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E, pošto nema više serije, da te ja upozorim da ne prelaziš na ovu temu na Književnosti, pošto se tamo piše bez spojlera i podrazumeva se da si pročitala i poslednju knjigu.A i bolje što nema serije, možda ćeš sad videti koliko je to sve u stvari dobro, bez prljanja.

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E, pošto nema više serije, da te ja upozorim da ne prelaziš na ovu temu na Književnosti, pošto se tamo piše bez spojlera i podrazumeva se da si pročitala i poslednju knjigu.
ma tamo nisam ni nameravala da zalazim dok ne pročitam sve, nego ne znam da li da ovde pravim spojlere il il sam najgora od sve dece pa nema potrebe
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btw slažem se da je Asha mnogo bolja/interesantnija u knjizi nego u seriji (i za koji andrak Jara?!?!), a i Teon mi deluje u knjizi nekako kurčevitijemada mi ga je i malo više žao, valjda zato što se vidi kako "glasno razmišlja"btw možda će ta prevremena i izmenjena Robova ženidba i imati smisla, pošto ima još stvari koje su ubačene ranije u seriju (tj pretpostavljam da se hoće dogoditi u knjigama, ali kasnije) kao npr puštanje Jaimea, Sam i zombiji, i još ponešto

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(i za koji andrak Jara?!?!)
Zato što "Asha" liči na "Osha", a ciljna grupa se mahom sastoji od retardiranih couch potatoes. Pa da se ne zbune.Knjiga ima još tako superkomplikovanih duplikata, npr. lako je pomešati kralja Roberta Baratheona sa dečakom ometenim u razvoju po imenu Robert Arryn. Zato je u seriji taj drugi Robert postao Robin...
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Ja se i dalje nadam da će se ispostaviti da je medicinska sestra u stvari Jayne Westerling, koju je Rob u knjizi priženio. Ako nije, nego je stvarno tamo neka random turistkinja iz Volantisa... to bi onda mnogo zakomplikovalo stvari vezane za glavnu radnju, ali pošto ne znam da li si čitala treću knjigu, neću da spojlujem.
Pa ne bi baš, premisa je koga nije, a ne koga je ženio. :happy:
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hm pa ja kao kontala ili će ga srediti Lanisterovci kao arhi-neprijatelja, ili pak oni Freyevi pošto nije oženio neku od njihovih kao što je obećao nego neku levšusuali ko zna

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@Roger: (Amelijo, ne viri! :mad: )

Svakako je bitno koga jeste ženio, jer se IIRC posle ispostavi da mu je Westerlingušu namestio Tywin lično, preko njene mame, a posle uredno ugovorio sve ostalo gde treba. Ako se u seriji ispostavi da je potpuno random encounter bio, onda su Lannisteri jednostavno imali abnormalno mnogo sreće.

Edited by Weenie Pooh
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Pa može da se ispostavi i da mu je ovu namestio Tywin, pazi koji bi to tek tvist bio, baš onako holivudsko-melodramatski. Inače, to i jeste poenta uvođenja ove ribe, da se malo unese romantike uz Roba, koji je po tom pitanju suvlji od ostalih bitnih likova, a greota, tak je mlad i lijep... Mislim da je to generalno bio dobar potez scenarista, za široke mase ako ništa drugo, još se malo vezujemo za Roba, vidimo kako se razvija kao lik i kao (melo)dramatska nit, što je idelan set up koji će obezbediti dodatnu težinu za znate već šta sledi.

Edited by Ariel
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  • 2 weeks later...
George R.R. Martin at Worldcon, and Vanessa Taylor talks season threeBy Ours is the Fury on September 4, 2012Filed Under: Media, PressAt Worldcon on Saturday, George R.R. Martin fielded several questions in a panel led by Maureen Ryan and Peter Sagal. The 70-minute long panel was recorded and a podcast of the discussion is now online. (An iTunes version is also available.) Maureen Ryan has an article at the Huffington Post detailing the podcast and providing additional info.The panel covers a multitude of topics. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Regarding Mance Rayder, Martin sees him as roughly the age equivalent of Qhorin Halfhand. He mentions that Mance has gray hair and is “not a young man,” and is happy with the casting of Ciarán Hinds. He’s also pleased with the casting of Diana Rigg as the Queen of Thorns and has fond memories of her in The Avengers.
  • Martin admits he doesn’t always have everything plotted and planned out ahead of time, referring to himself as a “much more of a gardener than an architect.” He confirms that he knows how the series will end, and what the fate of all the major characters will be.
  • The characters he is most at home writing are Tyrion and Arya.
  • When asked about the changing of the House of the Undying on the show, George says, “Sooner or later, they will have to deal with Rhaegar and Lyanna and the Mad King.” He acknowledges the practical aspects of the adaptation, and that showing prophecies may cause issues down the road if a character or part of a storyline has to be moved or changed. That isn’t an issue for George when writing a book but it is on a TV show.
  • He cites Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Gwendoline Christie, Conleth Hill, and “the kids” as being his favorite portrayals of his characters. He is very happy with the actors in general on the show.
  • The show did audition some younger actresses for the role of Margaery but Natalie Dormer was “fantastic,” and he loves the casting choice.
  • Martin acknowledges that Shae is very different than the character in the books and that initially he didn’t like the change much, but that in the second season he came to really like her.
  • He also says that Talisa is not the same character as Robb’s wife in the books, she is not the daughter of a Lannister bannerman, and she is not just a version of “Jeyne.” He is the one who suggested changing her name because Jeyne is not a Volantene name.

In other news, Game of Thrones writer Vanessa Taylor shared a few thoughts about season three in a podcast Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith.

I’ve actually been learning a particular lesson this season. My bosses seem to be becoming more visual storytellers. All of the episodes of the third season seem to open with a particularly cinematic opening. And they’re less about sort of clever dialogue and transition and more about these huge cinematic… um, you know, just the visuals of it all. And so I’m really learning a different way of writing from that. Because I think it’s quite subtle and I feel like, by contrast, the writing of the second season was a bit more conventional.

When asked about changes made in the adaptation from book to screen, Taylor says:

Well, according to George and Bryan Cogman, the other writer on the show other than myself and our bosses, it is never okay to deviate. But we have to for a couple of reasons. One, as you’ve said, there’s too many characters so we have to sort of condense. The other thing is that it’s not all produceable even with the budget we have, we’re really strained. And so I think the basic rule is we make it as close as we possible can but there are times when we just can’t.

Ours is the Fury: The podcast is great, full of interesting tidbits and stories, much more than I can summarize here. George is a funny guy. The Taylor podcast is intriguing, with the hint of more visual storytelling. I’m very amused by George and Cogman telling them it’s never okay to deviate.

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  • 2 weeks later...
@Roger: (Amelijo, ne viri! :mad: )

Svakako je bitno koga jeste ženio, jer se IIRC posle ispostavi da mu je Westerlingušu namestio Tywin lično, preko njene mame, a posle uredno ugovorio sve ostalo gde treba. Ako se u seriji ispostavi da je potpuno random encounter bio, onda su Lannisteri jednostavno imali abnormalno mnogo sreće.

Pa možda su sredili da mu je namjestio ovu, nekako drukčije. Što je falilo bookverziji, beats me.ION, snimanje u Dubrovniku kreće 27 setijembra.
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