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But today, Avakian, who was in charge of making the final ruling in the case—and is also an elected politician—reversed that decision.


Oduvek sam voleo američko upravno sudstvo. :D


ja odokativno procenjujem da će sanders dati hilaribotu dobru trku za njen novac hihihi. skupio je kamaru para od sitnih individualnih donatora, što stvarno zaziva paralele s obamom 2007. doduše, ide mu na ruku što primaries prvo idu u državama koje su mu najnaklonjenije, ali čudnije stvari su se dešavale.

Nema sanse uopste. Kako mozes da uporedjujes Obamu iz 2007 i Sandersa iz 2015? Obama je sagradio takvu campaign masineriju kakvu nijedan kandidat pre ili posle nije imao.



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stara US fora - 2 for the price of 1 = baba + bubba

naravno genijalno obzirom da je bubba 1 od zescih US precednika ever


Da, samo sto trump ima najmanje sanse od svih kandidata da pokupi umerene glasove. Klovn je tu da bude klovn.


Da, samo sto trump ima najmanje sanse od svih kandidata da pokupi umerene glasove. Klovn je tu da bude klovn.

Nikola Šećeroski (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Шећероски)

Posted (edited)

ček, ovi su se sad setili posle toliko godina da je confederate flag navodno bad i sad je kao skidaju posle ove pucnjave u SC. i nascar pravi akcije u kojima zamenjuje konfederativnu sa američkom itd i čitava medijska pompa sad odjednom zato što je onaj retard bio white supremacist.  na jebenom cnn-u ide countdown do skidanja zastave, koji su to glupani glupavi pa to svet nije video.


a nesretni tramp se ne skida sa nbc i cnn-a. valjda debili se nadaju da će da mu dignu rejting.  eno u NC vodi među GOP kandidatima. a tramp ovakav kakav je, samo da ima jednog političkog stratega pravog koji bi mu rekao kako da kanališe i odgovori na neke stvari pojeo bi svih ovih 16 ostalih patuljaka na debati, što i nije isključeno u svakom slučaju. ovu sa nbc-a što ga je intervjuisala je pojeo za predjelo, kuper je već bio dosta ozbiljniji. 

Edited by theanswer

nesretni tramp se ne skida sa nbc i cnn-a. valjda debili se nadaju da će da mu dignu rejting.

ne njemu, vec sebi. klovn je dobar za gledanost.


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Nema sanse uopste. Kako mozes da uporedjujes Obamu iz 2007 i Sandersa iz 2015? Obama je sagradio takvu campaign masineriju kakvu nijedan kandidat pre ili posle nije imao.



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Ključno u mom postu: zaziva paralele. Ključna u tvom: sagradio. Dakle, možda i Sanders "sagradi", i Obamina je prilično brzo sagrađena, snoubol efektom i pomoću vrhunskog slogana (dakle, konsultantske ekipe), što priznajem da Sanders nema. Inače, sve se može porediti, nije poređenje problem.


Moram dva puta da lupim, jednom :frust:  za SS a drugi put :frust:  za stanje na pollovima

Donald Trump campaign tweets photo with Nazi soldiers – then leads the polls

In the same hour an intern posted an American flag campaign graphic featuring Nazi re-enactors, a national poll placed Trump in first place among Republicans

 On closer inspection, the soldiers in this Donald Trump campaign image are not American but bear Nazi insignia and uniform. Photograph: Twitter

Donald Trump, stacks of money, the White House, an American flag ... and, apparently, Nazi soldiers: is this the face of the new Republican frontrunner for president of the United States?
The real-estate mogul turned entertainer turned political rabble-rouser-in-chief tweeted a photo of himself on Tuesday – #MakeAmericaGreatAgain – which, upon closer inspection, revealed something shocking to his 3.2 million followers.

 Photograph: Twitter

Though the soldiers Photoshopped behind a red stripe of the American flag would seem to be members of the country’s armed forces, the soldiers actually have the SS eagle insignia on their arms. At least one of the troops is wearing the dot camouflage print associated with Nazis.

599.jpg?w=300&q=85&auto=format&sharp=10& Photograph: Twitter
The campaign appears to have used a stock image – available online – of re-enactors, not actual SS soldiers.

 Photograph: iStock

That didn’t stop the Trump campaign from deleting its tweet and blaming the incident on “a young intern”.
In the same hour as the apparent Nazi imagery surfaced, USA Today released a poll showing that Trump is now the leading candidate for the Republican party’s presidential nomination.

The nationwide survey has Trump out ahead of the Republican field – now 15 competitors and counting – with 17% of support. Florida governor Jeb Bush follows at 14%.
Trump jumped six percentage points in the USA Today/Suffolk University poll from June to July, a period during which he erroneously accused the Mexican government of deliberately sending drugs, rapists and criminals to the US and asserted – to legions of supporters – that “I’m, like, a really smart person”.

When stacked up against Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, the same survey showed that he polled worse than six other Republican candidates. Earlier on Tuesday, as Clinton was making remarks on Capitol Hill about her deliberations over the landmark nuclear deal with Iran, Trump released a statement about her: “She is obviously very nervous when she has to revert to issues that have already been settled given the absolute accuracy of my statement” on Mexico.
It remains unclear how the Nazi slip-up will affect Trump’s standing with voters. The error was uncovered after Twitter user Michael Niemerg asked Trump on Tuesday if the soldiers in his campaign image were part of the army that defended Nazi Germany, the Wehrmacht.
Internet sleuths quickly investigated the matter:

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal)July 14, 2015
.@MichaelNiemerg @realDonaldTrump's soldiers do seem to bear Wehrmacht insignia pic.twitter.com/3ZxVK4SBJT

A campaign spokesperson said that Trump has spent the day at the opening of a development in Charlottesville, Virginia, and that an intern was responsible for the tweet.
“A young intern created and posted the image and did not see the very faded figures within the flag of the stock photo,” the spokesperson told the Guardian. “The intern apologized and immediately deleted the tweet.”


Njega ko da je Hilari direktno poslala u trku. Tek ce biti zanimljivo kada im razjebe debatu. Kakav neopisiv moron.

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