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pa Klinton je nesto pokusao 1994 i jedini je uspeo da se regulise prodaju automata i to na cini mi se 3 godine. Taj zakon nije produzen, kada je istekao. 


Da se razumemo, ja smatram da bi konfiskovanje oruzja po kucama vrlo brzo dovelo do gradjanskog rata. To je jednostavno veoma losa ideja koja moze da padne na pamet samo nekome ko nikada nije ziveo u Americi i ne poznaje Amerikance.


da ne preterujes malo? :D


ja mislim da bi se sve zavrsilo dobrovoljnom predajom oruzja, ako ne onda plan "b", posaljes ove iz faludje, uspeli tamo uspeci i us


a sad bi bio i dobar tajming, da se koristi ovo sranje od juce, da li je kriv ovo dete (izgleda ko klinac mladji od 15) ili nra (nra kao simbol)? ne mislim da bi bilo toliko otpora


sto se tice zakona koje spominje eraser, to je manji problem, stavis to pod patriot act ili national security i niko nece da pisne


evo ga i sibicara, izvadio glavu iz peska, kaze nesto "more gun control". ne razumem ga....odvratnijeg predsednika us nije imao niti ce ga imati ikada, cak i 1 nikson deluje ko pozitivan lik pored njega


mozda ipak postoji neki srednji put izmedju politike opsteg naoruzavanja i konfiskovanja pomocu upada u kucu, recimo, za pocetak, da se uspostavi nekakav elementarni gun control kakav postoji u drugim zemljama?

mislim da preterujes sa 'opstim naoruzavanjem' - optimisti bi rekli da je steady, pesimisti da je down



mislim da preterujes sa 'opstim naoruzavanjem' - optimisti bi rekli da je steady, pesimisti da je down


Rekli bi ako im se vidik završava na granici. Guns per capita, i dalje su ubedljivo ispred Srbije, Jemena, i ostalih vukojebina:




I naravno da je plenidba SF scenario koji se za naših života neće desiti, a sasvim je moguće ni posle. Tu priču u javnost guraju upravo NRA lobisti, drveći kako je svaki pokušaj kontrole prodaje naoružanja na federalnom nivou = plenidba po kućama. Sliding scale, jebiga, ako ne puštaš totalnu anarhiju to znači da težiš ka tiraniji i apsolutizmu...


Senator iz Vermonta dobro stoji u Nju Hempširu? :fantom: To kao kad bi Corn Cob Man pobedio u Ajovi...


berni je autsajder i solo igrac, pa mu je svaki procenat uspeh, ne verujem da ima previse veze sa geografijom (mozda malo ^_^).

valjda je i amerikance sramota da im kandidati za predsednika ponovo budu iz familija klinton i bus. 


Gledao juce na CNNu intervju sa nekim NRA mamojebom... majko kakvo je ono iskonsko govno, gun-free zones su problem, eto da svi nosimo oruzje, od bebe do babe, za cas bi poskidali ludake, ne bi stigli da ubiju vise od par ljudi. Divlji zapad.


svi nosimo oruzje, od bebe do babe


Ako ništa drugo, budala iz vesti gore bi sigurno bila proglašena ludim ako bi uleteo na bilo kakav skup od 50-500 naoružanih ljudi


Najbolje od svega je sto je na NRA konvenciji u Nashvilleu nosenje oruzja bilo zabranjeno.


pa Klinton je nesto pokusao 1994 i jedini je uspeo da se regulise prodaju automata i to na cini mi se 3 godine. Taj zakon nije produzen, kada je istekao. 


Da se razumemo, ja smatram da bi konfiskovanje oruzja po kucama vrlo brzo dovelo do gradjanskog rata. To je jednostavno veoma losa ideja koja moze da padne na pamet samo nekome ko nikada nije ziveo u Americi i ne poznaje Amerikance.

Ma ne znam uopste kako bi to konfiskovanje moglo da se izvede kad je u nekim drzavama cak zabranjeno da vlasti vode evidenciju naoruzanja. Mislim da treba pre razmisljati o nekim drugim merama kako bi se ovakve stvari izbegle u buducnosti. Konfiskacija oruzja je ovde SF.


Word. Ogromna vecina vlasnika oruzja nece ni pod kakvim uslovima pristati da ga dobrovoljno predaju. U nekim predelima ni lokalne vlasti ne bi pristale da sprovedu akciju oduzimanja oruzja vec bi joj se aktivno - oruzano! - suprotstavile. Cak bi i dobar deo "momaka iz Faludze" presao na stranu onih koji brane pravo na posedovanje i nosenje oruzja jer i sami kuci poseduju omanji arsenal.


NRA i njihov 'Institute for Legislative Action' vodi brojne bitke za slobodu oružja a protivu poganih pokvarenih ljudi, pa je na primer trenutno najaktuelnija borba za slobodu tzv. 'Firearm-Related Speecha'!

Dakle - CENZURA za vatrene štapove slobode  :cry: 

Zlikovac iz Bele kuće opet zloupotrebljava svoju imperatorsku olovku i telefon da udari u poštene blogere i forumaše što u slobodno vreme vikendom izvode 'manevre sudnjega dana' (sa živom municijom) ili upucavaju ljude isečene od kartona (za sada).

Stop Obama's Planned Gag Order on Firearm-Related Speech

It's happening again— President Obama is using his imperial pen and telephone to curb your rights and bypass Congress through executive action.

Even as news reports have been highlighting the gun control provisions of the Administration's "Unified Agenda" of regulatory objectives (see accompanying story), the Obama State Department has been quietly moving ahead with a proposal that could censor online speech related to firearms. This latest regulatory assault, published in the June 3 issue of the Federal Register, is as much an affront to the First Amendment as it is to the Second. Your action is urgently needed to ensure that online blogs, videos, and web forums devoted to the technical aspects of firearms and ammunition do not become subject to prior review by State Department bureaucrats before they can be published.

To understand the proposal and why it's so serious, some background information is necessary.





Word. Ogromna vecina vlasnika oruzja nece ni pod kakvim uslovima pristati da ga dobrovoljno predaju. U nekim predelima ni lokalne vlasti ne bi pristale da sprovedu akciju oduzimanja oruzja vec bi joj se aktivno - oruzano! - suprotstavile. Cak bi i dobar deo "momaka iz Faludze" presao na stranu onih koji brane pravo na posedovanje i nosenje oruzja jer i sami kuci poseduju omanji arsenal.

Tako je. Pri tome je pogresno svoditi ljude koji podrzavaju nosenje oruzja na stereotipne juznjake.


Ja nemam pojma stvarno. Da zivim negde u kuci nekoj koja nije bas u naselju, jbg, i ja bih drzao oruzje, svasta moze da se desi. S druge strane, sta ce oruzje u gusce naseljenim mestima to mi bas i nije jasno. Tako da...ko ce to odvojiti...


Bokte, koji je ovo homer-simpsonovski nivo bezbednosti.



The US agency plundered by Chinese hackers made one of the dumbest security moves possible


JUN. 18, 2015, 10:54 AM

Contractors in Argentina and China were given "direct access to every row of data in every database" when they were hired by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to manage the personnel records of more than 14 million federal employees, a federal consultant told ArsTechnica.
The massive breach of OPM's database — made public by the Obama administration this month — prompted speculation over why the agency hadn't encrypted its systems, which contain the sensitive security clearance and background information for intelligence and military personnel.
Encryption, however, according to Ars, would not have helped in this case because administrators responsible for managing these records had root access to the system, Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity Dr. Andy Ozment testified yesterday at a two-hour hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
And it turns out that a systems administrator responsible for handling the agency's records "was in Argentina and his co-worker was physically located in the [People's Republic of China]," a consultant who worked with an OPM-contracted company told ArsTechnica.
"Both had direct access to every row of data in every database: they were root."


Experts and politicians are now lambasting the US government for the way agency handled IT security.
"OPM is right in general that encryption is not magic security butter," Dave Aitel, CEO of cybersecurity firm Immunity Inc., told Business Insider. "But the committee is also right in that OPM was massively negligent."
All told, 65% of OPM's data was stored on systems lacking proper security certification, Ars reports, meaning the data was vulnerable to far more people than just those with root access and valid login credentials.[/size]
"They [the unsecured systems] were in your office, which is a horrible example to be setting," House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told Archuleta during the hearing.
"OPM's data security posture was akin to leaving all your doors and windows unlocked and hoping nobody would walk in and take the information," Chaffetz added.

The OPM IT team frequently outsources its work to foreign contractors working in their home country. Those holding Chinese passports are no exception.
"Another team that worked with these databases had at its head two team members with [People's Republic of China] passports," the consultant told Ars. "I know that because I challenged them personally and revoked their privileges."
"From my perspective, OPM compromised this information more than three years ago," he added. "And my take on the current breach is 'so what's new?'"
In fact, the breach was unprecedented in its breadth and scope: "Security-wise, this may be the worst breach of personally identifying information ever," Michael Borohovski, CEO of Tinfoil Security, told Business Insider on Friday.
REUTERS/Gary Cameron
Federal employees and contractors who want government-security clearance have to disclose virtually every aspect of their lives via a 120-page SF 86 questionnaire, which is then stored on OPM's unencrypted database.
The OPM also "conducts more than 90% of all federal background investigations, including those required by the Department of Defense and 100 other federal agencies," Reuters reported last week.
Experts fear the stolen information could be used by the Chinese government to blackmail, exploit, or recruit US intelligence officers, compromising the success and safety of agents operating at home and abroad.


Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-us-agency-plundered-by-chinese-hackers-made-one-of-the-dumbest-security-moves-possible-2015-6#ixzz3dWSCXq7E



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