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Zar on ne bi trebalo onako malo latino da izgleda? :D
tumblr_moni1oKiJW1qk2t5co1_500.jpgI sa istog Arrested Westeros bloga:tumblr_moc75yaCMR1qk2t5co1_500.jpg"Oh. Right. I thought you meant out of the things you eat."tumblr_moaif5lQgB1qk2t5co1_500.jpg
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George R.R. Martin teases his post-Thrones plan for WesterosTrent MooreTuesday, November 12, 2013 - 5:38pmThough some fans call him a slow-poke for taking his time with the end of his Song of Ice and Fire series, George R.R. Martin is an extremely prolific author. So, even when the series ends, don’t that that’ll mean the end of Westeros.In a revealing chat with the Brisbane Times, Martin opened up about his post-Game of Thrones plans and whether or not he’ll return to the world of Westeros once he wraps up the story. Good news: Though the proper series might be ending in the next few years, Martin said that will definitely not be the end of Westeros in his writing.So does that mean a new series of Westeros-set novels? Probably not, at least not at first. Instead, Martin is already prepping a concordance dubbed A World of Ice and Fire, and hints at additional novellas and short stories set in the fantasy-tinged universe.Here’s an excerpt from the interview:"I don't think I will say goodbye to the world, because the world is bigger than the story and this particular set of characters. I have been writing other things about the world, I've been working on this concordance for a couple years, 'A World of Ice and Fire,' that should be out next year that's sort of a history and geography of all the lands. There are many stories contained within that of things that happened 100 or 200 years ago or in some other land across the sea.I've been writing the novellas about Dunk and Egg ... so I can continue to write more stories within the world, but I will be wrapping up this particular story and this particular set of characters in that world … At the same time it's going to be an immense relief, because the pressure of this. I do feel a story needs a beginning, a middle and an end. To put an end on this will be an immense monkey off my back.”But, don’t take that to mean the Thrones-verse will live on past Martin — because he plans to take the keys to the kingdom with him, saying he has not intention to give his blessing to any future writer or family member to start cranking out new Westeros novels after he’s long gone:“History has shown us is that eventually these literary rights pass to grandchildren or collateral descendants or people who didn't actually know the writer or his wishes and it's just a cash cow to them and then we get abominations to my mind like ‘Scarlett.’ I hope I never see 'Sauron Strikes Back' written by some third-rate writer who leaps in at the opportunity."Martin is known for being a little outspoken, and it’s nice to see he’s sticking to his guns on this one. Much like J.R.R. Tolkien, Martin has single-handedly built a universe — and no one else has the right to come in and start messing around in it without his permission.Are you glad to hear Martin has plans to keep the world of Westeros alive?(Via Zap2It)
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Počelo žaljenje i zapomaganje na non-VIP topiku, pa reko' da dodam svoj glas whining simfoniji na pravom mestu:- Oberyn "Yellow Viper" Martell deluje tragikomično. Mislim da bar to ne moram da elaboriram.- Gregor Clegane u dvoboju sa istim ne nosi šlem. Što bi rekao Phil Dumphy, Why The Face?! Kakvog to smisla ima?- Neki ljudi jašu po snegu, mogu samo da prepostavim da je to Stannisova ekipa... Ali pobogu, kakav je to juriš kroz šumu?! Ako je bilo skupo da naprave CGI hordu divljaka, onda bolje da nisu ni prikazivali scenu. Ovako, gledaćemo idiotski juriš konjice kroz gusto granje, verovatno protiv 5-8 statista od kojih svaki predstavlja po hiljadu ljudi.- Jon Snow brani Zid ognjem i mačem. Nepotrebno holivudsko odstupanje od izvornog materijala, nije bilo dovoljno sexy da ga stave na kulu (pošto se nije oporavio od rana iz S3) da gađa strelama iz relativne sigurnosti? Ajoj, tek kad se setim kako su ga nagrdili u finalu S3, popio je tri-četiri strele u torzo (umesto jedne u nogu!), krvario je iz usta što znači da mu je devojka perforirala i pluća, dakle dovoljno bi suludo bilo i da je samo preživeo sve to. Ali ne, mora i da se bije in the thick of things, onako herojski.Toliko za sada, hvala na pažnji.

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Ja se zato svega sećam. :s_d:A Jon je možda krvario u seriji iz usta, jer se ujeo za jezik setivši se gde ga je sve stavljao. Ne znači odmah da su mu pluća perforirana.

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