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Poblesavicu ako samo jos 1 negde procitam da "nema niceg narocito znacajnog" u Wikileaks (ne mislim naravno na forum, nego drugde). U novim hepeninzima down under, 1 kabao je vrlo znacajna kritika vlade Aus. u pogledu politike prema tzv "ilegalnim emigrantima", u australijskom vernakularu poznatim kao "boat people" (inace, u ostalim vestima, danas se preko 20 tih nesrecnika udavilo u pokusaju da se domognu Australije). Naravno da je to ono sto mi svi znamo, i sto marginalne stranke (npr. zeleni) pricaju sve vreme, ali to je i poenta sa mnogim kablovima: ono sto ih cini znacajnim je da pokazuju da je to u stvari stav Stejt Dpt, a to je vec nesto sasvim, sasvim drugo... Nekome kao sto su Zeleni u Australiji je lako zapusiti usta (barem je to bilo ranije, pre nego sto su usli u vladu) kao nekakvim naduvanim hipicima i sl. Sad kada vidimo da iza tih prakticno istih stavova stoji SD, onda ce malo teze da se oni relegiraju u nekakva "hipi trabunjanja".---BTW. Sa istog linka 1 zanimljivost, kaze: "A cable obtained by WikiLeaks and provided exclusively to the Herald" - znaci, sad je australijski medij br. 2 (Fairfax, br. 1 je naravno Murdoch, tj. news corp.) zvanicno embedded u Wikileaks. Mislim da to posebno ovaj politicko/sudski progon WL i Assangea cini veoma veoma problematicnim. Da li oni imbecili sa americke fox desnice planiraju da "take out and shoot" i novinare vodecih medija?

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and the TIME's 2010 Person of the Year is


Bwahahahaha :lol:Zato što je izmislio Facebook ove godine? Ili zato što je ovekovečen u holivudskoj dramatizaciji? :0.6:“Facebook has merged with the social fabric of American life, and not just American but human life: nearly half of all Americans have a Facebook account, but 70% of Facebook users live outside the U.S.," said the Times article. "It's a permanent fact of our global social reality. We have entered the Facebook age, and Mark Zuckerberg is the man who brought us here.” :twak: Edited by Weenie Pooh
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time je otkrio time machine i vratio se u 2003.obrazlozenje je spektakularno.ali i people have spoken:

The man behind WikiLeaks has won the most votes in this year's Person of the Year poll.Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear. Julian Assange raked in 382,020 votes, giving him an easy first place. He was 148,383 votes over the silver medalist, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey.But Assange wasn't the winner in all aspects -- Lady Gaga trounced him on Facebook, receiving 65,417 "likes" on Facebook to Assange's 45,643. See the top 10 readers' choices below, and view the full poll here.1.Julian Assange2.Recep Tayyip Erdogan3.Lady Gaga4.Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert5.Glenn Beck6.Barack Obama7.Steve Jobs8.The Chilean Miners9.The Unemployed American10.Mark ZuckerbergRead more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/12/13/julian-assange-readers-choice-for-times-person-of-the-year-2010/#ixzz18Cnr1Pd7
jebesmisve ako ne osnujem neki facebookleaks pokret i unistim to bezumno cudoviste. Edited by luba
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nove diplomate stejt dipartmenta drugacije ce prenositi vazne informacije

The US government said Wednesday it will send US dance companies in 2012 to east and south central Asia as well as to the Middle East and Africa to act as American cultural ambassadors. "Tours are slated to fan out across the globe beginning in January 2012, when members of the selected US dance companies will perform and participate in educational outreach activities," the State Department said. The dancers whom the State Department described as "cultural diplomats" will conduct workshops, master classes, and stage and arts management sessions, it added. Trey McIntyre Project, a contemporary dance troupe based in Boise, Idaho, will tour in China, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Rennie Harris Puremovement, a hip-hop dance company based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will visit Egypt, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, and Jordan. Sean Curran Company, a contemporary dance company based in New York, New York, travel to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. Jazz Tap Ensemble, based in Los Angeles, California, will tour in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo, it said. The program will also involve an exchange where an international dance company will come to the United States "to share their culture as well as learn about American culture," the State Department said.
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and the TIME's 2010 Person of the Year is


To je lik sto je izmislio Fejsbuk ? Kakva retardirana mladoliderska njuska :isuse: Edited by DarkAttraktor
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sam sled likova dovoljno govori o novom tajmu. karzai?! al ajde, makar su uradili pricu, bzvz, da se ne plase goldmansaksovci dok pisu mejlove.obratite paznju na komentare, dok ih ne izbrisu

Mladi Srbin what a joke. I came here to see Julian Assange's "Time" photos and i find that FB dude who was nowhere to be seen during online voting. Does anyone read this censored website anyway? SHame on you bunch of censoring and brainwashed idiots.
Edited by luba
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Time didn't ignore Wikileaks because of political pressure. Time ignored Wikileaks because Wikileaks is doing the job that Time is supposed to be doing, and any attention paid to Wikileaks points up the fact that Time, and the rest of our traditional media, isn't doing it, instead opting to become the mouthpiece of official power, wealth, and privilege. Or, to look at it another way, it requires no political pressure for Time to do the will of the political elite and ignore Wikileaks: they consider 'doing the will of the political elite' to be their job, and have become astonishingly good at it....
mislim da bi i karikatura proroka muhameda imala vece sanse od asanza da osvane na naslovnici tajmsa.^_^
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