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and disclosed US fears that Europe will cave in to Serbian pressure to partition Kosovo
Pretila je Nemanjina motikom i kukom,drhtao je Vašington pred Jeremić Vukom cool.gif
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US fears that Europe will cave in to Serbian pressure to partition Kosovo
E jbt ... stvarno nema smisla :blink:Ustvari ... kad malo bolje razmislim ... ima rechenica smisla ... USA i tretira Evropu(ceo svet) kao nesposobnu. Edited by cedo
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И таквог ће народног хероја да пошаљу на биро рада због некакве "награде" неком кинеском криминалцу. Пу!

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ima li neke afere u regionu da u nju nije upletena Hypo grupa?
Ima li nekog kršćanstva u kojem nije involviran Isus?edit: konstatiram da je došlo do wikiproljeva West Balkana na Guardianu, let's wallow like pigs! Edited by Roger Sanchez
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President Boris Tadic and his office appear willing to follow our and the EU's advice and to quietly accept any outcome while moving Serbia toward EU integration, but are lacking a coordinated plan to do so.
In contrast, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, driven by personal interest in self promotion and a misperception of the domestic political landscape, is planning a new diplomatic offensive on Kosovo on the heels of any ICJ opinion.
To je to. Zbogom Sunđer Bobe. :cry: Edited by gotivac
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Tadic reportedly told Cooper that he recognized that there needed to be a degree of clarity and finality to any outcome, cognizant that the EU would be unwilling to accept another "Cyprus-like" state as a member. Ratkovic more explicitly told Cooper that while Belgrade would need to accept that it would not govern Kosovo again, Kosovo would have to come to the realization that it would not effectively be able to extend its governance north of the Ibar river. Tadic reiterated to Cooper that ultimately Serbia's post ICJ strategy was being developed to avoid Serbia being a problem to its international partners but where its "concerns were taken care of."
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Grok, grok ...

15. (C ) As Tadic's foreign policy advisor, Ratkovic's comments come closest to reflecting the President's views and vision on issues across the spectrum. His decision to visit Washington next week, under clear instruction, to outline Tadic's thinking in a low-key manner on a post-ICJ way forward is a constructive step and may provide an important opportunity to influence Belgrade's strategy. In a meeting with the UK ambassador (please protect) earlier this week, Ratkovic outlined the following ideas that likely reflect current thinking: Option A: some understanding of a bigger Serbian role in the north and over five monasteries in the south, in which case Belgrade would "accept" but not recognizeBELGRADE 00000025 005 OF 005Kosovo; Option B: Partition; Option C: Serbia chooses between Kosovo or the EU. Option A (i.e, finding a way to define Serbia's special interests in the north and with the status of some churches in the south) most likely reflects the ideas that Belgrade is most interested in exploring. While Serbia's lack of a commitment to recognize Kosovo will remain an EU stumbling in the long-term, Ratkovic's overture next week may provide an initial first step toward defining a more realistic modus vivendi, which we have been encouraging the Serbs to explore.16. © Ratkovic understands that the ideas he outlines next week will only provide a basis for discussion, with the expectation, of course, of much more work to follow. Nevertheless, we are encouraged by what appears to be a growing recognition of both the strategic and tactical importance of opening channels for a post-ICJ dialogue sooner rather than later, and the need to manage next steps in a way that does not undermine other key Belgrade objectives, above all eventual EU accession. FM Jeremic's visit to Washington the week of February 22 and DAS Jones's travel to the region the same week will provide important follow-on opportunities for continued engagement on the way ahead.
Ali mora se priznati i da smo mnogo fini i zabrinuti ... gotovo na liniji Miloshevica na zapadu bivshe zemlje ...
Serbia is more worried about Macedonia's future than Bosnia's, Ratkovic said. It is not clear how a country composed of two completely different ethnic groups with no common language or religion can hold together, he commented, particularly with the ethnic Albanian population growing at such as rate that it will equal the Slavic population in 20 years. Ratkovic said that President Tadic was talking to both Greece and Macedonia about the name issue in hopes of unblocking Macedonia's path to both the EU and NATO.
Ma, ceo je super ... Edited by cedo
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