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12 hours ago, noskich said:



Preko koje tehnikalije mogu da suspenduju naučnike koji su američki državljani? Kose su vam oči? Baba vam se rodila u Guangzhou?


Zvuči kao da ih časte milionskim odštetama kad se budu organizovali i utužili™.

10 hours ago, noskich said:


Na kom si ti topiku da mi je znati. :laugh:

Pricamo o tome zasto su Amerikanci srecni, a Tajlandjani nisu. :fantom:


Sjajna im je ova javna diskusija o tome da li su koncentracioni logori za imigrante na granici stvarno logori, ili to u Americi tehnički ne može da postoji jer su termin rezervisale žrtve Holokausta sa ekskluzivnu upotrebu.




Jok, nego ćemo svaki sabirni centar da zovemo konc logor jer libtardi. Smešno.


sta nam rade amerikanci? 





And, last week, an attorney for the Trump administration argued before an incredulous panel of judges on the Ninth Circuit that toothbrushes, soap and appropriate sleeping arrangements were not necessary for the government to meet its requirement to keep migrant children in “safe and sanitary” conditions.

As one of the judges asked the attorney:


“Are you arguing seriously that you do not read the agreement as requiring you do something other than what I described: Cold all night long. Lights on all night long. Sleep on the concrete floor and you get an aluminum blanket?”


Stop and think about that. Not only do these children in question not have beds, they are not even turning off the lights so that they can go to sleep. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, plain and simple.


How is this happening? Why is this happening?


An Associated Press report last week discussed the descriptions by lawyers of “inadequate food, water and sanitation for the 250 infants, children and teens” at a Texas border patrol station.


According to the report:

“A 2-year-old boy locked in detention wants to be held all the time. A few girls, ages 10 to 15, say they’ve been doing their best to feed and soothe the clingy toddler who was handed to them by a guard days ago.”


The report explained at another point:

“Three girls told attorneys they were trying to take care of the 2-year-old boy, who had wet his pants and had no diaper and was wearing a mucus-smeared shirt when the legal team encountered him.”

On 22.6.2019. at 1:14, Weenie Pooh said:


Preko koje tehnikalije mogu da suspenduju naučnike koji su američki državljani? Kose su vam oči? Baba vam se rodila u Guangzhou?


Zvuči kao da ih časte milionskim odštetama kad se budu organizovali i utužili™.


CIA snajka, CIA. Znaju oni ko je ko. Nema da se brigas...





Alabama woman loses unborn child after being shot, gets arrested; shooter goes free

Updated Jun 27, 2019; Posted Jun 26, 2019
Marshae Jones

Marshae Jones


By Carol Robinson | [email protected]

A woman whose unborn baby was killed in a 2018 Pleasant Grove shooting has now been indicted in the death.


Marshae Jones, a 27-year-old Birmingham woman, was indicted by a Jefferson County grand jury on a manslaughter charge. She was taken into custody on Wednesday.

Though Jones didn’t fire the shots that killed her unborn baby girl, authorities say she initiated the dispute that led to the gunfire. Police initially charged 23-year-old Ebony Jemison with manslaughter, but the charge against Jemison was dismissed after the grand jury failed to indict her.


The shooting happened about noon on Dec. 4, 2018, outside Dollar General on Park Road. Officers were dispatched to the scene on a report of someone shot but arrived to find the shooting victim – later identified as Jones - had been picked up and driven to Fairfield. Police and paramedics then found the Jones at a Fairfield convenience store.


Jones was taken from Fairfield to UAB Hospital. She was five months pregnant and was shot in the stomach. The unborn baby did not survive the shooting.


“The investigation showed that the only true victim in this was the unborn baby,’’ Pleasant Grove police Lt. Danny Reid said at the time of the shooting. “It was the mother of the child who initiated and continued the fight which resulted in the death of her own unborn baby.”


Reid said the fight stemmed over the unborn baby’s father. The investigation showed, he said, that it was Jones who initiated and pressed the fight, which ultimately caused Jemison to defend herself and unfortunately caused the death of the baby.

"Let’s not lose sight that the unborn baby is the victim here,’’ Reid said. “She had no choice in being brought unnecessarily into a fight where she was relying on her mother for protection."


The 5-month fetus was "dependent on its mother to try to keep it from harm, and she shouldn’t seek out unnecessary physical altercations,” Reid added.


Jones will be transferred to the Jefferson County Jail where she will be held on $50,000 bond.


The indictment and prosecution is being handled by the Jefferson County Bessemer Cutoff District Attorney’s Office. Lynneice Washington, the district attorney in that office, could not be reached for comment. Jefferson County is divided into two divisions and the Bessemer Cutoff covers the western portion of the county, including Pleasant Grove.



News of Jones’ grand jury indictment outraged many, including women’s rights activists.


The Yellowhammer Fund, a member of the National Network of Abortion Funds which helps women access abortion services, released a statement Wednesday night. The group gained national attention after the passage of Alabama’s new abortion law.


“The state of Alabama has proven yet again that the moment a person becomes pregnant their sole responsibility is to produce a live, healthy baby and that it considers any action a pregnant person takes that might impede in that live birth to be a criminal act,’’ Executive Director Amanda Reyes said in the statement.“


“Today, Marshae Jones is being charged with manslaughter for being pregnant and getting shot while engaging in an altercation with a person who had a gun. Tomorrow, it will be another black woman, maybe for having a drink while pregnant. And after that, another, for not obtaining adequate prenatal care,” Reyes said.


“We commit ourselves to making sure that Marshae is released from jail on bond, assisting with her legal representation, and working to ensure that she gets justice for the multiple attacks that she has endured,’’ Reyes said.


  • 2 weeks later...

poveca americka srednja skola "dzordz vosington" ima autenticno socrealisticke freske dzordza vosingtona na zidu nastale u nekom lucidnom intervalu u americkoj istoriji, u sklopu njudilovskog projekta obogacivanja urbane sredine masovno dostupnim likovnim delima I dr.


posto je ličitelj bio ruski emigrant trockistickog usmerenja, goes without saying da je vosington u biografskim epizodama predstavljen umereno beskompromisno, pa pored toga sto je generalno prikazan kao nadahnut, snazan I osecajan covek (malo neblagog izraza lica doduse), na jednoj od trinaest scena vidi se i njegovo upravljanje imanjem na kom rade robovi, a na drugoj planiranje sirenja sjedinjenih drzava do zapadne obale sto je prikazano kao proces, nesto sto ce se dovrsiti u buducnosti umetanjem nematerijalnih, bezbojnih i uglavnom bezlicnih oblicja kolonista u pejzaz zapada, dok je u podnozju scene mrtav indijanac. 


uglavnom, ovo zasticeno kulturno dobro ce nakon osamdeset cetiri godine, ipak biti prekreceno ili poplocano nekim materijalom, nakon sto je 1 lokalna komisija (san francisko) ustanovila da ima opresivni efekat, da pricinjava dusevni bol djacima crne boje koze I starosedelackog porekla, da je vreme za isceljivanje, da ne predstavlja vrednosti skole itd.


iz razloga vezanih za postovanje razlicitih propisa, receni "poduhvat" ce kostati izmedju 600k I blizu milion dolara.


prosecna javnost koja je registrovala ovu vest dozivljava celu stvar kroz tu visoku cenu, u sklopu populisticke matrice, zla birokratija samo bi da trosi pare na nesto, a supstantivna kritika je kooptirana od strane ideoloski zainteresovanih reakcionarnih aktera, pa se tako postavlja pitanje - 




idem sad da se ubijem


13 hours ago, Krošek said:


Auh. Framing pitanja je stvarno posebna glupost - autor ima potrebu da već u naslovu istakne da živi u woke mehuriću čiju spoljašnjost niti želi niti može da pojmi. "Ko to misli drugačije od mene, i kako je uopšte moguće?" Onda navodi Native American ženu koja je govorila protiv uklanjanja murala, ali kaže da je "osim još jednog urođenika" bila sama, te da niko na školskom odboru nije bio na strani murala :isuse: 


Drugi tekst na istu temu ima potpuno drugačiji framing: Over 500 artists and academics protest SF mural destruction. School district’s vote called “wrong-headed approach to art and to history”.






Koga žuljaju genocid i ropstvo u temeljima države, bolje bi mu bilo da se preseli nego što pokušava da prekreči.


2 hours ago, Weenie Pooh said:


Koga žuljaju genocid i ropstvo u temeljima države, bolje bi mu bilo da se preseli nego što pokušava da prekreči.





Da su hteli da uklone svaki prikaz Vašingtona, pa i da promene ime gimnazije zbog toga što je Vašington bio robovlasnik, to bi već bio drugi nivo diskusije. Moglo bi da se diskutuje za i protiv, ali bi bar bilo dosledno. To je kao ono što traže uklanjanje spomenika raznim kolonijalistima po zapadnim univerzitetima, jer ih ti spomenici slave, a ne zato što spomenik prikazuje Sesila Roudsa kako gazi crnca.


Ovi su u fazonu super je Đorđo Vašingtone, ali daj da zabašurimo činjenicu da je bio robovlasnik i crnce smatrao imovinom, a Indijance neugodnom preprekom za proširenje SAD.


interesuje me koje ce snage pobediti u dnc


ovaj borba je temelj buducnosti amerike. biti ili ne biti. 

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