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"Treba prvo počistiti pred svojim vratima. Vraćam loptu našim američkim kolegama", poručio je Putin.
putin lepo naučio dobitnu frazu naših suočavatelja :lol:čak je i kreativan, u originalu je dvorište. Edited by Gonzo
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Hicens se najbolje drzi kad je borba protiv religija u pitanju i tu je i najpotrebniji.
beskrupulozni megalomanijak s političkom agendom <_< Edited by Gonzo
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auu, mnogi progresivac će flipnuti od tolikih kontradiktornih signala.
ako nisu flipnuli kada je podrzao okupaciju iraka nece ni sada.
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auu, mnogi progresivac će flipnuti od tolikih kontradiktornih signala.
vala da znas. posle bogoljuba i ovoga, ne mogu da docekam petak 9.30.al ludilo je hic, mislim, je, sta sad se on kurci, evo ja sam u knjizi objavio kabl iz irana kad se ovaj nije ni rodio, a vi niste ni znali sta su to kablovi...jebesga, mora covek da ga voli zbog takvog maestralnog narcizma.
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Ви читате тог странца? Зашто је његово мишљење толико важно да га се цитира овде?
hella, jedini covek koji pise i govori jezikom jedinog pravog vuka.
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In his fantasies he is probably some kind of guerrilla warrior, but in the real world he is a middle man and peddler who resents the civilization that nurtured him
Ah, ta civilizacija... spoken like a true imperial scumbag Brit.
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Počelo je curiti o đeneralu.Žutokrati cinkare baćušku. :isuse:

5. © Vuk Jeremic and his team at the Foreign Ministry take a different approach, however. They appear unwilling to fully commit themselves rhetorically or on a policy level to the EU course, and cling to Russia, China, and the Non-Alignment Movement as counterweights or alternatives to the EU. Following from that logic, they see every positive interaction with Moscow as a blow to Washington, and even attempted to leverage the Medvedev visit to lobby for a meeting for FM Jeremic with the Secretary. Political Director Borko Stefanovic's August 25 description to us of plans for an elaborate Medvedev visit was emblematic: he and possibly Jeremic would travel to Moscow in advance of the visit to coordinate messaging; Medvedev would address Parliament, becoming the first head of state to do so; and the anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade would be used to highlight Serbia's proud anti-fascist history.
Vuče, crni Vuče.. angry.gif
9. (S) Russia has not been forthcoming on Serbia's requests for assistance in locating Hague indictee Ratko Mladic, presidential advisor Miki Rakic told us on August 25. Rakic said he believed based on Mladic's profile that the former Bosnian Serb military commander was likely hiding in Serbia, possibly with assistance from foreign sources. Asking that the information "remain at this table," Rakic told us that he had posed a series of questions about specific contacts between Mladic associates and Russian diplomats, as well as phone calls and trips to Russia by Mladic associates, to FSB Director Aleksandr Bortnikov in June, to Russian National Security Advisor Nikolay Patrushev in July, and most recently to Presidential Administration Chief of Staff Vladislav Surkov. If the Russians did not respond before Medvedev's visit, Rakic said, Tadic would raise the issue himself.
Izašlo sa stola zbog zlog Đulijana.
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Hicens se najbolje drzi kad je borba protiv religija u pitanju i tu je i najpotrebniji. Ostalo je manje bitno! -_-
Neko ostri pero protiv religije u 2000-im ? Teska progresiva, nema sta. :)
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