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jok.svedi prvo nisu, pa sad hoce da se zale

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will have to stay in prison after lawyers acting for Sweden said on Tuesday they would challenge bail granted earlier by a London court. Lawyer Gemma Lindfield told City of Westminster Magistrates' Court that Swedish prosecutors intended to challenge the bail order. The appeal is expected to take place within 48 hours. In a chaotic 30 minutes outside the court, Assange's lawyer Mark Stephens had earlier wrongly told reporters that Sweden would not appeal the granting of bail for the Australian who founded the whistleblowing website.
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jedan koji daje pare za kauciju
Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail.Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers, my domain names and anything else I can do to keep WikiLeaks alive and thriving as it continues its work to expose the crimes that were concocted in secret and carried out in our name and with our tax dollars.
i druga strana ne posustajehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d36xEvVnF2I&feature=player_embed
Speaking on the Fox Business show "Follow The Money" on Monday, Bob Beckel excoriated Assange for leaking the State Department cables that have roiled the world in the past week, and said that American special forces should kill him."A dead man can't leak stuff," Beckel said. "This guy's a traitor, he's treasonous, and he has broken every law of the United States. And I'm not for the death penalty, so...there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a bitch."
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Ja ne mogu da verujem da ove budaletine na Fox-u jos niko nije tuzio. Kao sto rece neko na komentarima - ti likovi se uopste ne razlikuju od nekih drugih likova povezanih sa Al Kaidom koji pozivaju na ubijanje.

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In the meantime, a U.S. federal grand jury is reportedly meeting to consider possible criminal charges against Assange. The grand jury has met secretly in Alexandria, Virginia, defense attorney Mark Stephens told Al Jazeera recently.
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Правда за господина с жутом краватом, он је бивши помоћник заменика министра вањских послова Јуесофеј.Иначе, то да се на Фоксу хејлује саудијски поглавар је за свако поштовање.

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Au, ovo sto se radi u Ameriki polako prelazi u homoristicki program (i to los). Pozivati javno na bilo cije smaknuce, pa to se ni kod nas ne radi tako kaubojski :isuse: Zao mi onog Meninga, valjda ce mu neko, nekako pomoci da se izbori sa ovim umobolnim ljudima :(

Edited by Mostly harmless
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However, strangely, he signs off his self-summary with the words "I am danger, achtung".
mislim da sam se zaljubila :Didem da mu pošaljem couch requestbtw, ako će već da se menja naslov topika, može da se promeni u wikileaks.org.rs, onako patriotski :)
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Џек Д. Рипер предузима мере

US Air Force starts blocking sites linked to WikileaksBans New York Times, Guardian, El Pais,Le Monde and Der Spiegel15 Dec 2010 08:06 | by Nick Farrell in Rome | posted in InternetUS Air Force starts blocking sites linked to Wikileaks -The US Air Force is so terrified of Wikileaks it is banning any newspaper or magazine that happens to publish material from the site.The New York Times, Guardian, El Pais, Le Monde and Der Spiegel have all been censored by the US Air Force and anyone who tries to view them get an "ACCESS DENIED. Internet Usage is Logged & Monitored" notice.The Wall Street Journal reports that the notice means that trying to read the Guardian or the New York Times could send airforce personnel to the glass house.The Air Force has confirmed that it has blocked more than 25 websites that contained the documents, originally obtained by the website Wikileaks and published starting late last month, in order to keep classified material off unclassified computer systems.Major Toni Tones (no really), a spokeswoman for Air Force Space Command, said that removing such material after it ends up on a computer could require "unnecessary time and resources.A New York Times spinner told the Journal that it was sad that the US Air Force has chosen not to allow its personnel access to the most important news, analysis and commentary.After all where are they going to read Apple press releases and stories about the next iPad if they are banned from reading the New York Times?The Guardian has big words in it, so we doubt it will be missed that much by US military personnel. We would not think there were many in the US military who can speak German and the vast majority would think that Berlin was somewhere in Utah.Apparently it is only the Air Force which has instituted the ban.The Army, Navy and Marines aren't blocking the sites, and the Defense Department hasn't told anyone to do so.The Office of the Secretary of Defense has issued guidance against visiting Wikileaks or downloading documents posted there, according to officials.
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