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Amerika, zemlja velika

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5 minutes ago, dragance said:

Možda bi bilo bolje pregledati neke stvari detaljnije


Kakve ja veze imam sa FOX-om i Jon Stuartom? Ja ne kazem da je Biden kriv za ovo, nego cekam da vidim federalnu vlast na djelu.

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5 hours ago, Peter Fan said:

Kakve ja veze imam sa FOX-om i Jon Stuartom? Ja ne kazem da je Biden kriv za ovo, nego cekam da vidim federalnu vlast na djelu.

Pa da si pogledao detaljnije, bez poziva države (stejta) federalne vlasti se ne mogu mešati same.

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20 minutes ago, cedo said:

meni je tu interesantno zasto se taj deo zove east palestina

i zasto ona pruga tamo izgleda onako kako izgleda


Imas mali milion zanimljivih imena po Americi. Dosta onih po stranim mestima. Belgrade u Montani, i ostalo

Athens, Ohio.

Berlin, Wisconsin.

Budapest, Georgia.

Copenhagen, New York.

Dublin, California.

Florence, Alabama. 

Paris, Texas.

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ovo je bas zajebano mesto




There are no worries for community members and there was no contamination because of the fire, officials stressed. Other parts of Y-12 are back to normal operations, officials said.


According to an August 2020 handout describing the facilities, building 9212 was completed in November 1945 to recycle uranium. It was the location of the first production of uranium metal at Y-12 and the earliest nuclear weapons production facility at Y-12. It continues to serve as one of the primary chemical processing and enriched uranium production facilities at Y-12.


A new uranium processing facility slated for completion by the end of 2025 would allow the National Nuclear Security Administration to stop certain operations in building 9212, which a U.S. Government Accountability report in 2020 called "the oldest building with the highest nuclear safety risk at the Y-12 National Security Complex," noting the building’s design predates modern nuclear safety codes.

Edited by cedo
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