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Amerika, zemlja velika

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Pa da su pametni da je isprovociraju ne bi li se pokazala kakva je arogantna i neprivlačna, pa da time privuku neke "unlikely voters" i motivišu svoje glasače, ovako, ako budu išli sa nekim svojim (ionako nejasnim i konfuznim) agendama, to je odmah piši propalo.


Hoce li uopste neko pokusati da se suprotstavi Hilari?


Mislis od Demokrata?  Pa ima tu nekoliko: Sanders, O'Malley, Chafee.  Realno niko od njih nema sanse protiv nje.  Sanders mozda tu malo uskomesa nesto, kao Bill Bradley 2000, mozda cak i pobedi ili pridje Hillary na manje od 5% u nekoj zajebanoj drzavi kao NH npr., ali nema tu nista...


Tužno, Sanders je baš osveženje, čak i tako mator. Pravi socijalista, otprilike nešto najlevlje što američki establišment ima da ponudi. Ima dosta glasova na netu koji se oduševljavaju njime i proglašavaju ga favoritom iz senke, neko poređenje s obamom 2007... Ali teško, teško...

Posted (edited)

sanders je budala. ostali (na obe strane) su oportunisticki sljam, manje - vise.

Edited by mandingo

Tužno, Sanders je baš osveženje, čak i tako mator. Pravi socijalista, otprilike nešto najlevlje što američki establišment ima da ponudi. Ima dosta glasova na netu koji se oduševljavaju njime i proglašavaju ga favoritom iz senke, neko poređenje s obamom 2007... Ali teško, teško...

Hvala Bogu, sanse su mu nikakve.


koliko su realne ankete za ovu debilcinu² trampa? posle retarda juniora i danasnjeg sibicara ima li mogucnosti da usa dotakne dno sa trampom?


koliko su realne ankete za ovu debilcinu² trampa? posle retarda juniora i danasnjeg sibicara ima li mogucnosti da usa dotakne dno sa trampom?



Hvala Bogu, sanse su mu nikakve.

Nije dovoljno nejednakosti u USA?


Nije dovoljno nejednakosti u USA?

Uh da, a on ce da smanji nekednakost, satro.

Posted (edited)

Vidi se da ti je to prioritet.


Ne mislim da su levo orijentisane politike pa tako i Sandersova nacin da se bori protiv nejednakosti. Takodje mislim da zemlja u kojoj postoji velika nejednakost ne moze dugorocno biti srecna zemlja i da nejednakost jeste veliki problem.


Mislim da ovaj grafik dosta objasnjava izvore nejednakosti i mislim da su oni strukturni 




Za to vreme se procenat fakultetski obrazovanog stanovnista uvecao za par procenata.


Evo jedna interesantna vest na tu temu:


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Solid job growth is finally boosting paychecks for the rest of us.
Incomes for the bottom 99 percent of American families rose 3.3 percent last year to $47,213, the biggest annual gain in the past 15 years, according to data compiled by economist Emmanuel Saez and released Monday by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth.
"For the bottom 99 percent of income earners, this marks the first year of real recovery from the income losses sparked by the Great Recession," Saez, a professor at the University of California-Berkeley, said in a summary of his findings.
The increase likely reflects robust hiring last year when employers added 3.1 million jobs — the most since 1999. That lowered the unemployment rate to 5.6 percent from 6.7 percent a year earlier. Strong job gains and a falling unemployment can help broadly raise incomes as businesses are forced to offer higher pay to attract workers.
With more money in their wallets, Americans are spending more freely. Auto sales reached the highest level in nearly a decade in May. Sales of clothing and building materials also jumped last month. And home sales are at an eight-year high.
Still, income inequality worsened in 2014. The richest 1 percent of Americans posted a much bigger increase in pay: their incomes soared an average of 10.8 percent to $1.3 million. The wealthiest 1 percent also captured 21.2 percent of all income in 2014, up from 20.1 percent the previous year.
The top 10 percent of income earners also boosted their share in 2014, receiving 49.9 percent of total income, up from 48.9 percent in 2013.
Yet there was progress outside the richest 10 percent. Families in the bottom 90 percent of income-earners saw their incomes increase 2.8 percent, or about $900, to $33,068. That matched 2007's increase as the largest bump up since 1998.
Most Americans still have a long way to go to recapture the sharp losses they suffered during the 2008-2009 recession. Average incomes for the bottom 99 percent plummeted 11.6 percent to $45,269 in those two years, Saez calculates. All figures are adjusted for inflation. They have so far recovered just 40 percent of their losses.
The inequality figures are likely a big reason that many Americans remain concerned about the economy. The nation has 3.3 million more jobs than before the recession and the overall economy is larger than it was in December 2007, when the downturn began. But for most families the recovery is far from complete.
Saez's figures are compiled from IRS tax data, using pre-tax income that excludes government transfer payments, such as Social Security retirement income. Saez and another economist, Thomas Piketty, have closely documented the growing share of income captured by the richest 1 percent. Their data fueled the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011.
Some critics of their work have pointed out that excluding government benefits exaggerates income disparities. But other sources, such as the Congressional Budget Office, have included the impact of taxes and benefits and found wide, if less-pronounced, wealth gaps.



Edited by Eraserhead

Pa, vidimo kako ove desne politike to rade... Ali, ne daj bože da se pojavi neka alternativa, moglo bi svašta da se desi!


Stoga, dajmo lepo status quo sa nekom Hillary, ili nekim sličnim republicratom.


Da sam amerikanac, mislim da bih bio u fazonu da je Americi potrebna radikalna promena, pre svega u pogledu nekih strukturalnih problema tipa političke korupcije i sprege krupnog kapitala i države. Jebiga, Sanders i Paul, svaki na svoj način, kažu da to žele da promene pa nekako navijam za njih.

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