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To je to!  Da vidim Volvo XC70 ili Subaru Outback sa ugradjenim gun rack pa mogu onda da umrem.  A tek kad krenu da proizvode craft puske i pistolje i artisan municiju.  Ono lik na krovu neke brownstone u Brooklynu u maloj radionici pravi small batch artisan ammo i organic-pasture-raised-leather-genuine pistol holsters.


У гаражи....


Ako bi u SAD pokusao da kupis neku vecu kolicinu dizel goriva i vestackog djubriva (najcesci sastojci improvizovanih eksplozivnih naprava) a ne posedujes farmu koja bi to mogla da opravda, veruj mi da bi vrlo brzo dobio nezvanu posetu do zuba naoruzanih nindza kornjaca iz raznoraznih federalnih sluzbi. Jeste sve to u slobodnoj prodaji ali se ipak monitoruje ko kupuje i zasto kupuje.


Ajde dizel gorivo i nekako, ali amonijum nitrat možeš dobiti iz drugih izvora a da to nije đubrivo. I opet stvari iz marketa, kao i ona druga smjesa o kojoj sam mislio dok sam pisao prethodni komentar. 


Prvo da neko definiše šta znači džihad.


Izgleda da su ukonili sa zvanicnog sajta (ili ja ne mogu da ih nadjem). Mozda ima po torrentima negde, ima nesto klipova na youtubu.


Ima toliko materijala i na toliko mesta da ne znas gde da pocnes.  Ceo show sa Stewartom kao glavnim voditeljom je isao 16 godina, po 4 epizode nedeljno, sa mozda najvise 10 nedelja u godini kad su bile razne pauze.  Znaci recimo oko 150-160 epizoda godisnje puta 16 godina.  To je bas mnogo materijala.


Za ovakve stvari i ideje se defintivno može reći "samo u americi"  :lolol:


(usput se fakultet oglasio da nemaju pojma o ovoj 'demonstraciji' niti su je dozvolili, pa će ekipa da se upucava u ulici pored)

Gun Rights Groups to Hold Fake Mass Shooting at UT This Weekend

Multiple gun rights groups will be joining together this weekend for a mock mass shooting on the University of Texas campus, an event complete with cardboard guns, crisis actors, and fake blood. Now, what could this possibly accomplish?, a reasonable person might be wondering. But as one of the protestors told Statesman.com: “We love freedom, and we’re trying to make more freedom.”

The “crisis performance event” itself will involve actors being “shot” with mock guns, just over a week after the San Bernardino mass shooting took 14 individual lives. From Statesman.com:

“It’s a fake mass shooting, and we’ll use fake blood,” he said. He said gun noises will be blared from bullhorns. Other people will then play the role of rescuers, also armed with cardboard weapons.

... Asked if he was worried the demonstration, which will be preceded by a walk through Austin with loaded weapons might appear in bad taste following the mass shootings in San Bernardino and Paris, Short said: “Not at all. People were able to be murdered people because no one was armed.”
Fortunately, weapons are currently banned from UT’s campus, or else someone probably would get shot this weekend. That might not be the case for long, however. On August 1, Texas’ new “campus carry” law goes into effect, which will allow concealed handguns in classrooms, dorms, and “other buildings” at both public and private colleges.

This law still allows for universities to draft up their own rules for specified gun-free zones, which is what Come and Take It Texas and DontComply.com are hoping to change this weekend, by trying to terrify everyone around them into packing heat of their own.

The much more likely outcome? A bunch of assholes run around UT making light of tragedy and reminding everyone why we need gun-free zones in the first place: to protect us from all those “good guys with guns.”



Za ovakve stvari i ideje se defintivno može reći "samo u americi"  :lolol:


(usput se fakultet oglasio da nemaju pojma o ovoj 'demonstraciji' niti su je dozvolili, pa će ekipa da se upucava u ulici pored)




LOL, kome se obraća kad mora da im objasni šta znači "Post-America"...


LOL, kome se obraća kad mora da im objasni šta znači "Post-America"...

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