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Posted (edited)

Ima mnogo toga da se zameri Kastrovom rezimu.  Medjutim ima znacajnih stvari na koji Kastrov rezim moze da bude ponosan i za ugled u karipskom regionu.  Na primer, u poredjenju sa Jamajkom, drzavom sa bogatim prirodnim resursima i sa parlamentarnom demokratijom, Kuba je daleko superiornija po pitanju obrazovanja (obavezno osnovno i srednje obrazovanje vs. obavezno osnovno; stepen pismenosti 99.99% - najveci na svetu vs. 86%) i zdravstva ($1,828 po glavi stanovnika vs. $512; smrtnost novorodjencadi 5.8 - manji nego u SAD vs. 20.9).  Da li je alternativa Kastrovom rezimu rezim kakav je na Jamajci i Dominikanskoj republici?  Da se stvori dobrostojeca i sofisticirana srednja klasa (<20%) koja ce vladati poitikom i biznisom na racun ekstremno papuperizovanog ostataka stanovnistva kao na Jamajci?

Edited by Dimitrije

svaka čast na čeličnoj kičmi :fantom:

Ne ide ti baš čitanje govora tela.


Ne ide ti baš čitanje govora tela.


izgleda da neki još nisu skapiraili koliko sam najbolji u svemu :fantom:


Obama and Castro’s Body Language in Cuba Shows Power Play

When US President Barack Obama wanted to put his arm around the shoulder of Cuba’s President Raul Castro, Castro

was having none of it. No matter what language you speak, the international language of “body language” speaks volumes.

If Obama succeeded in placing his arm around Castro on Live Cuban TV,

it would make Castro appear weak  to his citizens. It would give the

impression that Obama ( who is a head and shoulder taller than Castro)

dominated the get-together and was more powerful than Castro.


Putting your arm around someone’s shoulder shows that you are in

control or are more powerful.  That is was what Obama was trying to say

with his body language.  It was also way too friendly of a gesture for

two countries who have not had an American President on Cuban  soil for

almost 80 years. No matter how good a time Obama may have had with his

Cuban host, the bottom line is that there is still a lot of pain,

tension, and controversy. What Castro was saying by grabbing Obama’s arm

and not allowing that arm to touch him was telling Obama that “all is

not so well or as good as you think it is.”




There is no question that Obama felt a little awkward or embarrassed

 by Castro’s rebuff. As you can see in the above photo,  his head is

bowed down as he waves. If he was feeling less awkward,  his head would

have been up while he was waving. His head would have been in the same

upward posture as Castro, if  Obama  was feeling more confident in the

situation. Obama is still touching Castro’s hand and Castro is ignoring

him. Also Castro turns his body away from Obama which also speaks

volumes as to how he really feels.




Then Raul Castro takes charge. As Obama is still waving, Castro grabs

Obama’s elbow,  pinching him with his thumb as you can see. This is a

sign of force as Castro  directs Obama to leave the  stage.




Castro then extends  his arm and continues his firm grasp on Obama’s

arm, which is now at Obama’s side. He is in essence, trying to  push

Obama off the stage as Castro has now turned his  own body towards the

exit, while Obama is still standing there, with his body  facing





Now Castro shows that he is definitely  in charge and in control as

the host of this meeting and as the President of his country. He walks

past Obama, moving directly in front of Obama. Obama looks annoyed by

this as you can see  by the expression on his face.  You can also see

that Obama’s  arm is at his side and hand is beginning to form into a

ball which shows that he is angry at the situation. He is not walking

erect with his head up, but his head is bowed down and his shoulders are

hunched over which shows that he is not feeling very secure or

confident about what has just occurred.


So as far as a power play is concerned Raul Castro clearly showed

Obama that he was in charge and in control  and that Obama would have to

take a secondary position to him.





Odnosno, diplomatski jeste ali politicki kod kuce izgleda i ne bas.

koliko je to (ne)popularan potez u SAD (tj. za vecinu), ako je Hilari gurala otopljavanje sa Kubom tokom svog mandata u DoS, javno podrzala prosle godine, a podrzava i ovih dana?


simpatična ispala obame, nema grljenja s raulom




rt-ov "profesionalizam" na delu. meni izgleda da raul pogresno razumeo misleci da obama zeli da dignu ruke zajedno


da ne zaboravimo i na najbolju sliku posete  :D



Posted (edited)

rt-ov "profesionalizam" na delu. meni izgleda da raul pogresno razumeo misleci da obama zeli da dignu ruke zajedno


aha kako da ne glup je raul verovatno je zato pogrešno razumeo i drugi bednikov pokušaj grljenja na 0:23 pa ga otreso ko slinu :fantom:

Edited by Hella

Sa Obamom su u posetu isli visoki predstavnici kompanija kao sto su Marriott i Starwood.  Toliko o "pitomoj tranziciji".  Za 2-3 godine ce Havana da bude Spring Break destinacija.


Ja im dajem 3g max. do deshavanja naroda.

Ima Kuba mnogo dobrih boxera nacice se neki da bude vodja demokratske revolucije.


koliko je to (ne)popularan potez u SAD (tj. za vecinu), ako je Hilari gurala otopljavanje sa Kubom tokom svog mandata u DoS, javno podrzala prosle godine, a podrzava i ovih dana?


Pa sto nije otisao onda 2012 da bustuje svoje izborne sanse nego 2016?


Ova poseta jed vazna zbog toga sto ce bilo kod buducem predsedniku biti dosta teze da vrati tocak u nazad i ponovo svede odnose na ono sto su bili poslednjih 50 godina.

Posted (edited)

Lopta je u Kastrovoj polovini.  On mora da odigra sledeci potez jer je Obama odigrao nekoliko.  Ukoliko Kastro nastavi da se pravi Tosa i mlako prima ili odbija pruzenu ruku, sve dalje inicijative mogu da se stopiraju i ostanu zamrznute onoliko dugo koliko su i diplomatski odnosi bili u raskidu.  Mislim da ce tek sledeci kubanski lider, koji je manje opterecen nasledjem revolucije i koji nije bio rodjen u vreme americke intervencije u Zalivu svinja i u vreme Raketne krize, napraviti pozitivne korake prema SAD.

Edited by Dimitrije
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