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Posted (edited)
http://www.motherjon...com | MoJoBlog)A Montana recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan named John Abarr met in Casper, Wyoming, last weekend with members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It's believed to be the first such meeting in history and was called by the Casper branch of the NAACP because the KKK has been distributing flyers in the economically-depressed Wyoming coal town of Gillette, where there has also been a rash of hate crime recently.
John Abarr @TheHoodedone33Get Active and move to the Northwest Aryan Homeland and secure the existence of the White Race and a future for White Children
Screen%20shot%202013-09-04%20at%209.31.36%20AM.png Edited by pacey defender

Којот има родбину у Америци.

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told the Associated Pressthat the meeting was "outrageous and counterproductive" as it "gives legitimacy to the Klan as an organization you can talk to."
BTaBYZYCYAIgwy8.jpgCommunist Party of America Convention - Chicago, 1939neki car sa tvitera: they are running the show now

Da su vojnici unutra bili naoružani, do ovog ne bi došlo....oh wait.


Da, vrlo kukavički čin, uleteti u zgradu punu vojnika i pucati dok te ne ubiju.Sa druge strane imamo i primere heroizma kao što su ubistva čitavih porodica pomoću dronova, sve sedeći na divanu 10.000 kilometara daleko.


RTS-ov dopisnik je upravo upotrebio izraz neutralizacija napadača. Kak je fin.


A pre ovoga krenula zavera o prisluškivanju.. ma hajte, molim vas..

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Napeto je da napetije ne moze biti. Digao se KKK, gotov je Obama.

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