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Amerika, zemlja velika

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Prvi put u istoriji Amerike više od polovine kongresmena su milijunaši! :)

Prvi put u istoriji Amerike više od polovine kongresmena su milijunaši! :)
Јака ствар. Ја сам био милионер од прве плате. Кад се изрази у старим динарима. Инфлација, јебига.

Izgleda da je Amere obuzelo second hyperpatriotism awakening oko onog Wahlbergovog filma. U Texasu je jedan kindžija zbog interesa skinuo sve druge projekcije s rasporeda, a u Floridi je neki lik pucao u ljude jer su slali poruke tokom filma. :-SSent from my Lumija Jeftinjara


Pa ti se šališ, ali vrlo je moguće da mu telefon podržava arapski alfabet, a dobro je poznato ko je pisao arapskim...




Fuckin' motherfuckersDennis McGuire execution: US man executed using untested drugs 'gasped for air' for at least 10 minutes

Dennis McGuire, 53, was injected with sedative midazolam mixed with painkiller hydromorphone, a combination never previously used in an execution in the United StatesMcGuire, who was sentenced to death in 1989 for the rape and murder of a young pregnant woman, made "snorting and choking sounds" as he died, according to a journalist for the Columbus Dispatch newspaper present at the execution.The new execution protocol was introduced after Ohio and other US states that retain the death penalty began running out of barbiturates when European manufacturers stopped supplying them.

Kacim ovo samo za one sa fetishom na zastave... dear lord.140117_WAR_ObamaNSASpeech.jpg.CROP.promo-mediumlarge.jpg


Malkice? Od svog postanka su opsednuti Rimom.


hoće li završiti kao isti, od republike preko principata ka dominatu, s prenaprezanjem imperije, kolapsom fiska i hordama imigranata varvara koje nadiru preko riograndeovskog limesa... ^_^

Malkice? Od svog postanka su opsednuti Rimom.
Postoji skola misljenja da su Ocevi Osnivaci (barem delom) bili bas anti-imperijalno nastrojeni. Posebno tu mislim na ovog simpaticnog ciku.
hoće li završiti kao isti, od republike preko principata ka dominatu, s prenaprezanjem imperije, kolapsom fiska i hordama imigranata varvara koje nadiru preko riograndeovskog limesa... ^_^
Већ сад нису исти, а од Рима су мажњавали тек колико им је требало да баш не личе скроз на мама Британију. Јесте, имају Сенат, али и та зграда није по угледу не римски форум, него су бре вазда гледали у Французе, који су баш некако у то време дизали џеву. Ено и Џеферсон био амбасадор тамо баш тад и донео стубове.
American_0034_zpsc741d40b.jpgMeni ova slika nekako najbolja slika Amerike danas sa sve procepom: sve je tu, kamuflazno odelo, sa sve sarenim rukavicama i cizmama, efikasnosti i ubitacnosti radi, i OSHA propisan/preporucen naranzasti prsluk da ga se bolje vidi i da mu se slucajno nesto lose ne dogodi...
http://youtu.be/ioo1iUdwAlURichard Sherman, Thugs, and Black Humanity
Today I’m wondering what it takes for a black man to be regarded as human in America.Today Richard Sherman is being lambasted for his animated post-game interview in which he dared to express emotion outside of the cubic centimeter men of color are allotted. A cornerback in one of the most physically demanding sports in the country—after a game in which bodies were injured and crushed; after a game that required players to be helped off the field—wins a critical game and has a microphone stuck in his face. He says what he says, and suddenly the nation is clutching its pearls, tutting and making pretend-concerned remarks about sportsmanship and graciousness. Today, Tom Brady criticizes Richard Sherman for his lack of “graciousness.” Today, Richard Sherman is being called a thug, and I’m wondering what that word really means.Does it mean foul-mouthed? After all, Tom Brady was never called a thug. Not when he got in the ref’s face when losing to the Panthers and dropped the F-bomb on national television just two months ago. What about Richie Incognito, when he called Jonathan Martin the n-word on his voicemail? That’s a foul word, isn’t it? I didn’t hear Incognito referred to as a thug either. Or does “thug” mean violent? I’m not sure. Because, despite his animation, Sherman didn’t use a single curse word. He didn’t threaten anyone’s safety or injure anyone.The truth is, I only ever hear “thug” applied to black people. And not just adult men. A black toddler made news recently when Omaha police posted a video on their website of the child cursing and holding up his middle finger. The child was described as a thug by Omaha police, who insisted they only shared the video to show “the cycle of thuggery.” The video was posted without the knowledge or consent of the child’s mother.Another example comes to mind. A teenager walking home from the store after buying Skittles and tea, who was then stalked and murdered by a wannabe cop. A murderer whose main line of defense was that the victim “looked like a thug.” A seventeen-year old boy with his hood up—it was raining—looked like a “thug,” and so his life was ended.So I’m wondering what “thug” really means.White supremacist culture dictates who and who does not get to be human. In order for people of color to receive a Human Card, they must assimilate: they must not use slang. They must be quiet. They must not wear hoodies. They must not curse. They must be gracious at all times. They must enunciate. They must not talk about racism. They must not listen to rap music. They must not sag. They must not brag. They must not laugh in public. They must not take up more than one seat on the bus. They must not ever ask for more. In short, you must be perfect. Robotic. Even if you are a professional athlete who performs for millions of Americans, playing a game in which aggression, testosterone, and energy are rewarded (demanded)…you must be quiet, gracious, calm, unassuming. Unscary. To be black and also be regarded as human, you must never make a mistake in your entire life, ever—ever—or you are a thug. Ghetto. Other. Your Human Card is denied.Richard Sherman was Salutatorian: second in his class in high school. Richard Sherman went to Stanford. Richard Sherman launched a charity organization called Blanket Coverage to help children in need receive school supplies and clothing. Richard Sherman makes more money than anyone I know. But with all the reaction, both on Twitter and on television, to Richard Sherman’s interview, I’m forced to call upon Kanye West’s famous lyric:Even if you in a Benz, you still a n*gga in a coupe.I think that’s what the word “thug” really means. The n-word, arguably the most dehumanizing word in history, has been decried. It is considered inappropriate to speak it in public, and while that doesn’t stop everyone, hate will find a way. “Thug” is that way. Lately, it is a word used when we want to revoke humanity. Trayvon Martin, murdered only a few blocks from his home, was called a thug during his murderer’s trial. The jury needed to be convinced that this boy’s humanity could not possibly exist if he was “a thug.” Police put a toddler’s “thuggery” on display as if to say, “This is why we police them.” And now Richard Sherman, an athlete wealthier than most of us can possibly imagine, dares to step outside the box that a racist culture demands he live inside…and he’s a thug too.Despite the power of whiteness, as we live in a culture that still very much worships it, whiteness is fragile. In order for white supremacy to function, it requires people of color to adopt the characteristics mentioned above. Silence. Subservience. Graciousness. So when Richard Sherman’s “graciousness” is criticized, it’s more than his status as an athlete that’s being attacked: it’s his blackness. When the media (or the typical spineless, anonymous Twitter-user) calls him a “thug,” they are denying him his humanity. You can look like Richard Sherman and be in the public eye, this logic goes, as long as you stay within the lines white supremacy has drawn for you.Today I’m wondering what it takes for a black man to be regarded as human. I still don’t know. By these rules, to be black in America and also be seen as human, you must be a robot. Emotionless. Expressionless. In order to be black and be regarded as human in America, you must shed all the things that make you human to begin with. Personality. Flaws. History. Anger. To be black and human in America you must be nothing. And that’s where I stop wondering and start to get angry.
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Sherman has pointed to Ali as an inspiration, saying, “[Ali] understood how to manipulate the world. When he said, ‘The champ is here,’ he probably wasn’t that cocky. He created a persona. He was a leader, an entertainer, and he knew how to break people down in the ring. I didn’t really care about boxing, but I wanted to be like Ali.”...The article reveals someone who has journeyed successfully from Compton, California, to Stanford, to fifth-round draft pick, to NFL star, which has a degree of difficulty somewhat higher than “son of quarterback becomes quarterback.” As Sherman says in the piece (and this is one of my favorite quotes of all-time), “I’m an awkward guy. People used to tell me all the time, You’re not from here. And that’s the way I felt, like somebody took me from somewhere else and dropped me down into this place. I was strange because I went to class, did the work, read the books and was still pretty good at sports. If you’re like me, people think you’re weird. They pull you in different directions. But those people aren’t going where you’re going. I know the jock stereotype—cool guy, walking around with your friends, not caring about school, not caring about anything. I hate that stereotype. I want to destroy it. I want to kill it.”Richard Sherman is consciously an archetype that has been branded a threat as long as African-Americans have played sports: the loud, deeply intelligent black guy who uses this outsized cultural platform to be as bombastic as he wants to be. Whether the first African-American heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson or Richard Sherman, they tend to be painted with only one dimension, which makes it easier for them to be denigrated and demonized.”
(i naravno, Key and Peele objasnili kako treba da izgleda intervju posle utakmice jednog defanzivca sa Stenforda ^_^)http://youtu.be/-l9SDAqAV3U
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