče.



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Inače, Takerov prethodnik u slotu od 8 uveče, Bil O'Rajli (dosta potonuo u zaborav u međuvremenu), bio je za 22,5% gledaniji pred svoje otpuštanje 2017. od Takera pred njegovo 2023.



In the first quarter of 2017, O'Reilly averaged 728,000 adults 25-54 and 3.98 million viewers.




Here Are the Top-Rated Cable News Shows for Q1 2023

Fox’s 8 p.m. news talk show [Tucker Carlson Tonight] averaged nearly 3.25 million viewers


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34 minutes ago, dragance said:

Tucker će završiti kao Glenn Beck, na nekom opskurnom Balkan Info YT kanalu. Taj moron je otkriven i lažnjak. 


nece sigurno, najverovatnije ce zavrsiti kao joe rogan. on je uvek bio moron ali poslednjih godina jeste se promenio i mora mu se priznati da ima muda, treba muda da napadas gop establisment dok radis u foxu, treba muda da se protivis direktnom ratu amerike i rusije u vreme kada je to bila blasfemija i znajuci da ces biti proglasen za izdajnika i putinovog placenika i znajuci kakva ti je publika i da ces ih verovatno izgubiti. isto treba muda da priznas da si bio naivan i budala warmonger u irackom ratu

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18 minutes ago, vememah said:

Inače, Takerov prethodnik u slotu od 8 uveče, Bil O'Rajli (dosta potonuo u zaborav u međuvremenu), bio je za 22,5% gledaniji pred svoje otpuštanje 2017. od Takera pred njegovo 2023.






ne mozes da ga uporedis sa njim, on je dobio otkaz jer je bio seksualni predator i opet dobro je prosao (kao i njegov sef roger ailes) jer nije zavrsio iza resetaka

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7 hours ago, vememah said:

Inače, Takerov prethodnik u slotu od 8 uveče, Bil O'Rajli (dosta potonuo u zaborav u međuvremenu), bio je za 22,5% gledaniji pred svoje otpuštanje 2017. od Takera pred njegovo 2023.






Besmisleno poređenje imajući u vidu da je Fox News tada gledalo 94 miliona ljudi, ove godine 60, a za par godina se očekuje da broj padne ispod 50.



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Kao prvo, domaćinstava, ne ljudi.


Kao drugo, ta statistika ne uzima u obzir OTT striming TV servise koji imaju Fox News.





How to Watch Fox News Without Cable in 2023

Although it’s a cable news channel, Fox News is available through livestream providers. The primary difference is that you don’t have to sign a contract or deal with setting an installation appointment to watch “Fox News Primetime.” Live TV streaming services offer month-to-month subscriptions and deliver (or stream) online.



Kao treće, ti što su odjavili kablovsku, a nisu uzeli Fox News preko OTT-a time su u suštini rekli da ih Taker i slični ne zanimaju.


Kao četvrto, ako već zalazimo u takvu diskusiju, onda bi trebalo videti i ko je u kojoj meri tj. procentu odjavio kablovsku, koliko su je odjavljivali matorci, koji daleko više gledaju Takera, a koliko mlađi, koji ga daleko manje gledaju.

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The Blue State Exodus Accelerates (msn.com)


Illinois lost income to all of its neighboring states, but the biggest beneficiaries of its taxpayer flight were Florida, Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin. Mr. Pritzker can’t blame lousy weather since it’s not exactly balmy in Kenosha. Billionaire Ken Griffin cited Chicago’s out-of-control crime last year as the reason he moved his hedge fund to Miami.

Raising taxes to pay for under-funded public worker pensions and bloated social programs doesn’t help the Land of Lincoln attract talent. The same is true for other blue states. New York Democrats in April 2021 increased the combined state-and-local top income tax rate to 14.8% from 12.7%. It would have been a surprise if taxpayer flight hadn’t increased that year.

A major problem for high-tax states is that their escapees often pay more in taxes than their newcomers. The IRS data shows that the taxpayers leaving Illinois and New York typically made about $30,000 to $40,000 more than those arriving. Of Illinois’s total out-migration, 28% of the leavers made between $100,000 to $200,000 and 23% made $200,000 or more.

By contrast, the average return of a Florida newcomer in 2021 was about $150,000—more than double that of taxpayers who left. High earners spend more, which yields higher sales tax revenue. This helped Florida post a record $22 billion budget surplus last year. California is forecasting a $29.5 billion deficit.

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Red states, on average, rank significantly higher than blue states when it comes to freeloading off other states. But why are blue states significantly less dependent on federal largess? Because blue states contribute far more to the U.S. economy than red states. On balance, their workers are more skilled and better educated.

Other metrics also show that blue states outperform the red states. Per capita GDP is 29 percent higher in Democratic-led states. In 2020, Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties across the country that together generate 29 percent of the country’s GDP, according to the Brookings Institution. President Joe Biden won just 477 counties, but together they generate 71 percent of GDP.

Izbjegavanje svih poreza, maksimalno uzimanje, tu su naravno crvendaći prvi bez konkurencije

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