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Right on cue, 6th Circuit održao zabranu gay brakova u Kentuckyju itd... pravac Supreme Court.


Supremes si stavili u docket i subsidies u ACA. Očekujem dvije jebitačne 5-4 odluke, Robertsovo vraćanje u stado, Tantalove muke za uskoro mučenog Barryja. A fresh stranger in a quickly stranging land.

Нема појма.


Mr. Miller Doesn’t Go to Washington

A candidate’s memoir.


November/December 2014


Truth is, by the end of the campaign, I wouldn’t stop to talk to young people at all—the odds that they would show up on June 3 were practically nil. Seniors—and the direct mail we would send them—were pretty much all that mattered. (This truth was driven home by the little old lady at a market who punctuated her list of to-dos for me with eerie intensity. “You’d better listen to me, young man,” she said. “We’re the ones who vote!”)


Campaign fundraising is a bizarre, soul-warping endeavor. You spend your time endlessly adding to lists of people who might be in a position to help. You enter them on a spreadsheet (dubbed “The Tracker”) and sort the names from high to low in terms of their giving potential. You start to think of every human being in your orbit as having a number attached to them. You book breakfasts, lunches, coffees and drinks at which you make the case for your candidacy … and ask for money. Always money. You call dozens of people a day … and ask for money. When people ask how they can help, you mostly ask them for the names of folks you can … ask for money.


As the filing deadline approaches, I feel like I’ve become a machine designed to collect cash from high net worth Americans and turn it into cheesy mailers that will stuff voters’ mailboxes in May. March 31 itself marks the apotheosis of my transformation. With everything riding on the numbers we have to report by midnight, I find myself in a fever, a hustler in full, a caffeinated candidate who will not be denied. I make call after call at a frantic clip, coaxing and cajoling prospects with the power only a deadline can provide. I’ve learned my lessons well: I hear myself thanking 20 people sincerely for being “the one” who puts us over our half-a-million-dollar goal. Tracy looks at me like I’m a different person. She’s seen this wild-eyed species before. She wasn’t sure I’d get there. “It’s a little scary,” she admits. But she approves.


The other day I had answered a call that asked how I would feel about Matt Miller if I knew he’d called for “radical changes” in Social Security and Medicare. (“They’re polling my negatives!” I gushed to our daughter, Amelia, afterward. It seemed like a mark of progress.)

Sjajno  :0.6:


Zaboravio sam ovaj...


I had caught the bug, and I kept on raising money right up until the end, even with our cable TV and mail program fully paid up. One day, as I was sitting on our patio, it occurred to me why. We had stereo speakers high on the wall outside, and birds had built nests wedged between the speakers and the house. I had seen birds bringing twigs to the nests and wondered, “How do they know how to do that?” I supposed they were just hard-wired that way. I realized I knew the feeling. When I had a spare hour in those closing days, I instinctively pulled up The Tracker and called or emailed donors. It was second nature now. Like the birds. I raise money, I thought. It’s what I do.


Posted (edited)

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) — Maryland's largest school district has voted to strip religious labels from holidays on next year's school calendar after Muslims sought recognition of a holy day.
The stripped labels include Christian holidays like Easter and Christmas, and the Jewish holidays of Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
The 7-1 decision by the Montgomery County's Board of Education on Tuesday came after Muslim leaders in the community asked that equal recognition be given to the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha.
School still will be closed for the Christian and Jewish holidays and students will get the same days off. School will remain open for the Muslim holiday.


edit: za neupucene, nije ovo neka americka vukojebina. okrug Montgomeri je deo DC metro podrucja, i jedan od 10 najbogatijih okruga u SAD.

Edited by Gandalf

Posto sam upucen u taj okrug jer sam u njemu i ziveo jedno vreme, mogu da potvrdim i da jeste jedan od najbogatijih okruga u USA i da je politicki prilicno liberalan.  Ova odluka je onaj klasicni politicki kompromis da ne ispadne da neki imaju veca prava od drugih.  Deci muslimanske vere ce precutno biti dozvoljeno da ne idu u skolu za svoje praznike, skola ce moci da kaze da je sekularna i da svi imaju isti tretman, mrzitelji Muslimana ce biti zadovoljni jer se ne slavi muslimanski praznik.  Znaci, svi da budu srecni, i vuk sit i ovce na broju.


Odluka je tipa promena decimale za aflatoksin.

Birokratska zavrzlama.

Posted (edited)

na lokalnom nivou su domicilni konzervativci jos uvek prilicno uticajni. naglasak na domicilni, jer su znacajan procenat stanovnista mladji ljudi koji dodju na studije i/ili rade u metro podrucju. zaostavstina tog konzervativizma su npr. neki bizarni zakoni koji se ticu prodaje alkohola, a koje nije tako lako promeniti.

Edited by Gandalf



What is it about Fort Lee, New Jersey and traffic controversies? 
Well, now the town is making headlines again with a program designed to catch drivers who don't stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. 
Sounds rather mundane, until you notice that a detective dressed up as Donald Duck was the decoy recently. 
Cops were watching and waiting to give tickets to people who didn't stop to let the duck cross. Police said they issued 130 tickets.




na lokalnom nivou su domicilni konzervativci jos uvek prilicno uticajni. naglasak na domicilni, jer su znacajan procenat stanovnista mladji ljudi koji dodju na studije i/ili rade u metro podrucju. zaostavstina tog konzervativizma su npr. neki bizarni zakoni koji se ticu prodaje alkohola, a koje nije tako lako promeniti.


Opet, Montgomery County je prilicno plava, treba samo pogledati rezultate zadnjih izbora, DEM kandidat za guvernera koji je inace izgubio, dobio je u MoCo 60% glasova.  Ali sto jeste jeste, MD ima dosta starih bizarnih zakona za jednu prilicno progresivnu drzavu.  To o alkoholu je najbolji primer, u obicnom supermarketu ne mozis ni pivo ili vino da kupis, a kamo li nesto jace.  Meni je bila sreca da sam, iako sam ziveo u MD (Bethesda), bio bukvalno 5 minuta peske od granice sa DC, tako da sam uvek lako mogao da idem u kupovinu tamo.


 Meni je bila sreca da sam, iako sam ziveo u MD (Bethesda)...


Nice :D

Posted (edited)

Meni je bila sreca da sam, iako sam ziveo u MD (Bethesda), bio bukvalno 5 minuta peske od granice sa DC, tako da sam uvek lako mogao da idem u kupovinu tamo.

pretpostavljam negde oko Friendship Heights metroa?  :cool:


ma, nema spora ko je vecina u okrugu, posebno ako je u pitanju Bethesda ili Silver Spring. dobrim delom zbog velikog broja sluzbenika vezanih za nevladine org i vladu, tu je NIH, studenti, itd. kako bilo, odes 34-om do Kensingtona, druga prica.

Edited by Gandalf
Posted (edited)

pretpostavljam negde oko Friendship Heights metroa?  :cool:


ma, nema spora ko je vecina u okrugu, posebno ako je u pitanju Bethesda ili Silver Spring. dobrim delom zbog velikog broja sluzbenika vezanih za nevladine org i vladu, tu je NIH, studenti, itd. kako bilo, odes 34-om do Kensingtona, druga prica.


Pa jedno kratko vreme sam ziveo i u Kensingtonu.  Ali vecinu vremena sam bio mozda 20-25 minuta peske od FH.  Bio sam odmah iznad (tj. ispod jer je nizbrdo od) Westmoreland Circle. 


Samo sam hteo da kazem da je MoCo 1 blue county, sto opet ne znaci da nema crvenih enklava.  Tamo smo kad bi bio decembar isli da gledamo bozicne dekoracije na kucama, u nasem kraju ih nije bas mnogo bilo :D

Edited by WTF
Posted (edited)

Ali vecinu vremena sam bio mozda 20-25 minuta peske od FH.

bila mi regularna ruta za dzoging, nekih 50m do FH i natrag.  :D

Edited by Gandalf

To o alkoholu je najbolji primer, u obicnom supermarketu ne mozis ni pivo ili vino da kupis, a kamo li nesto jace. Meni je bila sreca da sam, iako sam ziveo u MD (Bethesda), bio bukvalno 5 minuta peske od granice sa DC, tako da sam uvek lako mogao da idem u kupovinu tamo.


Jedan vrlo liberalni Ontario u liberalnoj Kanadi takodje ne dozvoljava prodaju alkohola u samoposlugama, moze samo u radnjama koje drzi provincijski drzavni monopol.


Prica datira iz vremena prohibicije, ali je odavno drzava shvatila da je to vrlo unosan prihod, pa danas to ima veze samo sa $, a ne sa konzervatizmom...


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