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Written by Dennis J. Kucinich

Je l' to onaj™ Dennis the Kucinich sto je bio kongresmen pa zglajznuo pa zatvor (ili ga je izbegao) pa sad glumi novinara??? 


Ova prica oko Sony napada postaje sve smesnija.

Nije ona ni smeshnija ni manje smeshna od drugih - samo je u direktnom prenosu - i - ono - zna da vredja inteligenciju - k'o ima mozak i rado ga koristi...




The Russia Sanctions bill that passed “unanimously,” with no scheduled debate, at 10:23:55 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2014, includes:


1. Sanctions of Russia’s energy industry, including Rosoboronexport and Gazprom.


2. Sanctions of Russia’s defense industry, with respect to arms sales to Syria.


3. Broad sanctions on Russians’ banking and investments.


4. Provisions for privatization of Ukrainian infrastructure, electricity, oil, gas and renewables, with the help of the World Bank and USAID.


5. Fifty million dollars to assist in a corporate takeover of Ukraine’s oil and gas sectors.


6. Three hundred and fifty million dollars for military assistance to Ukraine, including anti-tank, anti-armor, optical, and guidance and control equipment, as well as drones.


7. Thirty million dollars for an intensive radio, television and Internet propaganda campaign throughout the countries of the former Soviet Union.


8. Twenty million dollars for “democratic organizing” in Ukraine.


9. Sixty million dollars, spent through groups like the National Endowment for Democracy, “to improve democratic governance, and transparency, accountability [and] rule of law” in Russia. What brilliant hyperbole to pass such a provision the same week the Senate’s CIA torture report was released.


10. An unverified declaration that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, is a nuclear “threat to the United States” and should be held “accountable.”


11. A path for the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty, which went into force in 1988. The implications of this are immense. An entire series of arms agreements are at risk of unraveling. It may not be long before NATO pushes its newest client state, Ukraine, to abrogate the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Ukraine signed when it gave up its nuclear weapons, and establish a renewed nuclear missile capability, 300 miles from Moscow.


12. A demand that Russia verifiably dismantle “any ground launched cruise missiles or ballistic missiles with a range of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers ...”—i.e., 300 and 3,300 miles.


Sto bi rekli - mi to radimo tako, ne? Lekcija iz istorije, koga ne mrzi... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCollum_memo



The McCollum memo contained an eight-part plan to counter rising Japanese power over East Asia:

A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore B. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese government of Chiang-Kai-Shek D. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines, or Singapore E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient F. Keep the main strength of the U.S. fleet now in the Pacific[,] in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands G. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil H. Completely embargo all U.S. trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire

Protesti u NY se nastavljaju:




Na drugoj strani, predsednik Obama umesto da bude na celu kolene i da izrazi svoje nezadovoljstvo zbog prekomerne upotrebe sile od strane drzave protiv gradjana druge boje koze. Sta on radi - bavi se kinematografijom !




Da li neko moze da mu poruci da je on dobio Mirka Nobela, a ne Oskara. Izgleda da se pobrkao kod nagrada  :blink:


To je sasvim normalno i ocekivano ponasanje za politicara bilo gde u svetu.

Pravi problemi se stavljaju pod tepih u nadi da ce da nestanu a u isto vreme vodi herojska borba protiv ataka Severne Koreje na konzumaciju holivudskog djubreta.


Pogledao na imdb i onaj film ima ocenu 9,9 lol

Stvarno ljude treba jebati kad je apsolutna vecina malo pametnija od ovce.


Pogledao na imdb i onaj film ima ocenu 9,9 lol

Stvarno ljude treba jebati kad je apsolutna vecina malo pametnija od ovce.


evo, na nevidjeno cenim da je to gusan ziga fazon i da se ljudi sprdaju zbog cele ove prica. dakle, zajebancija u kojoj bih i sam ucestvovao.


evo, na nevidjeno cenim da je to gusan ziga fazon i da se ljudi sprdaju zbog cele ove prica. dakle, zajebancija u kojoj bih i sam ucestvovao.


meni više liči na lets show this commies 


evo, na nevidjeno cenim da je to gusan ziga fazon i da se ljudi sprdaju zbog cele ove prica. dakle, zajebancija u kojoj bih i sam ucestvovao.

Da je troll to bi valjda islo forom ziveo Kim banujte film! da se usere Sonijev spin.


meni više liči na lets show this commies 


ne znam, nicam citao komentare, ali mi vise lici da je neko na nekom forumu pokrenuo zajebanciju.


nisam ni ja, gledao sam par američkih mreža, svi su u fazonu jbt šta je sony uradio, moraju da puste film. a film je reklamiran bio dosta i jedan je od onih koje na osnovu trejlera skontaš o kakvoj se bljuvotini radi. mislim seth rogen.

Posted (edited)

Mislim da je iz komentara jasno da je u pitanju zajebancija. Nisam gledao ali upravo mu dao 10. :D

Edited by Eraserhead





Sad mi je jasnije što su se severnokoreanci opasno naljutili. U filmu James Franco i Seth Rogen prvo navedu Kima da se usere u gaće u sred intervjua u direktnom prenosu, pa ga posle ubiju Call of duty style - iz tenka gađaju njegov helikopter, i na kraju budu slobodni izbori u SK...



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