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whistleblowers: wikileaks, snowden i...


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Nego, jel' neko preuzeo odgovornost za napade na WikiLeaks sajtove? Siguran sam da i njih predano ganjaju FBI & Interpol, kao i ove anonimne klince iz maminog podruma...Ozbiljno, zanima me zvanično objašnjenje - šta obara WL servere? Spontani gnev ugroženog naroda američkog? Ahmed & Nedžad? Weather balloons?
pancic? gorcin? eraser?^_^
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The Guardian can report that Julian Assange met his team of lawyers at Wandsworth prison this afternoon. His solicitor, Mark Stephens, said he was "quite chipper, he seemed to be bearing up". Assange was wearing a grey prison tracksuit because he did not have three of his own outfits, a requirement for prisoners to wear their own clothes.Assange, who is being held in a single cell in the prison's segregation unit, complained about the daytime television, Stephens said: "he doesn't have access to a computer, even without an internet connection, or to writing material. He's got some files but doesn't have any paper to write on and put in them."Stephens was accompanied by Jennifer Robinson, another solicitor, and his barrister Geoffrey Robertson. They discussed Assange's case ahead of a second appearance at Westminster magistrates court next week. Stephens said Assange was concerned that "people have unjustly accused WikiLeaks of inspiring cyber attacks and they have in no way inspired cyberattacks."
Edited by morgana
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"Press freedom is priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard."
"There are Some Things Money Can't Buy. For Everything Else, there's HTTP Error 408: Request Timeout".
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nisam pratio, te oprostite ako sam propustio, al jel bio ovaj kabal za mladića? http://www.nytimes.c...q=mladic&st=cse

Some diplomats fumed that the United States had turned its back on the manhunt. Others suspected a murky game in which Russian diplomats were aiding Mr. Mladic while Serbian intelligence officials were brokering information about fugitives for private gain. A Spanish diplomat — whose country vigorously backs Serbia — laid out the situation in blunt terms: the government “knows perfectly where Mladic is.”
šta prijatelj može da ti priredi, niko ne može <_<a đe nam je koštunjica i ekipa? ne čuju se od kad je krenulo curijeti..
The cable traffic laid bare those suspicions. American diplomats reported to Washington that a close advisor of the then-deputy prime minister, Ivica Dacic, disclosed that Rade Bulatovic, then the head of BIA, the state intelligence agency, knew where another accused war crimes suspect, Radovan Karadzic, was hiding six months before his capture in 2008. “He did not act,” according to the cable, “because of prime minister Kostunica’s ideological kinship with Karadzic and a lack of international pressure.”
Edited by Gonzo
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interesantno.http://zunguzungu.wordpress.com/2010/11/29/julian-assange-and-the-computer-conspiracy-%E2%80%9Cto-destroy-this-invisible-government%E2%80%9D/“To radically shift regime behavior we must think clearly and boldly for if we have learned anything, it is that regimes do not want to be changed. We must think beyond those who have gone before us, and discover technological changes that embolden us with ways to act in which our forebears could not. Firstly we must understand what aspect of government or neocorporatist behavior we wish to change or remove. Secondly we must develop a way of thinking about this behavior that is strong enough carry us through the mire of politically distorted language, and into a position of clarity. Finally must use these insights to inspire within us and others a course of ennobling, and effective action.”Julian Assange, “State and Terrorist Conspiracies”

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zanimljiv tekst i bas je skroz totalno kul sto je pisan hakerskim jezikomno pogresno racuna da politicka elita (i diplomatska komunikacija) nije sposobna da se sustinski prilagodi novim izazovima iz okruzenja(a ni mediji nisu nesposobni da apsorbuju novotarije. zato i imamo komentare citalaca i blogove na skoro svakom sajtu. dobro, ne i kod teofila pancica.)za svakog upravljaca nekim sistemom potpuna transparentnost je distopija. zanimljivo bi bilo vidjeti drustvo u stalnoj debati. mora da bi bilo efikasno :D.no, to je teorijski koncept o kome nije ni bitno raspravljati.a povecanje transparentnosti u nekom omjeru je ok, naravnosto se mene tice, javnost treba da zna vise, glupost je da treba da zna sve, a i da nije glupost - nemoguce je, bice zanimljivo gledati kako USA pravi pr strategiju u vezi asanza kad se sroci optuznica (ako je budu srocili) i kako se mijenjaju zakonska rjesenja u vezi tajnih podataka i interneta, kao i kako javnost donekle usporeno reaguje u vezi sa svim sto nema veze sa lebom i na leba, sto nije ni cudno neposredno poslije ekonomske krize (koja za neke nije ni prosla), a bogami nije cudno ni bilo kad.na vikiliksu nista za nas sa oboda srpstva, steta.

Edited by morgana
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