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Amerika, zemlja velika

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Ali opet mi nije jasno: ako taj balon radi bolje nego satelit, zasto bi Amerikanci uopste dopustili da udje u drzavu i dozvolili da Kina dobije nove obavestajne podatke koje ne bi mogla da dobije satelitom? Da stvarno postoji ta mogucnost zar ne bi odmah oborili taj balon? Kad se radi o tako bitnoj stvari kao sto je spijuniranje tesko da bi se ustrucavali zato sto moze nekom da padne na glavu posto je alternativa ugrozavanje bezbednosti cele drzave.

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Hoces da kazes, trebalo im je da dodje iznad vode?


Zar balon ne salje snimke u realnom vremenu u Kinu? Ako je tako onda je steta od toga da Kina dobije podatke vazne za bezbednost USA veca od koristi dobijanja podataka o balon-tehnologiji.

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2 hours ago, Meazza said:


Dati su razlozi zasto se u nekim situacijama vise isplati napraviti balon umesto satelita (cena, radari, vremenski uslovi), ali Kina vec ima veoma sofisticirane satelite. Sta je to zbog cega Kina koja ima mnogo satelita mora da posalje balon? Sta to balon moze da vidi sto ne moze satelit?


Prednost balona je teoretski u tome što može sporo da se kreće iznad neke zone i duže je osmatra, za razliku od satelita koji protrči dva puta dnevno pa šta uhvati, uhvatio je (izuzetak su geostacionarni sateliti koji su skupa rabota i ne znam da li ih Kina uopšte ima).


Then again, duže osmatranje ti treba na nekom bojištu recimo, gde se situacija menja iz minuta u minut pa satelit propušta 90% aktivnosti. Situacija kod nuklearnih silosa u Kanzasu i Montani se menja možda jednom mesečno i satelit je više nego dovoljan. I opet je 20 puta verovatnije da je naprosto u pitanju meteorološki balon koji je odlutao. Ili u najgorem slučaju Kinezi troluju Amerikance. Kako god da okreneš, ništa što zavredjuje ovaj nivo histerije.

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26 minutes ago, Redoran said:


Prednost balona je teoretski u tome što može sporo da se kreće iznad neke zone i duže je osmatra, za razliku od satelita koji protrči dva puta dnevno pa šta uhvati, uhvatio je (izuzetak su geostacionarni sateliti koji su skupa rabota i ne znam da li ih Kina uopšte ima).


Then again, duže osmatranje ti treba na nekom bojištu recimo, gde se situacija menja iz minuta u minut pa satelit propušta 90% aktivnosti. Situacija kod nuklearnih silosa u Kanzasu i Montani se menja možda jednom mesečno i satelit je više nego dovoljan. I opet je 20 puta verovatnije da je naprosto u pitanju meteorološki balon koji je odlutao. Ili u najgorem slučaju Kinezi troluju Amerikance. Kako god da okreneš, ništa što zavredjuje ovaj nivo histerije.


Naravno da ih ima. I klasicne telekomunikacione, ali i one koje koristi u tzv. naucne svrhe..

Edited by Jimmy Kowalski
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Ako troluju, onda ne samo SAD.




Japan u junu '20:



Indija u januaru '22:



Filipini u decembru '22:

  • There is no evidence the airship was from China, though its design appears similar to types on display at the Zhuhai air show




19 hours ago, Meazza said:

- Kinezi su se izvinili za ovo


Da, kad su Ameri nekako prokljuvili da je u pitanju kineski balon, a ovi postali svesni da ga mogu oboriti i dokazati da je njihov ako demantuju. Što nisu upozorili sve ostale države unapred kad su videli da je balon "odlutao" iz njihovog vazdušnog prostora? U ovim ostalim slučajevima se naravno nisu izvinili, pošto ih niko nije optužio niti je postojala velika šansa da će se dokazati da je njihov iako je verovatnoća da je bar neki od gorenavedenih njihov prilično realna.

Edited by vememah
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Američko saopštenje povodom obaranja balona:


Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, Feb. 4, 2023

This afternoon, at the direction of President Biden, U.S. fighter aircraft assigned to U.S. Northern Command successfully brought down the high altitude surveillance balloon launched by and belonging to the People's Republic of China (PRC) over the water off the coast of South Carolina in U.S. airspace.  The balloon, which was being used by the PRC in an attempt to surveil strategic sites in the continental United States, was brought down above U.S. territorial waters.  On Wednesday, President Biden gave his authorization to take down the surveillance balloon as soon as the mission could be accomplished without undue risk to American lives under the balloon's path.  After careful analysis, U.S. military commanders had determined downing the balloon while over land posed an undue risk to people across a wide area due to the size and altitude of the balloon and its surveillance payload. In accordance with the President's direction, the Department of Defense developed options to take down the balloon safely over our territorial waters, while closely monitoring its path and intelligence collection activities.  This action was taken in coordination, and with the full support, of the Canadian government.  And we thank Canada for its contribution to tracking and analysis of the balloon through NORAD as it transited North America.  Today's deliberate and lawful action demonstrates that President Biden and his national security team will always put the safety and security of the American people first while responding effectively to the PRC's unacceptable violation of our sovereignty.



Iz opisa obaranja balona na sajtu američkog min. odbrane proizlazi da nije u pitanju prvi ovakav slučaj:


The balloon did not pose a military or physical threat. Still its intrusion into American airspace over several days was an unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty. The official said Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration. 

While Chinese officials admitted that the balloon was theirs, they said it was a runaway weather balloon. "The PRC has claimed publicly that the high-altitude balloon operating above the United States is a weather balloon that was blown off course. This is false," the official said. "This was a PRC surveillance balloon. This surveillance balloon purposely traversed the United States and Canada, and we are confident it was seeking to monitor sensitive military sites." 



Kinesko saopštenje povodom obaranja balona:


The Foreign Ministry Issues Statement on the US Claim of Downing a Chinese Unmanned Airship, 2023-02-05 08:58

China strongly disapproves of and protests against the US attack on a civilian unmanned airship by force. The Chinese side has, after verification, repeatedly informed the US side of the civilian nature of the airship and conveyed that its entry into the US due to force majeure was totally unexpected. The Chinese side has clearly asked the US side to properly handle the matter in a calm, professional and restrained manner. The spokesperson of the US Department of Defense also noted that the balloon does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground. Under such circumstances, the US use of force is a clear overreaction and a serious violation of international practice. China will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company concerned, and reserves the right to make further responses if necessary.



Edited by vememah
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A senior administration official said that China had developed a fleet of balloons to conduct surveillance operations that have been spotted over countries across five continents. They typically orbit at about 60,000 feet, and have occasionally strayed into American territory. Earlier, a senior defense official said that had happened three times during the Trump administration and one previous time during the Biden administration.

Officials said the most recent balloon, equipped with solar panels to power propulsion and cameras and surveillance technology, exited American territory on Monday and spent the day over Canada’s Northwest Territories. But it was back over the United States on Tuesday after entering through northern Idaho, much to the surprise of officials at Northern Command as well as at the Pentagon.


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Pazi, “civilni i meteorološki balon zalutao” 😂.


Deo ovog foruma se napunio zajedljivom i isfrustriranim antizapadnjacima, koji koriste svaku priliku da pokažu svoju zlobu.

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Mislim da nije meteorolski balon. Mogli su da ga obore nad zemljom, ali mozda su cekali cisto za slucaj da ima nekog bioaktivnog tereta. Meni ovako povrsno deluje ok taktika, ali za svaki scenario se moze naci kritika.

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