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On 27. 2. 2023. at 6:20, Moonwalker said:

Verovatno ponajpre Florida, zeznuta joj je struktura tla. Isusene mocvare (onaj severni deo) i sundjerasto tlo. Tamo ima svacega po onim barama, a ne samo aligatrora. Pitanje sta dolazi do sistema pijace vode i kako se istim upravlja (cija nadleznost) i koje su obaveze u preciscavanju.


Evo nekog sajta koji govori za pojedine drzave. Ne videh da je Florida ovde.


State Action on Drinking Water - River Network

Jos jedna stvar vezana za Floridu: dobar dio drzave je zapravo ruralan, i zbog naglog rasta, javna infrstruktura kao gradski vodovodi i kanalizacija ni ne postoji, vec imanja imaju svoje bunare i septicke jame. Ne znam da li je ovaj konkretan slucaj bio povezan sa gradskim vodovodom ili privatnim bunarom, ali Charlotte County je vecinski ruralan, i jos uz to bio dosta pogodjen uraganom Ian prije par mjeseci.

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This case is a first in many ways, the CDC told WFTX. It is the first reported case of Naegleria fowleri infection in the U.S. this year, the first ever reported in the winter months and the first in Florida of a person being infected via tap water. The CDC is working with the state Department of Health to investigate the case.


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On 2. 11. 2021. at 23:12, Peter Fan said:

BLM je politicki mrtav.


I u NYC i u Minneapolisu su glasaci izbrali red i mir. Valjda ce i  cikaski dvojac Lori Lightfoot/Kim Fox da "dobiju memo".

I evo zavrsila se i ova epizoda, na vec pretpostavljen nacin:



Public safety has been an issue in other recent elections, including the recall of a San Francisco district attorney who was criticized for progressive policies. The pandemic also may shape elections for mayor in other cities this year, such as Philadelphia and Houston, where incumbents cannot run again due to term limits.

There are clear contrasts between Vallas and Johnson.

Vallas served as an adviser to the Fraternal Order of Police during its negotiations with Lightfoot’s administration. He has called for adding hundreds of police officers to patrol the city, saying crime is out of control and morale among officers has sunk to a new low during Lightfoot’s tenure.

Groundbreaking Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses reelection bid (msn.com)





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Pogled jednog Am'r'kanca iz Down Under:

Hoo boy! Fox News trumpeting conspiracies is worse than we thought

Sow the wind, wrote the prophet Hosea, and then reap the whirlwind. I was thinking about those words when I read about some astonishing revelations in an American courtroom this week. There, a company that marketed voting machines is suing one of the largest media companies in the world. The media company is Fox News, Rupert Murdoch’s baleful, partisan and dishonest news channel.


The voting machine company is called Dominion Voting Systems. In 2020, it supplied electronic voting machines to various jurisdictions in about two dozen US states. After Donald Trump lost that November, he and a lot of his nutty myrmidons set about trying to overthrow the election. Caught in the crossfire was this little-known company, which, to hear a lot of crazies talk about it, was a brainchild of the late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez – and it allowed nefarious anti-Trump forces secretly to alter voting totals.


There was no evidence of any of this, but Fox News became a welcoming home for the espousal of it all. Dominion sued Fox and a lot of other people for destroying the company’s reputation.


Libel cases of this type in the US turn, in crude terms, on the basic issue of good-faith reporting. The courts recognise that news organisations can make unintentional mistakes, and they would be severely hampered, and cowed, if they were punished for each one. It’s really hard to win a libel or defamation case against a media outlet in the US.


However, if they print things they know aren’t true, or go out of their way not to find out if they are true or not – the legal term is “with reckless disregard” – that can make them liable for punishment.


This week, Dominion filed a motion that includes many documents from a process known as discovery, in which the company’s lawyers got to sift through a lot of texts and emails from inside Fox. As we say in America, Hoo boy!


According to the motion, the texts show that Fox personalities and producers were saying one thing in public and another behind the scenes. We repeatedly see, for instance, that Fox’s supposed news folks not only didn’t bother to attempt to check whether Dominion was the brainchild of a dead dictator in a third-world country before letting various Trumpeters say so on air, but that they actually knew it was all nonsense and said so among themselves. The claims were “crazy”, “insane”, said staffers, including the network’s stars. Their guests were “lying”, they acknowledged. And yet they kept putting them on air.


For its part, Fox contends that it was just reporting the news. But even that has been undermined by a deposition from Rupert Murdoch himself, in which the 91-year-old executive concedes that his anchors were endorsing the defamatory claims – a horrific admission, legally speaking. (And now Trump has turned his fire on Murdoch, saying the executive has thrown his stars “under the table”.)


The evidence is damning. One of the smarter legal analysts in Washington these days is Quinta Jurecic, who writes for the Lawfare website. On a podcast discussing the just-released Fox documents, she said: “It’s confirmation of everything we’ve suspected about Fox.” And that’s certainly true.


The trouble is, it’s actually much worse. In the released texts, we see that a key motivating factor for Fox was that, when the channel did start reporting the news – telling its audience that Trump lost, and that there had been no fraud – viewers changed the channel.


As revealed in the hearings and motions filed to date, Fox personalities such as Tucker Carlson can be seen fretting about the stock price going down. He and other stars targeted fellow staffers who did present the truth. When a Fox reporter posted a Tweet fact-checking – and dismissing – the claims against Dominion, Carlson texted another Fox host, Sean Hannity, “Please get her fired.” The offending tweet disappeared.


Part of the company’s motivation, in other words, was to present falsehoods for money. It kept casting doubts on the election – and in the process destroyed a company’s reputation – in a pitiful bid to keep viewers engaged.


Enter the whirlwind that Fox reaped. It’s kind of delicious to see Fox confounded, finally, not by decency or ethics – which, under the First Amendment in America, are not required qualities in a news organisation – but rather the mule-headed obstinance of its audience. Fox has been radicalising these folks for decades with lies and racist and hateful conspiracy theories. When the company pulled up short, the audience began leaving. So, Fox turned up the volume to get them back.


Now, for the record, why Fox told the lies it did isn’t really relevant, legally speaking. (All media organisations are concerned about their audience.) But it does lead us to a final twist of a footnote.


Let’s look at the last time a jury had a chance to take a whack at one of these mouthpieces on the right. Ethical canker sore Alex Jones, the radio host who made millions spewing hate against the families of the children killed in the Sandy Hook school massacre, has already been assessed by appalled juries with almost $1.5 billion in fines, with more to come.


In the Dominion case, it is claimed that Fox sowed much more defamatory material, and at much higher volume – and caused much worse appreciable and probably irreparable financial harm to Dominion in the process. Legal cases are complex and sometimes turn on ancillary issues. Anything can happen. But I have a feeling that, if the case isn’t settled beforehand, a jury isn’t going to forget the image of Fox News hosts keeping an eye on the stock price as they promulgated lies on air.


When the Dominion trial is done and the jury renders a verdict, if it is a finding that Fox is liable in defamation, don’t be surprised if there are a lot of zeros on the end of the damages award.


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On 27. 2. 2023. at 11:41, cedo said:

ima li nesto pozitivno u toj americi wini


On 27. 2. 2023. at 11:42, dragance said:

Nema ništa pozitivno. Noskich dobio drugara u borbi.


Ima svašta pozitivno, evo npr. ostalo im je dosta netaknute prirode. Vid' lepote:








Ali ne brinite, ima još vremena da fracking svemu tome stane u kraj...

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Dal' sve vojsketm koje su cakum-pakum lice jedna na drugu, a dal' sve koje pomalo trokiraju, trokiraju na svoj nacin, dal' nesto trece, tek euforija oko uspesnog presretanja kineskih spijunskih izvidjackih letelica se ne smiruje...

Sa sve naknadnim dodacima: otkriveno je da je oko glavne zvezde, balona, bilo kojecega pa je tako 10. februara jedan F-22A iz Elmendorf Richardson AFB oborio negde iznad Aljaske1 leteci objekt opisan po gabaritima kao mali auto ali bez vidljivih sistema pogona i upravljanja...

Sutradan, 11. februara, opet F-22A, iznad kanadskog Jukona, 100-ak milja od americke granice i uz saradnju nadleznih Kanadjana, i 1 high-altitude airborne object opisan gabaritno i po obliku kao cilindricnog oblika, ali manji od balona...

12. februara, iznad jezera Huron, F-16C/D, AIM i obaranje objekta opisanog kao unmanned octagonal structure ispod koje su visile neke zice...

Pentagonov PR je sva 4 objekta opisao kao:


...part of a fleet of airborne surveillance vehicles that have been operating around the world...

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3 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Nego bre, ima li nešto pozitivno u toj Americi @namenski?


Anduril!!! :sleep:


Zezanje na stranu, ovako dokonom mi pade na pamet prica o mesijanstvu, u nekoliko navrata pominjana kao ruski specijalitet, tamo na ukrajinskim topicima.

Tacno je da su Rusitm imali napade mesijanstva sa sve pripadajucim teorijama i pokusajima da ih iskoriste tamo gde se to moglo ili mislilo da moze....

Ali tesko da je i jedna jedina zemlja vise mesijanisala od - Amerike.

Poslednjih 30-ak godina narocito: nema ni potrebe ni svrhe nabrajati, od demokratije do humanosti i nazad...


Sve bi to bilo OK, da se apostoli Mesije nisu razmileli na sve strane... :D 

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Ne znam šta podrazumevaš pod "mesijanstvo", jel' to ono što na ukrajinskim topicima zovu imperijalizmom? 


Ono kao, "Mi širimo svetlost razuma/pravoslavlja/demokratije međ' vama neprosvećenim divljacima, dobrodošli u Treći Rim/Rules-Based Order, now suck on this!"


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9 minutes ago, Weenie Pooh said:

Ne znam šta podrazumevaš pod "mesijanstvo", jel' to ono što na ukrajinskim topicima zovu imperijalizmom? 


Ono kao, "Mi širimo svetlost razuma/pravoslavlja/demokratije međ' vama neprosvećenim divljacima, dobrodošli u Treći Rim/Rules-Based Order, now suck on this!"

Otprilike, manje-vise... :D 


Ali je, na sve to, problem sa mesijanstvom, apostolima narocito - doduse vec vidjeno - jos vise: daleko su netolerantniji, agresivniji od nas ateista... :sleep:

Sa sve isterivanjem iz hrama sto bi rekla Biblija... :D 

Toliko da coveku, 'oce-nece padne na pamet - komesarstvo... :D 

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kvota za trampa protiv de santisa je 2.2 a za potusa 4.5


tramp ako je ziv do tada dobice santisa bez problema i bice opet potus lagano osim ako se demokrate ne odluce za nekog drugog kandidata umesto bajdena, i taj bi kandidat trebao da bude bas dobar

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