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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Koja glupa silovana logika.Ako Robi ima želju i političku snagu da se riješi korisne budale Morgana, nebitno je i biti će koji je za to povod. Južna Afrika i ostali crni prijatelji koji su ga natjerali da s tim nereformiranim poluizlapjelim manijakom dijeli vlast su krivi ako se Morganu išta desi, a ne jebeni Wikileaks.

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Ma nece se nista desiti, iz prostog razloga sto je Mugabe u dilu sa Tsvangeraiem i sto je tesko zamisliti da ce ijedna od strana pokusati da prodrma status quo.Nego to djubre je opet neko iz Gardiana potpisao, izvesni James Richardson.

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Kolko puta treba ponoviti da u tom comment is free sekcionu pišu kojekakve etablirane šuše koji nisu ni novinari, ni redakcija nit vlasnici Guardiana. To je njihov jebeni Hyde park corner, vjerojatno ne puštaju unutra samo fašiste i sl.

James Richardson is a political and communications consultant. He served as the online communications manager for the Republican National Committee in the 2008 presidential contest and later directed the communications efforts for the committee's college GOP counterpart in 2009. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia and is account services director for Hynes Communications
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ankl sem se bas trudi

WikiLeaks said Saturday the Twitter accounts of four supporters had been subpoenaed in connection with an espionage investigation into the whistleblowing website led by a secret US grand jury. WikiLeaks, which began releasing 251,287 US diplomatic cables in November, added it had reason to believe Facebook and Google had also received court orders requesting details on users. "Today, the existence of a secret US government grand jury espionage investigation into Wikileaks was confirmed for the first time as a subpoena was brought into the public domain," WikiLeaks said in a statement. WikiLeaks said legal action taken by micro-blogging website Twitter "revealed that the US State Department has requested the private messages, contact information, IP addresses, and personal details of Julian Assange and three other individuals associated with WikiLeaks, in addition to WikiLeaks’ own account, which has 634,071 followers". It did not name the three other people, but Icelandic lawmaker Birgitta Jonsdottir said on her Twitter feed on Saturday US authorities had asked Twitter to submit her account details and personal information. "Just got this: Twitter has received legal process requesting information regarding your Twitter account in (relation to wikileaks)," the media freedom champion posted overnight. "The request for my tweet information is from the US department of justice." "The request for information from twitter is also for my personal information not just tweets," she said. Jonsdottir -- a close associate of WikiLeaks who in September suggested Julian Assange step aside as the site's spokesperson because of rape allegations against him -- said she discussed the request with Iceland's justice minister. "He is looking into the case of demands of DoJ (department of justice) wanting my twitter details," she posted shortly after 1100 GMT Saturday. She explained she had 10 days to stop the legal process and stressed the US Department of Justice, not Twitter, was to blame. WikiLeaks said Saturday it was "opposing the subpoena order and is currently taking action to instruct US lawyers". It urged Twitter to protect its users' private information and stressed that other than Assange, the three people whose accounts had been subpoenaed had never worked for the site. "Two were instrumental in helping WikiLeaks bring the Collateral Murder video -- which showed a US helicopter crew celebrating as they gunned down civilians -- into the public domain," WikiLeaks said. The April 2010 release of the classified video, which shows a US Apache helicopter strike in Baghdad that killed several people in 2007, helped push WikiLeaks into the global spotlight. The site has since angered the Pentagon by posting in July 2010 secret documents on the war in Afghanistan, followed in October by a massive leak of so-called "Iraq war logs". Its November release of US diplomatic cables has embarrassed governments worldwide and prompted many calls for WikiLeaks to face legal action. The site has also faced financial pressure when credit card giants Visa and Mastercard said they would stop facilitating donations to the website. "Having tried to silence WikiLeaks by pressuring Paypal, Visa and Mastercard to cut off funds, the US government is now intruding into the private lives of some of WikiLeaks most high-profile supporters," WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange said Saturday. Assange, the 39-year-old Australian who is the public face of WikiLeaks, is currently on bail in Britain facing extradition proceedings to Sweden on charges of sexual assault.
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i dodatak:

Documents obtained by AFP show a court order was sent to micro-blogging website Twitter by an Alexandria, Virginia, United States district court on December 14, 2010. The court document indicates "The United States of America" applied for the information. "The Court finds that the applicant has offered specific and articulable facts showing that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the records or other information sought are relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation," the document said. The document showed information has been requested on the Twitter accounts of "Julian Assange; Bradley Manning; Rop Gongrijp; Birgitta Jonsdottir for the time period November 1, 2009 to present". Another US district court document, dated January 5 and also from the Eastern district court of Virginia, showed a judge demanded the court order sent to Twitter be "unsealed", meaning "Twitter is authorized to disclose such Order" to its subscribers. Two days later, on Friday, Twitter sent Jonsdottir an email informing her that "Twitter has received legal process requesting information regarding your Twitter account". "Please be advised that Twitter will respond to this request in 10 days from the date of this notice unless we receive notice from you that a motion to quash the legal process has been filed or that this matter has been otherwise resolved," the email to Jonsdottir, a WikiLeaks supporter and Icelandic parliamentarian, read. "What Twitter did is that they actually fought this on behalf of their customers because this sort of information should really not be handed over, in particular because there is no criminal case here," Jonsdottir, who is also a media freedom advocate, told AFP Saturday.
so, ovde se moze zakljuciti da pokusavaju da kriskrosuju maninga sa ovo cetvoro preko ip aadresa ili cega god. sto je kurvinski, naravno, ali posto je sud u aleksandriji, to je i ocekivano. zanimljive su i vremenske odrednice, jer dokazuju ono sto je zulijenov idejni otac pricao: da je halabuka oko kablova hajpovana samo povod, jer je trebalo vremena da se ojaca vojna spijunska optuznica.i dojaja sto ce tviter da ispadne superheroj, ne onaj pirgavi dinzder kid.
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e sad je kucnuo cas da se brinem.dzejkob je odlucio da se vrati u ameriku, nadam se da ce tviter neko puniti kad sleti.

I'm heading to the airport from Reykjavik and expect to be in the US around 16:40 PST Monday afternoon. Perhaps everything will go smoothly.
takodje, ako neko zeli da volonterise za tor a vidim i da se traze placeni programeri/kompjuterasi.
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"There is a real risk he could be made subject to the death penalty"
sicknessIpak, nadam se najboljem, a to je da ce Uncle Sam obrstiti koje kilo mudetine, kako i prilici svakom bully-ju
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ako neko jos uvek misli da su nase estradne umetnice glupace koje citaju samo clanke o sebi u svetu i skandalu, neka sada postidjeno ustane pred jos jednom drustveno osvecenom drzacicom mikrofona

Pevačica Viki podržala Asanža i promenila ime u WikiPoznata folk pevačica Viki Miljković do te mere je oduševljena Džulijanom Asanžom, osnivačem sajta Vikiliks, da je odlučila da u znak podrške izvrši manju korekciju na svom umetničkom imenu, koje će se ubuduće pisati Wiki.- Džulijan je sjajan, bori se za mir u svetu, prkosi svima, prava muškračina! Uz sve to, veoma je zgodan, baš pravi dasa – istakla je Wiki u telefonskoj izjavi za Njuz. Pevačica je rekla da nije još uvek pročitala nijedan dokument koji je Vikiliks objavio, ali da joj je menadžer Sale rekao da je u većini spisa Amerika ispala „baš loša“, tako da je odlučila da izvši korekciju i u svom najvećem hitu.- Iz refrena pesme „Koka kola, Marlboro, Suzuki“, izbaciću Koka kolu i Marlboro, jer su oni simbol Amerike. Umesto toga pevaću „Kokta, Sinalko, Galoas, Suzuki“. Moji fanovi nemaju razloga da brinu, ritam će i dalje ostati isti, jedino će tekst biti pravičniji – rekla je Wiki.Da je njeno obožavanje Asanža više od „pokušaja da se spase karijera“, kako je to okarakterisala Dara Bubamara, govori i pesma o osnivaču Vikiliksa za koju je tekst Wiki lično napisala. Prema njenim rečima, prvobitni plan bio je da angažuje Marinu Tucaković, ali je od njega odustala kada je čuvena pesnikinja tražila dvostruko veći honorar jer je bilo teško pronaći reči koje će se rimovati sa Asanž, zbog čega je Wiki sela i sama napisala stihove. Džulijane sad si na slobodi,Nek te srce ka meni vodiTi držiš VikiliksDođi do mene na ljubavni miks!Wiki Liki sam ja, Vikiliks si tiUživajmo zajedno u ljubavi.- Jako mi se sviđa moje novo ime. Mislim da će postati hit među tinejdžerkama na Fejsbuku i u SMS porukama na Farmi – razdragano je zaključila Wiki.
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